under what circumstances would a fembot turn down an opportunity to get fucked by a chad?
Under what circumstances would a fembot turn down an opportunity to get fucked by a chad?
>get fucked by a stranger
>get fucked
do not want
Have done this before b.c I'm not married to him yet.
stop larping, homosexual neckbeards
larp harder faggot
im not larping
im on nofuck from age 0 to age 100.
Based basedgirl
I'm married.
If I was not married, he would not be my type. Way too clean cut.
Because that would be out of love, out of marriage and with a stranger. If I am married to him he can fuck me all he wants.
Under all circumstances, Chad is a slut. I want a virgin boy, thanks.
if only this was a real post
i want someone that would actually care for me instead of pumped and dumped
>tfw no gf fhxvdcjtc
because im saving myself for my true love and im perfectly fine dying a virgin.
Reminder that these posts are LARPers and no women ever actually thinks like this
>virgin women don't exist
>wholesome women don't exist
They exist, they just aren't interested in talking to a creep like you lol
>virgin women exist
>wholesome women exist
a women's natural state in unfamiliar scenarios is to act like a whore, all women are like that and its not their fault, you can't hate them for it. Women are just wired like that and act on instincts, its this twisted society that enables this slutty behavior that's the problem. Only virgin women are sheltered and/or mentally fucked even more than the average hoe. Women put up the wholesome act but then will fuck Chad at a moment's notice, see story above.
The guy surprisingly here made the right choice, to permanently erase someone from your life you need to despise them so hard that any opportunity for them to snake their way back will be blocked by sheer hate.
I don't like Chads originally.
that's just because one hasn't hit on your
Who's that? Tooth Fairy's neighbor?
>I'm married.
On r9k.. I don't believe you roastie.