Why are Chads so much nicer than robots and incels?
Why are Chads so much nicer than robots and incels?
big chad personality
chads try
they've received enough kindness to share some
they are not genuinely nice, they just act like it because they feel showing they are kind increases their status
Unlike us, some people have been treated nicely all their lives and haven't been reduced to an angry, bitter mess
>confusing Chad with Brad
Chads and Robots are natural allies
If I had to pin it to a single attribute, it would be that Chads are far more emotionally resilient. They can be rejected or abused but still maintain compassion for others and self respect. Robots are emotionally fragile, their self esteem flies to pieces at the first bump in the road, their compassion withers away to nothing in the face of adversity. In some cases, you could say incels and robots did not have much of either of these things in the first place (due to abusive or neglected upbringing or just due to being really shitty people), so it is not a wonder they do not handle failure or conflict very well. Inability to recover from failure leads to a downward spiral of negativity, which causes more failures and avoidance of new opportunities (i.e. failing by default).
Self respect is, I think, totally alien to most people on this board. I see most people on Jow Forums equating their self worth with their status or their looks, they have no concept of a self beyond how they are perceived by others, they are completely hollow. It's not a wonder they cannot find girlfriends when they think this way.
This. Chad's life has been easy, at least in the sense of internal existence. His sense of self is solid and positive, and he radiates this like a star to all of those caught in his gravity.
Because they eventually do find success. And rejection is not accompanied by ridicule and bullying. Fuck yourself, I didn't even read past that, you are too dense to be taken seriously.
nope chads are bullies and many of the bullies got the girls.
ive had chad friends before, they already have social status so dont care about trying to one up people for status, like you said its usually the brads who are cunts
Most Chads are nice for reasons due to . Robotlike people are usually the most insufferable and are here for a reason.
>Chads and Robots are natural allies
omfg! so true anons
Chads are usually good people, unlike robots
Chad here, I'll explain:
>when I walk down the street, girls stare at me and make comments about my attractiveness
>I am very intelligent, I do well in school and have a great social life
>I have hobbies that I love
>I very easily can 'get' women, although I don't care about actually getting with them. I've only been with about a dozen girls but I prefer to have a little harem of girls dance around me competing hoping I will choose one of them to be my gf
All of this stuff makes it really easy to become egotistical, BUT if I understand it's literally none of my own doing, then it's incredibly humbling. I didn't choose to be attractive. I didn't choose to be intelligent. These things were handed to me by genetics the Universe or God or any other higher force, and so I spent my time trying to get to know as many people as I could, and what I've found is that most people are genuinely good people, who truly do things because they think it's actually good for the world. When people act in evil ways, it's usually just a very human response to perceived wrongdoing. Even the people on this board, who are incredibly disgusting in their ideologies, are only lashing out - that's really obvious, especially with all those threads about "mommy" gf's and shit. You all just want motherly affection from a girl, to feel genuinely loved and desired and nurtured by a non-relative female. It's obvious where all this comes from, and there's nothing wrong with it. So that's why "chads" are nice - it's easier for us because we've been dealt a better hand.
The thing is though, that doesn't entitle you to women. You need to understand that, and I think some of you dont. However, if you work on yourselves, really try, you can make it, bros. It's not a meme, you need to just understand your limits and maximize. ALL of you can find a nice girl to build a life with if you work at it.
the fuck is a brad? I got called a brad but I stoop up to robots that got bullied by chads.
They aren't. Their normal in terms of kindness. Attractive people just seem to appear nicer. I read it in a study, but ill have to find it again
it's called the halo effect dumb fuck
Halo effect.
In short, they're general attractiveness (even to heterosexual men) gives you a good first impression of them. And having good first impressions of somebody makes you interpret their actions much more positively, even if they're doing something shitty.
>Because they eventually do find success
how do you even define success? i still have compassion for others and self-respect, i've been rejected and abused. some of you would probably call me a normie/potential chad if i wasn't 5'6" manlet status; i have a decent first job, a degree (from a top uni), 25 years old.
'success' could just be being able to obtain resources to take care of yourself, and also be happy in the process. there's a lot of things worth being pissed off about until they are fixed, i guess
>rejection is not accompanied by ridicule and bullying
could be. but why does it matter unless other people treat you differently now because of that? and if they do, you might just have to move somewhere else; even the other side of town might be enough
Brad is the typical jock that cares more about his image than how he treats others
yeah not jock so I am a cyborg I guess and I don't like to see people get bullied not even women but I do wish them to leave from this place.
Smell that? It reeks of filthy norms. Do you smell it user? It's coming from your post. Smells like filthy norm. Filthy filthy norm.
Yes this is the mentality I talk about. You are a shallow person with no personality, you believe success precedes self respect and react with hostility and confusion when confront with the possibility that it is your own bad attitude that is limiting yourself.
not really. i got into that uni with scholarships because i got good grades in high school, even without a gf. still no gf and i'm 25. i'd rather wait until i have wizard powers until i give up completely, honestly
if you're NEET, have you tried going to the gym and/or anabolic steroids? even some SARMs can be purchased for $50, you'd spend more on food if you actually lift weights
I just wanted to tell everyone here that if you make yourself a beautiful person you can take solace in your own company. You don't need to lift, have tons of hobbies, give up your vices, work more on your appearance, or eat healthier. You just simply have to desire the things that are good for everyone and appreciate beauty in whatever way you can experience it. Wholly love everything (including yourself) and you will find life enjoyable. It's not hard when you look to the silver linings, and there are always silver linings. Always.
I do lift buddy. The only thing more ridiculous than me are the actual turbo manlets in the gym that think their width will ever compensate for their height. I'm not unaware. Whatever, you are too dense even with your shitty quality school and what not. Stop replying to me and do your programming homework nerd.
>have tons of hobbies, give up your vices
virtually all 'hobbies' are uninteresting. or it requires too much money; basically my own house.
Because they aren't bitter spergs with a chip on their shoulders.
Because they're not bitter.
I'm telling you you do not need to do that.