Dogs aren't evil. In my belief(faith). We have the story of the youth of the cave. They had a dog with them. Dog's are like any other animal. It's only that they are have filthy saliva
Dogs aren't evil. In my belief(faith). We have the story of the youth of the cave. They had a dog with them...
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if you let a dog lick your wounds it helps it.
Dogs are unlike cats, because they're pack animals. I believe that they truly show affection. If you hate dogs, you've clearly not had the right one or never had one at home. When you're a lonely wageslave and the only one there to be excited that your home is your dog, you will appreciate them more. The way they wag their tail and jump on you in excitement and happiness is truly heartwarming.
dogs are just animals. The only difference between dogs, cats and the other animals is that humans have domesticated dogs and cats. People only like dogs because they're slaves.
They are animals. Not people. Anyone that thinks an animal has more worth than a human is insane.
going to need scientific evidence buddy. Dogs are like any other animal. They are very useful for hunting, herding and guarding. They are valuable because of their uses. Not anything else.
You can replace a dog with any other animal and get the same companionship. You could have a cat, bird, rabbit etc. They are just animals
so if I kiss a dog and prefer a dog's life over a human?
It's your life.
>prefer a dog's life over a human?
Unless this person tried to kill you or is harming you. You would be insane. It's an animal for goodness sake!
My dog is genuinely good. He's very affectionate and has never been aggressive in any way even towards other dogs and animals
My (hamster) is genuinely good. He's very affectionate and has never been aggressive in any way even towards other (hamsters) and animals.
They're just animals. You could switch them with any other domesticated animals, and it would make very little difference.
wtf your dog is adorable user
most people dont think dogs are evil, pajeet
i don't fucking understand "dog people". these fucking idiots that will not shut the fuck up about dogs, constantly send people pictures of their dogs and post it on social media and have a fucking mental breakdown every time they see a dog (i.e. OH MY GOD THAT DOG IS SO CUTE AWWWWWW/LOOK AT THAT DOG WHOAAA ITS SO ADORABLE)
i told a normalfag that i don't give a shit about fucking dogs and he legitimately got extremely somber and told me that i was an asshole. i didn't say i wanna kill all dogs, i didn't say i don't like dogs, i said i don't give a shit about dogs and when i'm in the middle of a conversation with him, i don't want to hear him cut me off to say the same copy-paste bullshit he says every fucking time he sees a dog and derail our discourse for 2 minutes. fuck off. fuck you faggots.
I'm not going to make that case here. But it's very easy to think that dogs are evil. lol
>literally always smiling
>perpetually happy
>loves kisses and cuddles and pets
>exists to obey you
I know right. I think it's just another form of materialism. They put all their love and affection into their dog(s). They treat their dogs like another friend or a family member. They put the dogs in their hearts(minds).
When their dog(s) dies. They react the same way as if a person dies (they are dogs darn it!)
They're just animals. We can be indifferent to dogs. It's just our opinions. The people that are obsessed with dogs probably have trust issues with people, or a bad relationship with people.
I mean some of them are aesthetic. I'm not going to lie. But they're like any other domesticated pets. The only thing that separates them is you can command them like a servant in guarding you.
You can command other animals too. Though, dogs are useful for things like defense (That's also why people would think they are evil).
A dog isn't an object. A mouse, a frog, a fly, etc. are not objects.
i agree with the materialism bit, but i am unsure about the rest. in fact, in terms of people who don't relate to others well liking dogs, i'm sure if they actually thought so they'd be more likely to keep their thoughts to themselves rather than letting it be known how much they "love dogs" every time they see one. in fact, it seems to me that normalfags who buy dogs don't really interact with their dogs other than when others are around. i lived with someone who's dog was so starved for affection that it would follow me around and run into my door for hours until i would let it in. he fed it and watered it and gave it shelter, but it was almost only a commodity to acknowledge when he had people over or when i told him that his dog was interrupting my sleep.
either way, it seems like normalfags keep pets around as social commodities and something to relate to other normalfags over; a means to an end.
>exists to obey you
Come on now. I'm not saying small dogs aren't like that.....but
>literally always smiling
>perpetually happy
>loves kisses and cuddles and pets
Watch how this cat reacts to his owners fake death
Humans are separate from animals. How can an animal can be loved more than a human?
>implying there isn't a smooth gradient of animals up to humans through evolution
i like how the cat is looking into the camera because he knows he got punk'd
humans are animals. while i agree you should look out for your own species primarily, we are doing well and thats why we can extend out extra resources like food to animals such as dogs and cats and hamsters.
>either way, it seems like normalfags keep pets around as social commodities and something to relate to other normalfags over; a means to an end.
A lot of them do. Though, I think the ones I described exist too. I used to have cats and kittens. I liked them but if they ran away or died I wouldn't be that sad. In fact one of them ran away for a few days and came back.
If they leave or die. You can always get another one. You can't replace people like you would replace pets.
giving food and shelter to pets is the best feeling. I agree with you that we should look after other people over animals, as well.
yes, like if a man was drowning and a dog was drowning, you should save the human first, but that doesn't mean the dog deserves to drown, or that you're not going to help it, or wouldn't feel grief if it died.
Of course anyone would save the human first. And it is sad if the dog or any other animal was dying and there wasn't anything I could do to help it.
But I meant the kind of sadness someone would get if their best friend had died. The sadness you should get if an animal dies should be brief. It's something you should get over really quickly
>You can't replace people like you would replace pets.
Also what I meant by this is people are distinct. Every human has a unique look to them. No person is physically 100% the same. Even twins have very minor differences.
Going beyond the physical.
A person has a conscious awareness to them. People can understand things that animals can't. Each person has distinct interests, hobbies, hopes and dreams.
You can share an experience with another conscious person. The empathy people have for other people is greater than what animals have, because we are more sentient.
So if your best friend died. Now remember... Your friend you shared a childhood with. Your friend you shared interests with. Your friend you shared goals and hopes with died. You should be more sad for their death.
If you were to replace a dog or any other animal, it would be way easier. Get a dog that has the same color, barks the same and walks the same. Since the dog can't take and isn't sentient, it would be like nothing changed.
Dogs saliva has antiseptic properties
>take and isn't sentient