i don't care about politics/social issues/world problems or anything that doesn't concern me directly and i'm not even trying to be edgy
change my mind
I don't care about politics/social issues/world problems or anything that doesn't concern me directly and i'm not even...
that's not edgy. that is the average person's perspective. I don't blame you.
>not care about social issues and politics
>average perason's perspective
same to be honest
getting really tired of hearing about this sjw and alt-right shit
dont give a fuck about korea, trump or brexit
dont care about immigrants
I dont know how people can get so riled up about this shit. like relax nigga, you wont change anything
He's right though.
The Jow Forumstards you talk to on here aren't average people.
sorry but this is literally your privilege speaking. You can afford not to talk/think about it. A lot of people can't. Their lives depend on it
Everything in society affects your life whether you realize it or not. Pretending not to notice the downward spiral happening all around us doesnt make it go away
I used to, but then I realized that I can't even solve my immediate problems
It effectively goes away if you're NEET and don't have a social life.
>It effectively goes away if you're NEET and don't have a social life.
No it doesnt. Read up on the butterfly effect.
noticing it and taking action wont make it go away either.
we are literally too insignificant to make the smallest amount of change. you will waste your energy, get frustrated and accomplish nothing
The only thing that separates humans from lesser animals is working together as a society.
If you don't care about any greater issues, you may as well be an animal. To be human is to concern yourself with things greater than your own sphere.
>le I cant make a difference maymay
This has been disproven so conclusively that it should be impossible for anyone to believe unironically so Im going to assume youre baiting, have a nice day
are you guys for real?
caring about politics/social issues is one of the most normie things out there right now, it's literally the "sub culture" of our time, being "on the right side of history" etc
caring about these stuff doesn't mean you have Jow Forums's opinion on them
But user, lots of animals live in society
How? If you and your loved ones are insulated from the changes how does it affect you? If you win the lottery it means the great recession doesn't change your life.
>t. brainlet
>The only thing that separates humans from lesser animals is working together as a society
animals work together "as a society" all thr time, it's called "packs" or "murders" or "groups" etc
what separates humans from other animals is logical thought and a highly developed conscious, so if anything you're the animal, caring about doing anything in your power to propogate your genes, while i'm here just doing whatever the fuck i want and manipulate my instincts and impulses to maximize my pleasure
>This has been disproven so conclusively
well, I'd like to see them proofs. have fun spamming Jow Forums memes all days hoping you are making a difference
just remember to take your blood pressure meds so you dont get a brain aneurysm
Same here. Thankfully to my arrogance I don't give shit about many things.
you can't predict the outcome of your "making a difference"
>hitler existed and now europe is more morally corrupt than it ever was
>the usa was founded on the ideas of freedom and liberty and now it's one of the biggest nanny/big brother states in the world
>jews got israel to prevent them from being persecuted and now they are persecuting palestinians
society, life in general, they are breathing, living and constantly evolving entities, they develop and evolve with time, you can't program them, at best you can tackle little problems and hope for the best, but the bigger the "problem" you're tackling the bigger the shitstorm that will insue will be
this is way, if anything, the only logical cause to "fight" for is to be free as an individual, as long as you can shape your own destiny it's alright, anything else and you're just being silly
But those packs don't think about what affects their greater population. Only what affects their specific pack/hive/whatever.
>this is literally your privilege speaking
Literally fuck off back to whatever SJW shithole you came from. PURE WILLPOWER will let you achieve anything. Look at Stephen Hawking you weak ass beta fucking pussy ass bitch.
and you care about jews? or africans? or australian aboriginals? or do you just want them to "disappear" to pave way for your idea of "eutopia" that is, based on the fact you're on Jow Forums is either a white ethnostate or some socialist inspired retardation?
that's what animals in packs do as well, when two packs collide they fight for survival, and so you do the same as human, pretty much the only difference is that you're more consciously aware of the existence of other "packs" around you
holy shit those assumptions lmao
>"those assumptions"
>doesn't correct any of them
sorry your way of thinking is so predictable
None of these normies actually care, they just want to look like heroes
wow your willpower is so impressive you are on r9k
Why should I try to change the mind of a 15 year old? You'll eventually grow up anyway.
>not having a herd mentality is a sign of being a teenager
ok user, don't mix up your iq and foot size again next time you shop for shoes, don't want to buy another pair that is too small