>Hi user! Wanna hang out and listen to The Cure with me?
Hi user! Wanna hang out and listen to The Cure with me?
no fuckin rat faced cunt
wanna suk my cok sweetie?
>The Cure
>not The Smiths
This image doesn't tug at my heart strings at all because she is too attractive for me. It simply doesn't do anything for me. Trash
I do not want to just listen to the cure. Does she have a nice record player? I have a few I would like to listen to
Wait you mean like, listening to music would be the primary activity? I don't understand.
I believe she enjoys both.
Obviously you would cuddle while listening.
>The Cure
So not only are you a vapid underage whore, you're also a fucking pleb?
Nah not really into hanging out.
Lets fuck instead.
In case any of you were wondering Muffy is basic as fuck. She looks interesting but if you talk to her you will quickly learn she's just another wannabe Stacy
I've been talking to her for awhile and she seems much nicer, purer, and lonlier than any wannabe stacy
I haven't found anything wrong about her, she is the perfect girl.
You two are superficial insects. I don't doubt for a second that Muffy doesn't think she is as special as you retards think she is, and she's right. Fuck off with your damn autism already.
Go to discord to fawn over her, or just fucking talk to her already. I'm surprised she even gives you creeps the time of day. What a whore.
user I do talk to her, she doesn't think she's special, but she very clearly has self-esteem issues, and she doesn't give her discord out. You clearly don't know much about her
unironically the queen of r9k
This really fucking hurts, my crush looks a lot like her and is big into goth shit. My semester will be over in a month and I'll probably never spend a minute with her again.
Oh shoot are you the same guy from a few weeks ago on the one where it said get a 5/10 gf and you hated it because your crush looks like her?
Not me fortunately. I'd never posted about my crush before. She looks like an anorexic version that girl.
I'm not interested in talking to girls Jow Forums fawns over because I'm not superficial enough to look at someone good-looking and think: Oh wow, she's so fucking perfect. I don't care if she's depressed, and I meant discords to discuss these fucking whores, talking to her through discord. She's a fucking whore for entertaining you orbiting faggots so much, which proves that like with every whore that posts on Jow Forums, they all just do it for the attention.
So do something about it, you imbecile. Talk to her, invite her out for coffee, get her number. I've been there, I missed out, and I fucking regret it every single day since it happened two years ago.
We already talk often but she's hard to approach and we have few things in common, really. What kills me is that even though we get along, I can never make her laugh and I'm a dull sack of corn with no life experience despite being older than her. Also we both have years-long relationships that are basically dead
Jfc she looks like a fugly Canadian tranny that ate too much onions as a child.
Well, if a sad sack of shit like you is able to get into a relationship, or at least the one I assume you are talking about (intimate), then I must be the one doing something wrong.
If you get along, but don't really have anything in common, that still isn't reason enough to not do anything about it. I had a great vibe with this one chick, we were getting flirty, or at least I think we were, but it never moved past that. Next time I saw her was around a year later, because she graduated by stayed in the same school for her Masters, and she had a boyfriend.
So don't be like me; don't beat yourself up over the fact that you weren't more enterprising, that you missed out on someone you were really into, and worst of all, safe yourself from the gnawing doubt of whether or not all the flirty was just in your head because she had a boyfriend when you two talked, or if you were simply too slow to make a move. Because both possibilities suck just as much since you're the one that ends up alone.
Alright then. I'll do it, better to go out fighting. I don't know if anything will happen but whatever the outcome, it has to be better than this shit.Thanks user.
Neck yourself, orbiterino
I want to know what happens, post here afterwards please user
Go get her, tiger.
He's not talking about Muffy.
Will do, I just need to organize my shitty saga as a greentext first
What makes her a wannabe Stacy?