The most beautiful and perfect woman int he history of mankind.
I love her.
The most beautiful and perfect woman int he history of mankind.
I love her.
Other urls found in this thread:
Ahahahahahha bahahahahahahaha gahahahahahahahahahah fucking cuck
yet she loves money more than anything and will never love you back. Also, she is not virgin and has taken lots of dicks. Let that sink in there for a minute in your head
Looks like her fucking dad.
Trust me. He's old enough to be her dad.
She's not even that hot.
I legit have no idea why you're all so fucking obsessed with her.
only if he had a kid at 17.
>Our national treasure is and all ways be pure
Mrs wHoran is not welcomed
Aggie is love Aggie is life
He's 35 she's 18, retard.
Kill yourself seymour
Just fucking stop it already with this nonsense. Mods should permaban anyone that posts Ciara
>my waifu has a bf and hes older than me REEEEEEEEEE
unless it's of age nudes
You kids need to learn your place, this is daddy's playtoy not youres.
She got fucked by tall asian chad man.
Women are not pure.
Mods should permaban a lot of people but they dont.
Why? Because this isn't reddit kiddo.
Goddamn, she's so damn tiny!
>hides chin AGAIN
God damn Ciara!
Imagine being her greatest orbiter. Hacking all her accounts. Doxx her. Follow her even on the most obscure of her accounts. And still not being the man she chooses for a real relationship.
you should be happy for her. this guy is a chad. he has a masters degree from a prestigious college, makes a ton of money, drives a fancy car, has his own house. he treats her great. she will be moving in with him soon. the parents have given their blessing
>this guy is a chad.
He's a "brad". Looks like a guy that sells meth.
>she will be moving in with him soon. the parents have given their blessing
She just wants a new base of operations, a steady cash flow, all without her parents noticing. She sees him as a ticket to freedom. She's gonna cheat and continue to scam. She's a psycho BPD.
Fuck off, orbiter. Maybe you'd enjoy reddit and discord better than Jow Forums
KEERA has a rockin bod but jesus christ does she have kid face. If she looked 22+ and was 18 it wouldnt even be a thing, but she abso-positively looks like she's his daughter and thats just weird
You're mistaken. Ciara wouldn't use a nice guy like him for that. She truly cares about him and loves him, that's why she is doing so much to protect him from Michael. He hasn't given her a cent.
She had an "undying" love for Jake, but that didn't stop her from cheating on him with like 5 guys.
Once a slut, always a slut. She's hyper-sexual, trashy, junkie sociopathic scammer.
You'd think after Chinposter mocked her endlessly for it, that she would stop covering the lower half of her face.
Doesn't help that she's small. We don't realize it, but she's only 5'2. In these pics we lack any context for her size. But now we have a full sized man beside her. Totally looks like her father.
hahaha he looks like Mark Dice
What's your problem? Give her the benefit of the doubt. She's an adult now and she has changed. She didn't cheat on her last bf.
I was just laughing in the pic and covering the food in my mouth ;__; You're the only ones that think it has to do with my chin.
Is it Jason Mazzerle?
>has changed.
She's been playing this "I've changed" routine for years man. She never changes. Always scamming. "Scamming is my life" is something she says now.
If she was just some wayward teen, whatever. Lots of teens have had criminal youths, but fixed themselves. But she has BPD and seems to have some kind of fixation or obsession with scamming.
Hard drugs aren't helping with the acne you wretched creature.
She's not claiming to have changed, she's showing it. The "scamming is my life" thing was a joke, you people take this all too seriously. I doubt she has done anything to personally hurt you, so you should stop obsessing over her.
I recognize your posts. Every night, you claim she has BPD when it's been proven that she hasn't been diagnosed. It's kind of weird. I know it's nice to be right, but you're not about this. Move on.
Ciara DOES cover her chin and lower face in pics a lot. I figured it's insecurity about chin acne. 3/4 of them have some kind of obstruction of the lower face.
Also Ciara's pics are all carefully chosen.
she told me that she is breaking out because of stress due to a stalker. because teenagers don't just get acne, right? it has to be hard drugs yep!
Keep coping, punk ass cuck.
yes, it is chin acne or her teeth. she is adamant that the size is fine.
Good comeback. Keep on diagnosing girls on the internet without even meeting them. It's a great way to spend your time.
She is so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute. Why does she have to be evil?
You're white knighting teenage girls on Jow Forums, your posts are obvious and there are many in this thread alone. Stop posting for a bit you loser.
Please come join our house of comfy /NuAyPD
That's got creepy written all over it. I'm still amazed she fell for his setup. Good for him, I guess.
She is my friend and I know she doesn't have BPD. I want to call out this autist know-it-all who every day, posts that he's sure she has BPD and won't change. He has obviously never really spoken to her.
Ciara's been scamming since at least 8. It's some kind of obsession with her. Other Borderlines are obsessive scammers and liars too.
That place she went to specalizes in borderlines. she posted on bpd sub-reddits. I'm not sure if she has an official diagnosis, but I remember her saying she has overlap or traits or something. I should save those posts but I never do.
Confirmed? I want some certainty before I start spamming
as someone who preys on damaged 17-year-olds to get his dick wet.
Oh, come on. Lots of kids scammed on virtual pet sites. It doesn't make you a psycho.
The place she went to, Timberline Knolls, specialises in eating disorders. I don't think there's many places that do specialise in BPD, especially for minors. Do your research or stop lying.
Yes, the dox pastebin was deleted, but that's his real name. Other anons will recreate and spread it soon.
Do you have a Discord so I can confirm it to you there?
Reminder that Michael Sosa posted it because he was mad that after grooming Ciara, she chose a superior man. It was a low blow, targeting his family too. Her boyfriend has done nothing wrong or illegal.
ciara is a whore
>Oh, come on. Lots of kids scammed on virtual pet sites. It doesn't make you a psycho.
It'd be one thing if it was just a one-off thing, but this is part of an established pattern for Ciara. She scams and scams and scams. Now, my thinking was that her scamming was related to her drug addictions. But this is a case of her scamming as a child long before drugs. And her scamming was often quite strange since she'd never deliever on goods, be they used panties, friendship bracelets, blankets, or cards.
She got labeled a scammer and outed from all the reddit communities. It's why she uses other people's pics now. Now if she had delievered, she'd make more money. So why not follow through? I think it's some psychology where she HAS to be a two faced scammer. Likely gives her a rush, and feeling superior to others. Her whole identity is built around this.
This is pretty close to child porn, dude.
She is not scamming anymore. Post proof.
Kek, is it even feasible for her to get the cucks off of her back at this point?
35 and already looks like her grandpa
I don't care about her, but I do feel for this guy. He falls for a cute cashier, does his best to get her to stop tripfagging, using curiouscat, and posting on a public instagram, yet people go after him when he's done nothing immoral or illegal. It's /b/ level shit.
Hello Seymour
you haven't been on sheep much
CIara is gone forever and took your money with her
idk what's gonna fix you
idk if you should be fixed
Wait, I see what you're saying now. Excuse this post .
Yes, she has ignored Michael Sosa for weeks yet he continues to threaten her boyfriend and his family.
>She is not scamming anymore. Post proof.
I literally saw her posting to Jow Forumssugardady like a month or two ago. She deleted the post soon after.
not really its an ass shot in underware, theres rumors that micheal distributed actual nudes of her but i dont know if thats true or not
samefag here aggie is the best female on this earth
A month or two ago... so she's not scammimg anymore, like I said. And other people have used her pics on there to fuck with her.
Stop it, Jason. "Falls for a cute cashier" is a whitewashed way of saying "tracks down and lies to a vulnerable 17-year-old he knew about from CP she posted on Jow Forums." You're as bad as Michael.
>A month or two ago... so she's not scammimg anymore,
Oh, like I need proof of her scamming from today? Ciara always claims to be clean and to have given up scamming and this always happened just a few months ago. And then when evidence is cited, she says she's been straight since then and there's no proof. But inevitably more proof comes up, and she says she was clean SINCE that time. And again and again. Like and endless cycle. The Occam's Razor approach is that she's lying and she's never stopped scamming or drug use.
She's gonna cover her scamming as much as possible of course, so not all of it's gonna come out.
>You're the only ones that think it has to do with my chin.
I'm too lazy to actually post pics because I refuse to save photos of a face as ugly as yours on my PC. But you're full of shit, as always, potato nigger. You cover your chin or puff out your cheeks to make your chin look smaller (or both) in at least two thirds of your photos.
You're going off rumors. A random user made up that he saw her on here and tracked her down. Michael probably said that, actually. Ciara knew her boyfriend for months before they started really talking.
You're just as bad as her, posting baseless rumors just because you think you know her from what people have posted anonymously on here. I have seen no signs of drug use from her in a long time.
Michael is the one that made up the rumor that he stalked her. It's called projection.
>A month or two ago... so she's not scammimg anymore, like I said
lolololololol. you play pretty fast and loose with the truth. maybe i'll start doing the same.
hey, that guy who forced his cock up sierra's ass hasn't raped anyone since 2016. so he's not a rapist.
She did to some pretty scummy shit. Remember when she pretend to slip and she showed her ass and feet.
I keep telling myself it was an accident. But deep down inside I know it wasn't an accident
I've seen pics of her mom. She's in her mid 40s and still has acne on her chin.
It's just shit genetics, basically. Eating a bad diet can definitely contribute, though. It's amazing how many people don't realize dairy can cause acne.
I didnt say she's not a scammer, I'm saying that she hasn't been scamming. Scamming pedophiles isn't nearly as bad as rape btw
She's 18 now.
The pic is 3 years old and is pretty sexual.
Just because the person in the picture is of legal age in the present day doesn't mean that it makes a child pornography legal
"Knew her boyfriend for months." And how did the first interaction happen? Are you as daft as Creeiiarah, where you believe it was just a random meeting? And how did that random meeting lead to a "relationship" months later? How does that work? It was a plan.
This is common sense. The idea that a mid-30s Jow Forums user met her by chance and pursued her without knowing her history is ridiculous. He saw her insecurity and emotional issues as things that could be exploited.
>17 years old
>child porn
why are americans so retarded? is it the mudblood?
>I'm not sure if she has an official diagnosis, but I remember her saying she has overlap or traits or something. I should save those posts but I never do.
I've looked into this. They don't officially diagnose you with BPD if you're under the age of 18 because a lot of the impulsive behaviors are things that teenagers do anyway. Still, you don't have to convince me. I absolutely believe she has BPD at a minimum and probably NPD as well, maybe even ASPD. She's done some things that border on psychopathic where Sunny is concerned. And I definitely agree about the neopets scamming. It's incredibly revealing and not something we should gloss over. It shows she really is addicted to the rush of scamming, not unlike a kleptomaniac who steals garbage only to throw it away later.
The last time I got into an argument about BPD in one of these threads, Ciara chimed in personally to tell me what an asshole I was and that her problems are caused by PTSD rather than BPD or NPD. I told her there's no way PTSD from a rape at 16 could make you scam someone at 8 and she said "No, you don't understand, I was sexually assaulted way younger than that."
Well, that does go hand in hand with my earlier postulation that Ciara was molested as a child. You can read the context here, in case you missed it, because I saved the thread knowing that this subject of molestation would come up again:
But I stand by my position that PTSD alone doesn't explain her behavior. PTSD doesn't make you into an obsessive scammer. How could it? That's classic BPD behavior. Also, Ciara is a known liar and could very well be lying about both the childhood molestation and the anal rape at sixteen.
>But deep down inside I know it wasn't an accident
I doubt it. You feel that way only because Agatha is very prudish about her image and content. This makes anything vaguely lewd in her videos stand out.
See If Michael said that, it's because he knows from experience how predators operate. You can't paint this as some sweet, innocent romance. It's obvious he knew about her already.
I'm not mad at Jason Mazzerle for taking advantage of a screwed-up 17-year-old girl. It's nature's way that predators seek prey. But just like in nature shows, it's always kind of sad to see the prey falling victim to an attack.
>I'm not mad at Jason Mazzerle for taking advantage of a screwed-up 17-year-old girl
She's 18 now and quite frankly, was never all that innocent to begin with. She deserves all of the bad things that happen to her, and then some.
Of course, if she really is completely insane, maybe it's illogical to hold her accountable for her fucked up behavior.
>I have seen no signs of drug use from her in a long time.
Who the fuck are you? Do you live in the same home as her and constantly monitor her for signs?
I've known addicts. They are very skilled liars because they have years of practice. It's literally what they do all day, every day.
>It's obvious he knew about her already.
How? Stop arguing in circles.
You're probably right. I hope she comes back one day
And here is the proof.
she didnt do it on purpose lol
even if she did
not nearly as close as these other whores
she hasnt scammed in a long time. she hasnt done drugs in 2018. she doesnt send nudes to anyone other than her bf. she doesnt cheat on him. she doesnt have bpd. shes changed and shes happy now, get over it. maybe seek professional help for your obsession.
It doesn't make sense any other way. What's the official story? Brief encounter with high-school girl at checkout lane leads to months of preparatory chatting and then an honest (really, guys!) romantic connection? Suuuure.
And in the Curiouscat answers she was encouraging older men to pursue her, which according to you was months after Jason had begun playing her. Seems he did a good job.
Her ex bf Ryan was a drug dealer. He sold Oxy mainly.
You can safely guess she got drugs from him.
It's probably best this way. Her content was stagnating severely as it was months before she quit. And personally I wouldn't want to see her make a "comeback" in the future as someone completely different.
of course lucifer is on the harlot's side
Post proofs so you can btfo of aggie orbiterfags. They will probably still cling to her like Ciara for some reason though.
Hopefully she stays gone for good. She mad the right choice leaving the internet. If she comes back, she needs to camwhore. She can make so much more money that way.
>Likely gives her a rush, and feeling superior to others. Her whole identity is built around this.
The rush was the main thing I focused on in my initial psychoanalysis of Ciara, as it went hand in hand with her behavior that got her arrested and expelled from two high schools. But I think you're on to something when you say she likes to feel superior to others. This really explains a lot. For a long time, I just couldn't get why a girl from a rich family who has an after school job and orbiters who donate tons of cash would bother scamming on top of it. But this thrill of feeling superior to others does seem to explain a lot. If you look at the chat logs of her talking about scamming Guy Maimon (israeli guy who sent her money for a plane ticket), you can see how proud she is of herself for taking his money and running. If you think about it, it's not even clever or anything, it's something any idiot could do and she didn't even get away with it, but she's still proud enough to say "Classic scam!" to her little online gang.
I honestly think that's why she loves getting donations/fees from orbiters as well. It creates distance between them: she is clearly the superior and they are clearly the subordinates reduced to paying a monthly fee for the pleasure of her company to be in her "VIP Eliza" chat.
>scamming Guy Maimon (israeli guy who sent her money for a plane ticket)
so she jewed an ISRAELI jew? I can honestly respect that
Nope. She just embarrassed her family, as always. Her dad found out about the scam and refunded the Jew's money.
Btw, her dad is half Irish, half Jewish. Srs.
shes a shrewd businesswoman. gotta respect her hustle. good for her.
not jealous but this is really weird. borderline pedophile.
Is that her father? What is this?
adjective: shrewd; comparative adjective: shrewder; superlative adjective: shrewdest
adjective: shrewd; comparative adjective: shrewder; superlative adjective: shrewdest
having or showing sharp powers of judgment; astute
"she was shrewd enough to guess the motive behind his gesture"
Does that really describe Ciara Horan? I don't know about that. A truly shrewd businesswoman would see the long term consequences of her actions and probably not take them in light of the repeated shame and humiliation she would realize such actions would inevitably bring her family. For instance, think of how embarrassed her mother must have been when she found out her own daughter was the drug dealer that got half the school wasted on xanax. Bear in mind, her mother was actually working as a school administrator and Ciara was going to school there for free because of this. Would a shrewd businesswoman put her own mother through that kind of emotional torture? I doubt it. Unless she really is a straight up psychopath, which is possible.