
If you're up this late might as well user.

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Got a 55 on my bio final. That was with an 11 point curve too. I truly fucked up my grade for that course and I'm probably getting a C at best.

My only confession is that I hate Nujak

I dont belong on this board, but /b/ is ruined, and this board is more like old /b/ than nu-/b/

>stabbed jesus thats in my room
>make pentagram on floor
>skim through x for a while
>start following guide to get a suc gf
>nothing happens
>fast forward to present day
>1 AM
>sit down outside to meditate because im stressed
>feel something grab my penis for about 15 seconds

Cant say im dissapointed

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I took a sick day today because I was supposed to bring something for the lunch potluck but I didn't make anything due to my procrastination. I sent out an email with a comment that I couldn't bring my dish in but I definitely will next time. I know with confidence that everyone believes that I was sick, though.

Im trying to convert to islam just so i can get a qt ninja wife

a post once gave me cancer
>it was my own post

I'm useless and lazy, overall a piece of shit. I am truly a drain and a leech on society.

i feel like i am wasting his time and he hasn't asked me to marry him because he doesn;t like me

I'm the antichrist

I started smoking again due to stress.
My family would kill me if they knew.

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I was watching The Crown on Netflix

Looked up every bit of info of my current girlfriend before we started dated and even met in order to figure out how to approach her and figure out what to talk about

If you're wondering about the "before we met" part, before class begun for the semester, I was browsing the rosters for all my classes looking for a girl I would try to go after since at the time I have never been in a relationship, never kissed a girl, and still a virgin.

She was one of the few girls on my radar but we got along really well (plus I knew a lot about her already lmao) so we ended up together.

I will never tell her this ever.

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How did you approach and talk to her user? Could you give more background explanation? How did you ask her on a first date, etc.

I've been putting off getting a summer job and it's really fucking with me
I want to apply somewhere already so that I can get my parents off my back but I have no idea where or how, I've worked before but I'm new to job hunting and am completely lost, even when looking for bottom-bitch work

. First day of class I went out of my way to sit next her.which didn't look weird because we were basically in the front row. Also the class we were taking made it much easier to talk to her since we had to interact with the person next to us.

We were first partners in class and but we weren't friends yet but a few weeks later class ended early and I asked her if she wanted to go get something for the school convenience store. She agreed and we hung out for like 30 mins.

If I can be honest she did most of the talking because I was a really shy and introverted person but from what she told me now is that she waned to bring me out my shell.

Anyways we start texting and then a week later she invites me to go to her birthday dinner at the end of the month. I wanted to surprise her so I bought her a few gifts and she was surprised because we didn't know each other very long but I got her exactly what she wanted.

After that we started hanging out more and more and then eventually I told her that I really liked her and she felt the same.

I hope that answers it but if you have more questions ask away.

>normie cousin at my place for visit
>"user when are you going to get a bf?"
>wtf how am I supposed to explain that I don't even have friends
>might as well just say some random stuff to get out of the topic
>"Well you know my dad [cousin], he would go crazy about it"
>"Eew user that's gross, only fathers with ulterior motives forbid dating"
>get genuine fuzzy and warm feelings inside
>try hard not to chuckle
>"Haha.. [change topic]"

Now I can't get the idea out of my head... I don't think I would ever advance on him... but if he made an advance on me I don't think I would refuse...
idk, I just wanted to vent this somewhere.

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I'm fucking up my friend's LDR just to gain the possibility of getting in her pants
It's working and I'm laughing at how upset her bf is

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is it worth losing a friend over it though

she doesn't know the full extent of how much i'm fucking it up
she wanted me to find his info since it's an LDR and i can see the dude isn't good for her at all
i'm doing her a service by not letting her get strapped down by an idiot

Keep telling yourself that, you are causing your 'friend' pain for your own personal gain. disgusting

Gonna get really drunk tomorrow night, go out to this nearby school that has a giant, flat court and flip a coin as hard as I possibly can. If I call it wrong, then I'm going to hang myself on the nearby fence that's about the perfect height with the bottom support easily being wide enough to stand on and get into position.

Nice, the normies wouldn't believe that someone would skip work just because of anxiety for not bringing food. Guarantee they have no idea.
I'd do the same exact thing in your situation desu.

Apply to gas stations. They usually pay a few bucks above minimum wage, and are a million times easier than fast food or department store.
Plus, the amount of qts that you see every day is amazing.

>I've lied about how many women I've had sex with so impress my friends
>I've only had sex with one woman once, and it was out of pity
>Alienated her and her friends because she wanted to make me out to be a cuckhold and fuck my best friend
>Despise and loathe best friend so much I alienated him, keyed his car, and stopped being friends with his friends since they were cool with the cuckholding thing
>Now I'm just kinda chilling smoking weed not really knowing what to do with my life at this point having alienated most of the people I know

Life sucks.

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To clarify the cuckhold thing she never called herself my girlfriend but she said she was deeply in love with me and always wanted to be with me. Other evil shit like that.

I know how it feels. It never gets better and the pain never goes away.

No you arent lol

Edgy af matey

I'm a girl and I was born with neurofibromatosis
Because of it I was ugly right from the very beginning

Have you tried /s4s/and /bangs/ ininroiclly?

I'm a normie who enjoys browsing this board. I genuinely do feel bad for some of the robots here and try to give advice where I can though I mainly lurk Also your trap threads are pretty good when gif just isn't doing it for me

My mind is stuck between 2007 and 2009
I still watch Youtube Poops, I have a soft spot for all of those old memes (zelda cdi is my shit), I find 13 year olds around that time period to be endearing and I find chuuni phases adorable, I unironically like anime, etc.. I never found anybody who's the same way and I probably won't cuz people only like the current year
I really don't like what the Internet has become these days, everything feels less fun and more snide to a point where it gets serious and drama happens