ITT: describe your life with one picture
ITT: describe your life with one picture
i try to be a good person but everyone is so fucking stupid
Every time I see this image I wish I could go back in time and show it to myself at age 15.
It all makes perfect sense now
I wish I could go back in time to when I was a kid and stop myself from mouth breathing and ruining my facial structure. I honestly would have been really handsome if I had grown up with proper breathing posture.
Let's be honest: if you needed someone to tell you that you're supposed to breathe through your nose and not your mouth then you were doomed from the start.
i drag down everything and everyone around me
>tfw extremely fucked sinuses as a kid
>would literally almost choke to death breathing through my nose, almost blacked out once when I had mucous in my throat and couldnt breathe through my nose
>mouthbreathe and develop a recessed chin and facial bloat despite low bf%
Here's what really gets me. I remember feeling that breathing through my nose was natural, but my mom was a really bad mouth breather, and I would look at her and think that you're supposed to breathe through your mouth because that's what mom does. So I started doing it too and it became a habit.
It really is a shame. I could have been a really good looking guy but mouth breathing fucked my face up so bad.
oof, this one hurts user.
Cold, lonely and held togethor by the few things in life that bring me joy.
this is the me-est image yet
>mouth breathing
That shit gave me a skeletal openbite that I'm just now getting somewhat repaired.
something like this desudesubaka
The endless cycle.
Every day is the same. Nothing is fun anymore. I'm always tired. All my happy childhood memories feel like a distant dream, like it happened to someone else. I hardly recognize myself in the mirror anymore. I don't know who I am but I don't belong in this world.
>ywn be attacked by a group of thugs and die saving your friends
>both an opportunity to escape from this awful world and to be remembered as a hero
all that could have been
I've wasted my whole fucking life and I'm already too old to turn things around now
Basically the OP pic but reverse the brain progression, le common sense meme is normie shit
Do you ever wonder if maybe in an alternate universe, you're happy and your life turned out the way you wanted it too?
Maybe when you die you reincarnate as yourself in a different universe and you get to see things play out differently. Maybe I'm just in a universe with a bad version of me right now, but the next one will be a good one.
This is all we get.
You fucked it up and there's absolutely no light at the end of the tunnel, only despair, pain, then death.
Fuck up everything Im expected to do.
But how do you know that? What reason is there to give up hope like that? What if that tiny bit of hope, however absurd and far fetched it may seem, is the only thing that gets me out of bed in the morning?
Always feels like I'm sinking no matter what I do.
>tfw I went through all four stages, in order
You already posted it, OP.
>Be optimistic
>Always look stupid doing anything
i am a proud american patriot and will live my life defending my country and burgers
I never seem to be good at anything
It's like I fear death, but also I long for it.
I am too retarded to understand how society functions
Not a pic but .gif related
This is pretty much my life at every moment, gun included.
people say that when someone has to deal with a lot of bad shit they end up even stronger and better off than people who don't have to go through that sort of thing...
still waiting for that to happen.
Constantly making an arse out of myself and embarrassing myself on an hourly basis
People are so fucking retarded. I got a business rolling after a year of hard work and all my friends want to do is pop xanax and drink themselves to death. They don't even want to make music or do anything anymore, they just fucking sit there and rot
No. Leaving your mouth opening does not change your facial structure. Please stop perpetuating this stupidity.
You're the equivalent of those suburban moms who put kids in basket because it will "enlarger their bones"
> You should put your kid in basketball, Jennifer. He'll grow taller. Have you ever seen how tall the players are?
Stop inverting cause and consequence. People with jaw misproportions --> incorrect bite placement --> mouth constantly opened --> mouth breathing. Not the other way around. It's like saying if you hold your breath during childhood you'll get a flat stomach. Your mouth position can't change your bone structure. Your bone structure, however, can change your mouth position.
i'm not depressed or anything i'm just lazy/melancholy
I should have known, guys. I should have known...
ascared of everything all the time
Its the Ogrin, ugliest neopet by far
did you survive the fall?
Bruce for sure. Somehow they're even lamer than club penguins
This is all I want to do anymore.
Connections made on message boards do not replace connections made in real life. What I wouldn't give to relay that info to past me.
>Tfw no gf
I just want to die
me to an original T
holy fuck do people really fall for this meme?
Look at this fucking image
are you mad max?
Really, everything is great
Everything I've tried has ended in failure
I'm a walking joke of a human being so
>Yeah bro, the only reason my life is totally fucked is because I was mouth breathing. It's not like I'm naturally ugly or something!!!
>tfw when no pipi gf
>tfw youre so much of a brainlet, you crave for a pipi gf
Every single day is the same and they're all fucking stupid.
I want Pipi to fuck me rough and then hold me gently as we fall asleep
There are many that describe my life, but this one is the most general.
*smokes a dank grass*
It will never happen
not unless you make a tulpa of her
"D-Dont say that!"
orignially of course
now bussah, your a man now son
>Just 10 more minutes and then I'll get up
I tell myself at 3 in the afternoon
thats fucken gey and edgy, stop this shit now!
>tfw no one to pick me up and build the log house with
i presented you both with a possibility
all you have to do now is follow through with it or leave it be
think of all the mind gfs you could have
today i stayed in bed from around 3 am to 9 pm, sleeping for a few hours every once ina while
then i got drunk
i want a plane to crash into my bu9ilding suddenly
That image hurt more than it has to
I wasted 4 hours masturbating.
I'd like to manipulate people, and start a war that could end the World.
This image sums it up quite nicely.
inb4: ? you're a useless monster not worth tributing for?
heres more :^)
now suffer
The pain train never stops
> (XD)
>ITT: describe your life with one picture
No bulli
This has been me a lot lately, and idk why. Everything has been fine, but... It's not.
edgy little prat, aren't you?
yeesh what a pseudointellectual
you asked for it again
One picture, multiple reasons.
I'm fucking strong.
rip in peace gangsta nigga
Thank you for writing this because I was about to do the same. I am a mouth breather and my chin is extra manly.
I gotta know if there is more.
Like this, but as an ugly man.
except without the 2d, just crippling alcoholisn
That scene actually made me feel bad about myself and it was like the 3rd scene of the second episode.
its one big "oof"
>baby shoots herself
>"CALL 911" on facebook
>instead of doing it yourself
I know they were fucked up by giving a loaded gun to a baby but holy shit, that baby was doomed from the start, if it wasn't for the gun it would have been another thing.
Sub 83 IQ people should be sterilised out of empathy to their possible offspring.
cancer I literally die
>tfw i put my phone in airplane mode so i can pretend that people just cant reach out to me
instead of the truth that they dont fucking care