You could always go out with an average "31 year old."
You could always go out with an average "31 year old."
More like 51 with a hell of a lot of cosmetic assistance, right? Fuck. Women go downhill FAST.
>More like 51
And tranny
that hoe looks like fucking Ron Pearlman
my god
After 35 or so it gets hilarious, the desperation.
its a trap
yo dude oregano
that shit is neither 31 or average. kill it with fire
That bitch is a god damn liar
>"31 year old."
Fucking hell. Roasties are delusional.
No way this isn't a guy. That jaw line is ridiculous
I'm 37, and every day I'm internally gloating about my looks. So many of my peers look like busted out trash cans, men and women. All the fucktards who spend their 20s drinking, partying, and doing drugs look like shit. Bad teeth, wrinkles, flabby flesh... They all look much older than they are.
Meanwhile, the quiet geeks like myself look fresh tight. Dating in my 30s has been a fucking dream.
Looks like a fugly trap and why do you even post that filth here? Saged.
29 here. I'm already seeing this. I've always been a light drinker, don't smoke, and have a pretty healthy diet since I don't have much of a sweet tooth. People my age and just a bit older, and some who are a bit younger, are starting to look haggard. It's weird. I almost feel bad for them. And the women my age arne't nearly as attractive as they were just a couple of years ago. I'm talking about women who I've know. On the other hand, the recent 22-23 year old college grad is looking as good as ever.
Tbh id fuck anything that moves at this point
Keep going, my man. Trust me.
Around 35, all the options just opened up for me. on OKcupid and tinder both. Mid 30s, got my hair and my teeth, not a super fat ass, know how to dress. It's like a tropical island to roasties who are drowning in the sea of bad decisions.
35 year old women don't get their predicament. 35 year old men don't date 35 year old women. They date 25 year old women. The mighty have fallen at that age without a husband and family.
even they have outrageous standards
>Dating in my 30s has been a fucking dream.
How do you do it? 31yo kv here
>31 and looks at best 51
If that's 31, I'm Elvis.
Fuck, I'm your age but balding. Guess I'll be a virgin forever.
I'm 31 and still get ID'd for booze in England, apparently I still look 17... and I kinda do.
I always wonder are these roasties are getting any matches? I lurk on tinder just to screencap the funny ones and I see tons of old single mother roasties while I'm on.
I'm 31, spent 14 - 31 drinking, smoking, fucking, taking most drugs, raving, gigs, parties... and I still look young as fuck.
Some people just have good genes.
My grandad was Ukrainian so most of my mum's side looks young as fuck... my sister is 28 and looks about 14.
I put my powers of autism to use. I did a bunch of research on the kinds of pictures and profiles women want. Then I made a fake female profile and researched the responses to figure out what NOT to do.
I made a profile as perfect as I could (I staged all the photos to make it look like I'm not a loser) and then played the numbers game. Send out a zillion messages. Talk to any burnt out ham planet who responds just to get confidence.
I went on dates with women I had no interest in talking to just to get practice. Learn the dance, learn the moves. Work my way up the ladder.
post pics of ur sister also give me her number
>share a bit of banter
I'll show you banter, you fat tranny bitch
I am 35 and bald, in good shape and have a good face even though i am a manlet, had a hot milf fuck me recently, said she was into bald guys. Just shave it all off and move on.
Nice work user
What kind of things did you find worked?
a man like you really should not limit his options like that
31 one my ass.
I'm older then that cunt and my mom looks younger then her.
You guys should see the 32 year old I'm talking to she Looks 25 and is a small little spinner with large breasts and she's a legit 8 I don't why she's talking to me
looks like duke nukem with a wig
Yeah. Just shave it off.
I'm balding pretty bad at 34. Not at all attractive either and only 5'10 but I somehow still manage to get laid about once ever 3-4 months by some desperate single mother
Can confirm 100%. I'm 35 and I would never consider dating a women anywhere near my age. I take good care of myself, I exercise regularly, I eat well, been doing it for years because I don't want to be a decrepit piece of shit once I get old. Side effect: all the self confidence and social ability I've developed over the years is backed up by healthy "older but not old" good looks.
My current gf is 22 years old and I sometimes see guys her age trying to hit on her and I find it completely hilarious that they think they have any ground to compete.
Talking to a 41 year old with 2 kids. She still has a banging body and is a legit 8 (or at least she was when she was younger).
Just finished sending me some pictures and videos of herself masturbating.
>single college student
Uh oh!
Still haven't gotten that far with mine yet sounds like you got the holy Grail
Think I would rather it was Ron Pearlman
If that's 31 then I'm going to win a cool million pounds on the lottery
Fuck I mite just buy a ticket just to prove it
I'm 31 and look 19. How does this happen?
>tfw busty 35 year old shortstack jewess
>never match with her
it isn't fair
>41 with 2 kids
>"banging body"
I understand that you guys are short on options and need to lower your standards and all but this level of self-delusion is fucking sad. Please stop.
Is it wrong to Jack it to pictures of a girl after the equivalent of 3 dates?
can you imagine how sad it is to lie about your age on a swipe dating app just to have a chance, knowing that you don't have a chance anymore, that you fucked up and it's permanent
You're 100% low test if you don't do it before the first.
For pictures? Find a facial hair that works for you and use it. Trim your beard and shave the edges. Get a nice haircut and get your eyebrows done. It counts.
Take pictures from a bit of a distance (not straight up). Don't stare at the camera, it scares women. Don't take selfies where the camera is pointed up at you; it's called the blowjob shot and it turns women off. Wear a nice shirt and take a picture of yourself doing a hobby. I took a picture of myself reading and got a ton of questions like, "What are you reading".
Don't write paragraphs about yourself, just some cogent points. Used full sentences, good grammar, and spell check everything. Avoid any of your strong opinions ("NO LIBRULS!" for example).
On dates, listen more than you talk. Ask open ended questions, maintain eye contact (but blink and look away now and then; don't stare them down), and nod in agreement. Smile, laugh, make some jokes.
This thread is painfully relevant to me. I''m 27 and alone as fuck...I should probably just give up, right?
Why are you alone? tons of lonely girls out there.
> "average"
not orginal
They chose their path, user.
I hope no one dates these useless whores. Teach them the lesson that they shouldn't have lived the highlife through their 20s and now they have to suffer through loneliness. It's only fair in my opinion, that if you spent your 20s being a slut then you should spend the rest of your life being a useless lonely ugly whore.
Here's a REAL redpill: while you spend your youth reading books about "stoicism", studying hard at college and gymcelling, CHAD spends his LITERALLY BANGING YOUR ONEITIS.
Easily the most absurd lie of Jow ForumsTheRedPill and other "manosphere" (fucking lmao) forums is how they've convinced themselves that men somehow peak in their 30s or 40s. LMFAO. Men, like women, peak at the age when they LOOK THE BEST, around 20 for men and 16 for women. THAT is the age when they have the perfect balance of hormone levels proportional to YOUTH. Take it from someone who knows, your delusions are BULLSHIT. LIFE DOES NOT GET BETTER IF YOU "WORK HARD", LMFAO.
SURE, when you're in your 30s women MAY seek you to fulfill a BETA PROVIDER ROLE, but that's because they KNOW YOU HAVE NO OTHER OPTIONS. Even at that age they STILL lust for Chad's RAW, VIRILE POWER. And believe me, with Tinder and the other apps these days? Even MIDDLE AGED HAGS can get their fix of low inhibition, good looking 20 year old bad boys. NO AMOUNT of WORK will give you HEIGHT, FACE or FRAME.
dude why are you typing like that
it's it obvious user?
>Jow ForumsTheRedPill
Nice to see teh autism worked out positively.
The only part I find tricky is the open ended questions but that has been better since picking up more hobbies.
>tfw see actually attractive tranny on tinder and actually hesitate before swiping left
What thr fuck did this site do to me?
>What thr fuck did this site do to me?
you were always a faggot, don't blame Jow Forums
i actually have sympathy for fast aging women
i look in my late 20s
im 20yo