So how many people have you gotten to kill themselves user? My high score is 18
So how many people have you gotten to kill themselves user? My high score is 18
How do you get retards to kill themselves?
do hapas ever think "it would be easier to mix back into asian than white"?
It's easy.
you just manipulate their feelings and make them believe you're their friend. Then you turn on them and mindbreak them. Releasing their pictures is a bonus
Sounds a lot like Piety
Yeah it does.
Shit's easy so try it sometime
That MV shook me to the core.
I never have because I can't even speak chinese
i pity those that scored greater than 0, it's usually the case that their first victim was someone that they were close to.(i.e. family, friend, classmate)
imagine being this much of an aspie holy shit
Only 1 (one) guy.
Fucking homo was suicidal, too.
My first was my girlfriend so yeah he was close. But the chick I cheated on her with was next too so it's okay
>image being this buttblasted
speculatively one person through a game. he was a consistent player but had some major autism. after he had a bout of 40+ hours playing straight because he wouldn't give up against a friend and I taking shifts, he disappeared forever. He apparently did drugs so there is a high chance he overdosed on a stimulant like meth.
Sounds like a huge faggot. He should've died in birth
Yeah he was, he was in a trashy clan filled with scammers, thieves and the likes
I don't feel any shame, but it's not like that was my intent.
was his name lightbearer or some shit nibba?
Lmao nevermind you sound like a fag
if you get scammed on the internet and sympathize with people that do then you're likely an aspie
Not even close, you filthy negro.
>tfw 0
how do I get in on this shit
I never got scammed. I'm just saying their clan was filled with trashy people who would do that sort of thing. When a ton of the game's economy was based on rmt you had plenty of people who would want payment first which would end up in them just scamming people, or would charge back on paypal when buying something and what not. Smart people would always use a trusted middle man, or want wires, mostly western union, from sketchy or unknown people.
Forgot, the game was heavily community based and there were a lot "honorary" people. People who did shitty things, even mechanics in game that were frowned upon, such just acting like a huge pussy with no balls would have you end up in the same category of trash.
Learn to be charismatic. Start by getting on peoples good side and go from there dude
Catfishing is a good way to get someone to kill themself imo
That's how I literally make my money off games
it's pretty fun plus I don't have to work
Which game was that, you fuckin low level scammer?
ya but where do you find these people? and now that I think about it, I want to get into a kino mindgame where we both try to get each other to kill ourselves
use your brain aspie
Usually doesn't matter in most cases, but you wouldn't have been able to, at least for gone because it was heavily reputation based in a smaller community.
I'm not a scammer, I'm not desperate for money from autists on the bux.
It was Asheron's Call, died a little while back but ran strong for about 17 years.
make me bitchdoublenigger
Sounds like a shithole
I think I'm gonna try there next, thanks
Shame that your scamming days also died with that game.
Can you read? It shut down last year.
You missed out though, I made thousands every year botting lmfao
the bants of an 8 year old
Sure thing, kiddo.
Iast scam, best scam amirite?
thats pretty horrible if all you guys arent larping
what does that even mean my dude
Ahh I see
My favorite time I made someone kill themself was when I used a fembot friend I knew to send her pictures to guys for money. When the time came I was bored of it I blew her off and never gave her any cut of it. Pretty sure she killed herself and some of the guys we catfished together. because we posted their pictures on the forums