Honestly, would you date a qt with mental illness?
Honestly, would you date a qt with mental illness?
If she's aware of her problems and willing to work on them, yeah, as long as she isn't too crazy though.
You mean shes awkward and likes alt right bullshit? Sure
She's depressed? No she probably fucked tons of guys maybe even a black
Bipolar or borderline? She'll try to ruin your life
im already online dating a 5/10 yandere dom girl with bipolar disorder and heart problems because deep down i know that as a sub its the best ill get
so yeah
yeah but i have three parameters
>100% loyal (no other friends)
>wants to work on stuff (hydroponics,game design,art,black metal,)
>will work out HIIT and cut down to 10% bf
(i am at 6%)
I already am 8)
Id date any girl that would give me a second glance.
you dont sound very trve. faggot
where to meet such gorl?
I dated a crazy qt smart gf for the better part of a decade. It always amazes me how many times our dynamic changed over the years. It was like experiencing 3 or 4 different relationships with one person.
what do you look like? i might glance
Depends what kind of illness and how severe.
I would prefer a girl with a mental illness over one without one.
Why so? More relatable?
>Bipolar or borderline? She'll try to ruin your life
Why in the world anons say that?
Women can't cut to 10% and you're not at 6%. You're a fucking moron
Not op, but an autistic girl would be very adorable and logical, less motional as well. Also chads would probably not like her as much. So if she's qt, an autistic girl would be the best.
what is anorexia? i say this because she might be infertile that way. i refuse to reproduce because im mulatto.
who is this aspie goddess?
Not exactly, user. I'm a girl with mild autism. I fuck up even the simplest things, and while I'm not usually emotional, I may cry over something stupid every once in awhile.
As long she doesn't cheat on me, try to kill me or herself; yes.
Im FtM trans and look like a fucking lesbian with a light mustache. In other words as repulsive as possible
That's what I'm there for. To be you're rock and guide. I just need a shoulder to lean and be held at times. To be shown as much love as I give. I can handle the rest.
man you've totally turned yourself into a piece of shit
look at yourself making this post and you'll be that i'm right. you're pure trash in this world my friend
i like her. she's better than just about everybody in this thread. i don't even watch her videos at all and it's so obvious
im assburg and would date a girl with assburg
I get hundreds of glances, its a long way from dating
That's honestly adorable. I'm used to being shunned by men and women alike
Agreed, be self aware of your problems and just be loyal.
You're among other broken people. Would make sense people like us would only understand each other.
Why would you do that to your body?
Her name is katharina, she make gun videos on youtube.
Hey man not all of us Bipolar shits are that bad.
I take my meds and get the proper help needed and I don't ruin anyones life.
I am not happy in a relationship unless the bitch is batshit crazy. Gotta be faithful though. That is my limit.
I did but the bitch turned me down for a homeless native guy that was more than twice her age.
You would be happier if you spent the same amount of time loving your default self as you did taking hormones.
>that blank stare
You should seek mental help. Changing your gender won't solve anything and is immoral.
It's really cute when she goes full autistic and start studying mundane things.
know a few people who did.
Trust me user no matter how horny you are
NEVER, EVER Date one of them.
seen these crazy bitches try to run over there boyfriends , call the cops on there bf and make up shit that they were beating on them, they will break your stuff.
that's just the tip of the iceberg
I'd rather run a van over 20 people than date anyone with a mental illness desu.
Depends on the mental illness. If it's social anxiety or depression then it's doable. If she's schizophrenic or bi polar then no she'd murder me.
I would date any girl who wanted to be loved and give such love back. I just want to shower a girl with all the affection I have, and I would be accepting of any fault they may have.
Kek, I bet you wouldn't because you would be a coward
what are you talking about, and what do you mean by me being a "coward?"
I dont follow
You are pro dating mental illness and think those that are not, are trash?
>I just want to shower a girl with all the affection I have, and I would be accepting of any fault they may have.
You are going to get cheated on with this mentality.
He probably had swag tho
How so? I guess I should specify I meant more so the r9k tier faults. Obviously no one wants to date a cheater, and a history of cheating means it will happen again.
That's a bit cynical famalam. Who hurt you?
I've dated a bunch of girls who admitted they fell for me because I'm an asshole. I think I've fake broken up with most of my girlfriends just to make them cry. When we fight and they cry I legit get a hard-on. After years together and I fall in love with them they always become disinterested. You need to be an asshole at least 30% of the time otherwise they will turn on you.
You don't need to be an asshole, you want to be an asshole. I'm sorry you've been trained to be this way
That sounds like pua type advice. I don't want to be an asshole to anyone. Plus, I've had girls approach me irl and give me their numbers or start talking to me, but every single time, I realize it's because they want to use me. The only time they talk to me is when they want some sort of help, they get dropped immediately and start ignoring them/acting cold, or I straight tell them to leave me alone. I have no friends, and this has gotten me nowhere, but at least I don't get used. Being an asshole might work for some, but I don't want that.
I have Asperger's and I'm pretty fucking awful. Be careful what you wish for.
To be fair I just visited a psychiatrist today and went through a process to received a diagnosis before therapy and treatment. I overheard my mother talking to them. Looks like they're considering cluster B personality disorders, anorexia, and avoidant or dependent personality disorder.
>tfw no qt 3.14 /out/ and Jow Forums gf
And when was the last time you had a relationship or are you a roast?
It's not advice I'm just stating facts although it doesn't seem like being a nice guy is working out for you. My previous girlfriend admitted after I broke up with her that my being an asshole to her made my approval the only thing she ever wanted. Instead of having people try to use you why don't you have them crave your approval instead?
This. I also do not really see another alternative for my condition
I will probably harm a normie girl but I would never do it to someone like me
I dated a girl with Bipolar 1 for roughly four years. It was a wild ride but she was the sweetest person I've ever met. Unfortunately she committed suicide and I've been scarred since. I wouldn't want to be hurt again.
I mean, I'm not really a nice guy to anyone, per se, I'm just a neutral guy. I don't really talk and it's hard for me to show emotion if I'm uncomfortable, which is most of them time. I'd like to have someone that I can show my emotions to though. No idea how to make girls crave my approval, I do have some guys seeking my approval though, but that just may be because of the power position I've been put in.
>tfw every girl I've dated has been mentally ill
shit wears on you after a while
>I'd like to have someone that I can show my emotions to though
You want friends. At one point I developed social anxiety out of nowhere. I couldn't go and see friends without having to drink a bunch beforehand to chill, I'd have panic attacks when I got texts, I'd start shaking if I had to go to work, I refused to talk on the phone, etc. My girlfriend at the time proceeded to shit talk me behind my back about how lazy and whatever I was (because I avoided people and going to work) despite the fact that I was the only one working and paying the bills. Thankfully it went away as abruptly as it came on but these hoes ain't loyal. They're trash and will turn on you. Good male friends won't do that and friends are easier to come by than a girlfriend and you tend to be less invested in them.
Make no mistake: women are trash.
I mean, i can't really hug or cuddle a friend can? Make no mistake, physical touch and such plays a big part in things like that. It is true I would apprentice some friends, but how exactly does one make friends? Most people I interact with are really boring or make me feel really alienated; you know, the whole reeee normie reee even though I don't call people normie and I don't care what people do. I don't think I have social anxiety, because I find it pretty easy to interact with people and publicly speak, it's the intimacy that is difficult.
Oh fuck. No no no. No twitching people on the range. I am jumping behind the sand bags instantly if I see that.
I'm not exactly well adjusted myself, so w/e.
Yeah we sound like we're pretty similar in that regard. I don't like many people but when I find someone I do like it becomes really easy to be friends with them. Cuddling/hugging doesn't really do much for me when it comes to emotional issues, I prefer to vent. I also don't like being touched sometimes. Even though I'm a normie by Jow Forums standards I don't like normies either. There are levels to normaldom out here.
Jfc it's not cute she's one slip away from shooting someone
I don't generally like being touched either, but it is something I crave. It was never something I received growing up, so I'd enjoy it if it was somebody I was comfortable with. I can't really say I'd enjoy venting, but I do enjoy listening to other vent or just talking in general. I agree with the level of normaldom, I'm a normie to many here. I have a car, a job, and I'm in higher education, but I'm also a virgin who is over 20, and I haven't had friends since I was a child.
>I don't generally like being touched either, but it is something I crave
Yeah I get that, I crave it and sometimes enjoy it. I tend to go through phases where I'm incredibly cuddly and times where I really, really don't want to be touched.
>It was never something I received growing up
I was the opposite. Nothing sexual but just touched and fucked with way too much.
>I'm also a virgin who is over 20
Are you looking for someone?
Trans girl currently in a relationship. Call me a degenerate, or whatever
I do and have. Just know you're signing yourself up to heartbreak. It's a possibility you have to accept for any realtionship since love means making yourself vulrable but unstable people tend to have particularly unstable relationships. Forever is something I hope and strive for but it's not expected let alone guaranteed. You need to take comfort and companionship when and where you find it for however long it lasts. The fact that it ends doesn't diminish it's meaning so long as your tried to make it work and it ending eventually wasn't part of what you wanted from the outset.
Yes, I am. Also, it's not really an issue for me, I just mentioned it since that's a sign of not being a normie on here, usually. I can't really say I've ever had a oneitis, but the girls I've gotten along best with have all been from r9k. As far as getting fucked with, I got fucked with a lot as a pre-teen, but it just built up to where I stopped caring and stood up for myself. It felt good, but it was the start of being socially ostracized by my peers.
>Trans girl
Opinion discarded.
I was never fucked with by peers except for a short time at the start of high school. Didn't last long though because I had made friends with one of the hardest cunts at school and when dickhead started on me and bro saw it he beat the shit out of this guy, like really badly. He's in jail now actually. I still stood up for myself but this guy was huge and I was a stick back then so there wasn't much I could do.
Why do you get along best with Jow Forums girls? I've only spoken to one girl from here and she was the biggest user and bullshitter. I've seen several anons talk about her and how they're in love with her and I have no idea how.
That's fair
I get you on that. One of the times I stood up for myself, I got my ass beat pretty badly, but I didn't mind because it pretty stopped after that. My eye got pretty fucked though, it was blood red for a while. I'm not sure, maybe they're just the ones that seem to "connect" with me best. I've only spoken to three or four over the years, and I don't have any horror stories like a lot of people on here have. I didn't actively seek them out though, so maybe that was the difference. There might have been some bullshit involved in there, but it was harmless if there was. I was never in a relationship or anything, and I never got used.
aslong as it isn't something that causes her to cheat etc mental illness is (almost) preferable to sanity these days
Did you ever speak to a Canadian girl from here?
Elaborate on her user
as much as i find it hot no, i probably wouldn't since i'm also severely mentally ill. both of us won't make it out alive
Tattoos. Teacher. Does drugs. I think she was from Ottawa or Toronto.
Not even them would date you, user.
I think i may know her
She did a line of coke on voice chat
no because I'll end up killing her
>tfw no qt3.14 WN militia GF to prepare for the race war with
Did she send you nudes?
Would a qt date me? The answer is no.
all women have some sort of mental illness, some are just more tolerable than others.
Nah. I left the vc before I could add her
Don't worry, you're not missing much
I'm the original user, I have spoken to Canadian girl from here, but doesn't like what you described at all.
What do you mean? The drugs or the tattoos?As this user said she's a cokehead.
She wasn't a teacher, she was some art student, didn't do drugs or have tattoos, at least from what she told me. Also, her hair color was different from what I can see in this picture
Probably a different Canadian girl then
My friend did this and married a very pretty but batshit insane woman. I gave at speech at their wedding and she was talking about how she wanted to have sex with different men and nagging him ON THEIR WEDDING DAY. If that's not a red flag I don't know what is.
We all knew she was nuts but never really confronted him about it. One day a few years later we were hanging out and after a few beers he had a meltdown saying how he never sleeps, she manipulates and degrades him, they fight everyday etc. I just wanted to say "dude we always thought she was crazy" but didn't obviously.
The strangest thing is he a brilliant guy- ph.D in physics and great job, stable, slow to anger etc. I wonder if she'll stab him before they get a divorce. I dunno. I don't talk to him that much anymore.
She's a good shot though and practice good safety. She doesn't spaz out, she only stops and contemplates.
So where do you find and start a conversation with a girl like that? I don't think I just have to go outside for that
>she was talking about how she wanted to have sex with different men and nagging him ON THEIR WEDDING DAY
what the fuck
Every girl is mentally ill.
Their mental development stops in their mid teens. Thought you knew this by now.
>tfw you finally witness another girl with autism and she dresses and acts exactly like you except with guns
i would only date a qt with mental illness
but mental illness is inherently not cute
Entirely false.