What's a way to kill myself that won't leave me permanently injured or disfigured if I fuck it up
What's a way to kill myself that won't leave me permanently injured or disfigured if I fuck it up
Jump off something ridiculously high. There is no way you will survive.
Wrong. If you land on a bush, tree, pane of glass or properly angled snow bank, you could come out alive.
thats probably the worst way to go because you still have like 2-4 seconds youre just haning in air like a retard...shotgun to the head or 500mg valium plus fifth vodka.
please dont talk like user, there are places to get help. Do you want to talk on discord?
>the inertia or whatever
Seems too scary. Just a slug right between the eyes is anyones best bet or Horse OD.
buy a shotgun, aim at lower head. if you do it, do it right. if too young to get gun too young to killself. But please dont kill self. my granddad killed himself in the 1960s and fucked up at least 4 generations of the family. Mother is fucked up so raised mental ill kids
Are you me?Jk youre just a faggot who thinks of death too much. Im hungry.
Nembutal or gun bud.
Good point. I have a brother and sister I care about. My grandpa died of health related issues and that fucked my mom right up.
yeah 2-4 seconds of awesome excitement as doom rushes up to you at 120mph. Sounds like the way to go for me.
Sleeping pills + booze
Gas yourself with helium, nitrous or car fumes
Hanging - fucks your face up if left there for awhile
Those are your options if you dont want to disfigure yourself
Seal up every door, window and air vent in your room then start burning some charcoal on the floor. You'll die a painless death from the carbon monoxide.
Nvm I read the op wrong
Drowning is basically the only literally guaranteed method. All others have about a 5% catastrophic failure rate.
Jump into a swimming pool with a matress strapped to your back
It will take a crane to get you out
>mfw ive been to this site multiple times at my worst
Did you ever watch the doc about the midget born with the rare skin disease?
its Also a very painful way to go.
Yeah but you could undo it or slip out. You need to handcuff yourself to something in the pool preferably but otherwise hundreds of pounds of weights. You need to carry them all down there and chain them together then handcuff yourself to that.
That's what the handcuffs are for.
A lake is ideal though. That way it'll be too far to walk out. One barbell in each hand would probably do the trick.
There is no way. If you're scared about becoming disfigured, then some methods (such as hanging or the helium exit bag shit) would be far superior to trying to shoot yourself or jumping from a high height, but all in any and all methods if someone finds you at the right (well, the wrong) time, you'll be saved and have permanent brain damage.
Also fish will eat you. It's literally perfect.
This is what I would do. Drive out into the wilderness until you have no gas anymore. Even if you want to change your mind, being miles away from civilization will not help you. At this point hypothermia or dehydration will take you. From what I hear, both are not so bad since you will pass out before the end.
Yeah you've gotta plan the drowning pretty well. Also it needs to be in the summer do multiple reasons. The only time winter is preferable is for insurance fraud by getting trapped under ice. Otherwise the cold water greatly extends recussitation time.
Just strangle yourself. Get a rope and tie it tight around your neck, tie the other end around a door knob or something elevated and sit down so there is constant downward pressure. Hold your breath as long as you can and you should just pass out and the rope will ensure no oxygen gets to your brain. Fairly painless if done right. Hundreds of people die a year from doing this while fapping so it's relatively easy.
Drive off a high cliff Black out drunk.
shoot yourself as you fall out of a plane
Im wondering
Why would a man shoot him self before falling out of a plane?
go out in the woods on a really cold night with as much alcohol as you can buy and swig until you die
Heroin overdose. You die feeling euphoric as fuck and don't feel a thing.
Don't drown yourself. It's a fucked up way too die.
Drive to the middle of the desert with a lot of alcohol and food. Then co2 myself in my car.
>Even if you want to change your mind, being miles away from civilization will not help you.
This isn't really possible unless you have a near remote area to go to.
there's no coming back from a shotgun to the roof of your mouth
I plan to go on the edge of town and headbutt a speeding train as it comes by so even if it is horrible and painful no one can come save me.
I live near an ocean. I will get a small dingy with an outboard motor, take it way out to sea, tie some cinderblocks to myself, shoot the deck a few times, and brain myself as it sank. :)
Wow I'm sure glad Moot created this board with a provision to prevent reposts. It's turned out really well.
Massive heroin/opioid overdose, inject an absolute fuckton of it and as long as no one finds you, you'll die in pure bliss
heroin overdose
or overdose on any other prescription painkiller really
its a reason why overdosing on pills is girls favorite way to go
its easy and painless and all girls are pussies
Just grow some balls and shoot yourself.
The problem with that is you are obliterating your consciousness and not having your body go through the natural death processes and releasing the necessary chemicals that guide the majority of humans into the great beyond, whatever it is. If you believe in a soul, by braining yourself you risk destroying said soul. Also there's the chance that our entire reality is the construct of a dying being, what if within our brains we had the ability to recreate that?
What? How is the end result any different from decomposition? DMT doesn't actually pump in the brain when you die and send you to the afterlife..
>Tripfaggot suggests the worst method and thus contributes the least to the discussion
Like clockwork.
What the fuck are you talking about? What is wrong with you?
>mfw watching ricebot get BTFO last night
Haven't you ever had an out-of-body experience? What about a vivid dream that seemed to last for eternity? If you destroy your brain stem, what if there's even the smallest chance that you're activating some weird fucked up quantum immortality sequence and your consciousness is forever "trapped" to this world, existing outside the realm of space and time?
How is it the worst method? It's literally guaranteed. If you simply stay underwater for about 15 minutes then you will die. Period.
Any other method and the tiniest slip and you're fucked. Not to mention How easy and accessible drowning is compared to everything else that's even remotely guaranteed like a gun.
You're a fucking mongoloid.
No one wants to spend their dying moments painfully gasping, thrashing, and screaming