hahahaha epic meme, dude! i had a very good laugh
>hahahahaha epic meme, dude! i had a very good laugh.
>newfag confirmed
>he took it originlo
that's a nice DANK meem you posted over there op.
check mine
>man of shaddus
>can't determine ironic shitposting
>being this autistic
>retard confirmed
>it's more "pretending to hate Shadman even though I wank to his art" posts
>calling a robot autistic.
Sir, do you know where you are?
that isn't how greentext works. good try champ
I do. I'm a socially inept 21 year old khv. However I forget that there are actually people with autism on here who have difficulty deciphering simple things. I am taken aback every once in a while
Unironically this. He does too much stuff with just the asshole for my liking but about half his work doesn't even involve tounging anus.
I've never gotten a straight answer. What the fuck is wrong with this dude's voice?
He speaks slowly to make his vids longer.
Epic dude.
Thats an upboat.
The last thing you'd want in your Jow Forums's Jow Forums is someone's >Shadman but as it turns out that might be what you get.
Extra fungus please.
>>newfag confirmed
Well what do you know? We got ourselves a newfag
i cant tell who's baiting who now...
I don't get it
oh great another round of who's the redditor
How do I get girl feet lettuce on my burger? Is that on the menu or do i have to ask as a special request?
>05/01/18(Tue) 11:01:46 No. 45052538
Could you actually be any more retarded?
>The sinman
I actually legit fucking hate shad's art. But you're right, people just do the >shad meme since everyone else does. I know for a fact they have shit taste, and enjoy stuff thats just as bad if not worse.
t. poonigger newfag