Fembots, what's it feel like when a guy you're not attracted to confesses his feelings for you?
Fembots, what's it feel like when a guy you're not attracted to confesses his feelings for you?
how many times must it be explained that there is no such thing
a) I feel like I probably won't get another guy to like me in a really long time, so I have to wonder if I'm just wasting opportunities
b) I hate letting people down, and I'm letting him down
c) He might be one of those crazy psychos who shoots you in the face for rejecting him.
d) I don't really know what he sees in me and now it's a constant case of impostor syndrome simultaneously not actually being into him but also feeling like if I don't look as hot as I did when he asked me out then he's going to be disappointed in me,
Just really awkward. You're not going to say yes, but you don't want to hurt his feelings (too much)
Next time laugh at him and call him a pathetic manlet to see if he posts the conversation here.
I'm a malebot that fucked a fat fembot and was harassed because I didn't like it and didn't like her. Had to block her on everything.
>had sex
Why do you care about what a girl you're not going to get with thinks of you?
as a male it feels awkward
>tfw I have a thick ass gays go crazy for
>tfw it feels awkward telling them am straight
I don't know, it hasn't happened before. If it did I would probably either have no response or think of something mean. I have aspergers so I don't think I would be great about it. I don't think I would be awful though.
The only time it's happened to me was in fifth grade and it still haunts me.
i don't think this has ever happened to me
probably only 1 guy in my life has confessed his feelings to me and they were reciprocated
>implying I've ever been attracted to a guy
>implying a guy has ever confessed to me
>implying I feel
i wish someone would confess their feelings for me
my first instinct is to hate them
Are you serious? why? That's pretty fucked up and dumb desu
It's like being a newly hired security guard catch someone steal something precious and you are tasked to transport them to jail for it.
You feel guilty for him and the atmosphere gets increasingly awkward with every minute you spend with him.
A rejection is essentially one way to make someone feel trapped within their own feelings. I would say 'emotional imprisonment', but that sounds too on-the-nose for the thread.
i can't deny that. i think it's because of my low self esteem. as soon as someone shows romantic interest in me i feel disgusted
You gotta stop hating yourself. Just b urself
thanks for the advice i love myself now
i assume you mean irl
i have no clue since i'm an ugly goblin
Not her but this is common sense, isn't it? Some random unattractive guy has just come up to you and put you in the uncomfortable position of having to turn him down and ruin his day/life. He's forcing you to do an unpleasant thing so why would you think kindly of him?
you're now thinking of the person you want to confess their feelings to you
the one you had a slight thought of when you made that post
who is it? you should try a bit harder if you like them
i don't talk to anyone so i don't know what you're going on about
No, no one's talking about random dudes and there's no reason to hate someone for something like that. Your logic is very feminine (bad) are you a woman or a man?
This question only applies to nonrandom dudes? Wow, didn't notice that part.
Any guy that is nonrandom status would not be attracted to me, I am below average in every way, except for the number of things that are wrong with me.
This being said, being in male dominated spaces means I get confessed to by random dudes occassionally, it's like being prison gay but instead of settling for the prettiest boy they settle for the 1 girl, fortunately for them I don't take advantage, even if you think that sounds hot, I mean more than sexually.
There's nothing wrong with my logic, you little incel faggot. You're just such a brainlet that you're incapable of imagining what the experience of being asked out is like for the other party.
And if it's not a random person then it's even worse and more uncomfortable. I'm no Chad but I have been asked out by plenty of girls, plenty of them unattractive. Many of them were coworkers or friends of friends and people who I'd have to see daily for weeks or months to come. It's a really awkward spot for someone to put you in and there's rarely a good way to turn someone down in those situations without making every interaction with them afterwards really uncomfortable.
They all should have known that they had no chance, it's entirely their fault that I had to deal with this awkward shit every time I need to see or talk to them and yes, this is a legitimate reason to develop a dislike of someone. If they'd had the good sense to realize I had no interest in them then they would have kept their attraction a secret and saved us both the trouble of dealing with the rejection. I'm sorry you're so repulsive that you've never experienced this yourself but even a brainlet like yourself should be able to understand the logic behind it.
>put you in the uncomfortable position of having to turn him down
>. He's forcing you to do an unpleasant thing so
>me me me, all about me
Have you considered that is the only way he mets GFs? and arent you lucky you dont have to do that? You just have to sit pick and pick the good ones?
have you considered it is muc harder for him than you?
extremely awkward.
your logic is retarded. see here
you are literally comparing about being in the favorable position in socity
It is like telling a poor person "man it sucks inheriting so much money" "so much responsibility" "I wish I was starving like you so no one expected anything of me"
it is roostie selfish logic
Don't try to reason it out, user. Just don't ask women out and avoid the mess altogether. It's not worth it.
Have you considered that I'm not a woman and am explaining this same dynamic to you from the perspective of a guy having to turn down unattractive women?
>Have you considered that is the only way he mets GFs?
I thought were weren't talking about random guys? Are we moving those goalposts again? If we're talking about random guys then you can refer to my first post . If we're referring to nonrandom guys then they should have the good sense to realize whether there's a mutual attraction or not and if they make a move despite the attraction being obviously one-sided then they're all the more deserving of dislike.
Approaching and asking out random women is for creeps, losers and Chads and asking out women you know is something you should only ever do if you're at least 80% certain that they like you too. You honestly just sound like a hopeless autist who doesn't understand basic human interaction and decency and gets angry when he's told that his behavior is strange and awkard. How about you look at yourself honestly and fix your shit instead of getting mad at people telling you the truth?
There's nothing wrong with my logic. People are making me deal with uncomfortable social situations because they're incapable of realizing that I'm out of their league or simply not attracted to them. You might think that's unfair and that's fine but it doesn't invalidate anything that I've said. Someone asked why a person might develop negative feelings for an unattractive person who propositions them and since you guys are so brainwashed that you're incapable of listening to actual females without your kneejerk sour grapes bullshit popping up, I explained it to you as a man.
Look, it's like this: you can keep taking advice from your fellow losers and stay a loser the rest of your life or you can listen to successful people and maybe stand a chance of pulling yourself out of your misery. Your choice, homeboy.
I feel kinda guilty and wish I could like him back.
It feels bad if they get angry or defensive, especially after trying to turn them down in the nicest way possible.
I try really hard not to do or say suggestive things to guys and to keep boundaries clear, because so many girls string guys along for free rides/food/etc. and I don't want to be like that
I suck him dry metaphorically and move on~
>There's nothing wrong with my logic, you little incel faggot. You're just such a brainlet
I literally have a gf and am in grad school for mathematics lmao, nice sour grapes logic though brainlet.
>incapable of imagining what the experience of being asked out is like for the other party.
I've been asked out by girls and rejected them, and I don't hate them for it at all. There's no reason to, they put themselves out on a limb to ask someone on a date, the other person doesn't want to, that's it. Feeling "oh no they put me in an awkward spot POOR MEEE :(" is absolutely fucking pathetic.
Your post is peak faggotry, honestly kill yourself loser.
Props on you for not being an absolute opportunist.
Yeah setting boundaries is like a huge deal for me. You sometimes have to shout how much distance you need to guys though.
It depends, it is either flattering or annoying. It is annoying when they insist that you two have a special connection despite the fact that you barely know each other.
I don't know what you think you're gaining by this sad larping. We both know you're full of shit so what's the point?
But on the off chance that you're actually being honest (lol) then you have to consider what this shit is actually like. We're not talking about your life and the little confidence boost you got the 2-3 times girls have asked you out over the course of your entire life, we're talking about people who get propositioned every week, or even every day. It gets tiring. It's a chore. I'm just out trying to shop or buy groceries. I'm in the book store because I want something new to read, not so that I can be approached by people who think they've found their soulmate because they see an attractive person browsing the Sci-Fi section.
It's not fun at that point. It's not a confidence boost. I know that I'm attractive and desirable, I don't really care and I don't need it reinforced every fucking day. Even if you've never experienced this yourself, you would know what it's like if you had ever dated an attractive woman (guess your gf isn't). Guys approach them constantly, fucking endlessly, I've had guys straight walk up to me and my gf while we're walking together with our arms around each other and try to hit on her. It never stops and any attractive women was real fucking tired of it before she hit age 20.
Display some empathy son, god damn. You keep pretending like it's the other people lacking empathy but you consistently refuse to consider that it makes women very uncomfortable when you approach them and that maybe you're at fault here. Believe me: you are at fault here.
I love you desu originaree
If I were a female I'd be worried they'd try to fucking kill me, especially if they're a creep.
One of the many reasons I would never ever choose to live life as a woman. Guys are fucking crazy. I'd much rather be one of them.
You sound like an absolute pathetic sperg bro. "I'm attractive and desirable BUT NOT YOU YOU'RE LYING". I'm not, and you clearly are.
Have a good night, loser.
ma some years ago i'd date absolutely anyone who showed interest in me but now my emotions have been so numbed that if someone miraculously wanted to date me now i'd have to decline. i can't feel love anymore
If you were attractive and desirable then you would understand how annoying and tiring it is to have people hitting on you constantly.
Aye, I got close to that point. I hope you can still live somewhat happily.
"I probably won't get another guy to like me in a really long time" literal thot
i want to confess to her but i think she just wants to be friends........
> you can't go and ask out random people
> you can't ask out people you know unless you are sure they have a mutual attraction
How the fuck do I ask anyone out then?
>Display some empathy son, god damn.
No you.
Turning away men constantly is the female burden of the mating dance. Going up to women and making something out of nothing is the male half. Without dithering about which is harder, you should at least recognize that this is just your half to deal with and nobody cares that you don't like it. Maybe it's tough or unpleasant, so what? We all have parts of our life that we don't like but we have to deal with anyway, this is one of yours, shut up and deal.
Moreover, most people will hear your complaint and think of it as 1st world problems-type complaining. And I do mean most because not all women are attractive, and plenty of people in the world would love to have the "problem" of having lots of options delivered to them for little/no effort. And even further, plenty of people are willing to offer sympathy for your half on almost any social media platform you care to mention but nobody gives a shit if a man can't get anything going no matter how hard he tries because of the differing positions. Being the initiator means you want something and so you're seen as the "aggressor" trying to "get something," especially since aggressive male sexuality is demonized, and being the receiving end is seen as being a victim so there's infinite sympathy, even if in the absolute sense the aggressor is just as necessary as the receiver for any relationship to ever happen.
You ask out random people in the very specific areas where this behavior is expected and encouraged: bars and clubs. You don't do it in book stores and supermarkets.
You ask out people you know when you sense that there's a mutual attraction. If you don't sense a mutual attraction then why would you ask them out anyway? If you're too autistic to tell when a girl you know is into you then maybe you just need to stick to online dating or something because it should honestly be really easy to tell if a girl likes you or not.
I am a man. I have been explaining this dynamic from the male perspective the entire time. I deal with unwanted approaches regularly as an attractive man. You can either actually respond to the content of my posts or you can get ignored. Pretending that I'm a woman and responding to me as such is just outing you as either completely disingenuous or an utter brainlet. I guess you can pick which ones suits you better.
>They all should have known that they had no chance
>it's entirely their fault
>yes, this is a legitimate reason to develop a dislike of someone
>If they'd had the good sense to realize I had no interest in them then they would have kept their attraction a secret
Oh, woe is you. You know, if your mind does fire in all those fucking directions, instead of an instant "no," how about telling the guy to meet at a cafe or something and talk for a while, then make a decision?
guys who im not attracted to, but who are attracted to me, never do that. theyve never gone so far as to confess or ask me out, they just make me uncomfortable by following me around, asking questions (like what im doing this weekend, with no follow up) and generally staring. if they werent such pussies it wouldnt be so annoying.