>be me
>6/10 on my best day, 6'3 but chubby so it cancels out
>in college
>throughout high school try to get gf
>get shitty job at pizza joint
>it'll pay the bills I fuckin guess
>first day see this gorgeous woman
>easily 9/10
>"hi user, I'm Suzie! Nice to meet you"
>over time begin to enjoy her presence more
>sign up to work for same days she signs up to work for
>last Friday
>"h--hey, can I call you after work Suzie?"
>"sure user"
>call and ask if we are friends
>"Of course user!"
>ask if we can be more than friends
>long pause
>"You know, i have thought about this for a while too"
>next day we get lunch
>next day go to her house and meet her parents
>tells me her parents liked me
>tells me she's liked me since the first day
>tells me she can see a future with me in it
This was a good past few days.
Be me
Other urls found in this thread:
i'm happy for you user, good times should be had by all
I'm still sort of nervous because she's so out of my league and yet she's buddying up to me. She likes my art, she likes my writing, she lets me call her dear and darling etc
Should I be scared fellow robots?
Nah go for it dude, be happy
Be happy. She likes you. Be genuine and real.
Cherish this.
dont call her dear or darling those are very antiquated terms but good on you man. i understand being nervous but think less of you lucking out and more about how happy you guys make each other. she's into you so dont second guess it and ruin things
Something tells me it's gonna end badly. But I wish that it won't, that at least one """robot""" found happiness
Man, you guys are the best... I was doubting this whole thing super hard, but now I feel way more confident about it all. Here's hoping there's a bright future for all of us
Please give us advice OP.
she's eventually gonna move onto Chad or Brad, so enjoy it while you can.
t. guy who has been giving love advice for over 8 years and has just let go of his delusions that women care about men
How can I help? I'm just some retard who makes pizzas every day
A man who makes pizzas and has a 9/10 gf. You did something right along the way.?
just another reminder that tallfags can NOT be robots
I seriously don't know why she's interested in me. She says I'm funny and make her laugh and that I'm so respectful, but that can't be everything that a woman wants. She says I'm cute as well, but I look like a wookie who got on the business end of a weedwhacker. I'm at a loss
good for you, big guy
im 6'1" and also chubby but i gym, i hope i also get 9/10 gf
post pics
inb4 "waah im ugly" but hes like a 8/10
Making a girl laugh can really move mountains when it comes to women.
My god user u lucky as fuck. Im here sitting like the candle holder I am seeing 2 of my friends making out. It sad and depressing but thats what I get.
>not just getting up and leaving
baka desu senpai
>post pics
I would but I'd rather not get banned
up them on imgur and post the link
you wont get banned them
One moment gentlemen
This is OP, folks. I usually look a little nicer once I do my hair, but lying down in bed for a few hours does that to you I guess. i.imgur.com
Personal opinion, 7/10 no homo.
What kind of humor do you use OP?
I'm guessing you are the classical respectful type like opening doors for women and such?
I am actually sorta raunchy. I like to make stupid jokes like "here's hoping we have no customers today! Knock on wood!" then I give my groin a little tap. I made a bet with her at work that I could fit a whole tub of olives in my mouth and she thought it was pretty funny when I had to hack up an entire year's supply of sodium into the trash.
I'm pretty respectful out of work, yeah. My mom raised me that way
Ur 6'3 no wonder she liked u. U literally can't be a robot if ur tall. This is so fucked up. Ima kill myself
5 4 is pretty fucked desu. But I see short guys with gals all the time (mostly mexicans)
You look a bit like an asianish version of the curly haired kid from stranger things.
Hope you stay happy!
Get swole my guy
>implying I don't browse fit
Lol already got fit. Literally women turn away from me cause I'm so short. My dad should've been shot out of the genetic gene pool but no he had to fuck me over instead by creating me
>Knock on wood!" then I give my groin a little tap.
lol i'm stealing this
You'll find someone eventually. Took me into fucking college to finally start talking to someone who likes me back, I could've easily had to wait longer had I not gotten this job. Stick with it my man, ya gotta keep trying
Dont fuck this uppp pllz succeed plsss user
post a pic of her with eyes barred or something
Dude, fuck, rhat's a good point... I just realized I don't even have any photos of her. She doesn't have Facebook or Instagram or anything, so I'm probably gonna need to take a picture with/Of her some time.
You can be chubby if you are tall and strong
Get strong
You only need to be cut if you are short
I hit the gym most every day with breaks on weekends, but I still eat like shit. I try to maintain muscle mass first and foremost so I do low weight high reps. Probably could be doing better if I watched What I ate
you sure she's real? i have had this happen before where people i've known turn out to not be real, be careful with that shit
See, that's what I'm most worried about: what if she's not really into me? We work together a lot so I get to see her pretty often, and she always tells me what good times she has to work. She even tells me she fills out her schedule according to mine so we work the same days.
I guess I'm just scared that this is gonna turn out to be a huge prank or something.
Bump, anyone got any ideas?
Idgi. You already met her folks? Hard part over. Watch the new capeshit with her and stick your hand down her pants.
It's a fucking ploy, don't be her orbiter
The fact that you're here means you never had a chance
Don't listen to the anons giving you false hope, this will ONLY end badly
If that's a 7 I'm a certified Chad. Life is unfair