Spent all day getting told by other anons how disgusting my voice is. I generally like voice chatting with other anons. I just wish I didn't have such a bad voice
Who voicelet here
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I won't call your voice ugly user
is it high pitched nasal voice?
Thanks kind fren
I've got a deep voice but it still cracks all the time.
I don't think so. Some friends have said it's my accent that makes people say my voice is disgusting. But people from my country hate my voice too
Unless you took lessons are or blessed by the genetic gods, everyone has a weird voice to themselves. I'm sure your voice is fine, meets rarely meet anyone so they don't have a vast experience of voices to draw from to know weird from slightly off norman.
That's rough. Are you well out of puberty?
>I don't think so. Some friends have said it's my accent that makes people say my voice is disgusting. But people from my country hate my voice too
post vocaroo
Can I hear your voice?
"Meets" I meant neets.
Given how many comments were made about my voice, that weren't made about other peoples in the voice channels I was in, it's hard to imagine that the problem isn't my voice
21 so there's still time I suppose
Same here. I feel like everyone except for me at this age have a fucking radio voice while I'm stuck at this. If you want a person who's voice is 100% worse than yours you can add me on discord for a quick call, I don't only sound ugly I feel like I smell through the fucking mic. I avoid calls like a plague except for when I want to show off how actually loathsome my voice is
honestly I'm feeling too self conscious to do that right now
dont pussy out. post the proof.
Not op, but I'd take you up on the call but I'm too awkward.
>tfw bad stutter
>find it hard to start sentences
that guy isn't me but
i told you you can add me on discord i can send a voice message or do a quick call
Discord? Because nearly everyone I have met on discord thought their voice was better than it really was. Unless you sound like a 12 year old gargling a horned toad you are fine, fuck those other people user, they are proabably just as worried about their own voices
Do it bro, I'll share my voice as well with you. We can be frens together.
yes I forgot to mention
I can send a voice message only in private though.
>tfw you hear your own voice in video
>I avoid calls like a plague except for when I want to show off how actually loathsome my voice is
is your voice a problem irl?
I don't think I could put up with the resulting bullying from that
>I don't think I could put up with the resulting bullying from that
you could delete it after 3 minutes
people just don't care about voices IRL unless it's really deep or really high. So no
Yeah discord. Kek I don't sound 12 yo toad, but the comments just happen so often.
post your discord then. I wanna hear please? I'll be nice I promise.
Did you ever think that they might be bullying you because they are simply jealous of your angelic voice? Huh? Bet you never thought about that before.
No one wants to year your soya voice
People with good voices on discord tend to get complimented, so I don't think it's that
Except from people that are jealous.
I'll add you if you post yours, or I could post a throwaway email
Do a throwaway please. Don't wanna post randomly.
>tfw have been told I have a deep voice
>Have been told I have a voice for audio books
>By actual people and friends
How to get blind gf?
>one day deep baritone
>other day weak tenor with no bass
why cant my voice make it's mind up?
I'm the guy claiming I have the worst voice.
btw, I forgot to mention my accent only worsens it
I'm a discord scrub, how on earth do I add you? It doesn't work. Says username isn't showing up.
I only consider myself a voicelet because I can't sing. My speaking voice is okay though. People here have told me I have a nice voice for narration and radio.
>open discord
>add friend
>type in "User#9405"
will add me then ill message you
Are you SURE you got it right? It's not popping up?
Nothing supposed to pop up... it'll just add me to your friends list you utter dolt. Try a small u
as in user#9405
or give me yours
decided i'll just post a vocaroo
Oh, it's just a fucking attention whoring roastie cunt. Wtf
Your voice is just normal? Like it's not good and not bad? Just a completely neutral voice? Are you from the North of UK? And you are a girl right?
You little shit, my bad xd. Needed a small u.
eh, it's normal girls voice with uk accent.
Does that mean you don't think it's not that bad?
Other girls online don't seem to get the insults I do
Fuck off, roastie shit.
Rate boyos.
Yeah I'm a girl
Not from the UK but my parents are
'Neutral' and 'normal' is probably the best things someones said about my voice
Thanks for the feedback
You have a nice voice
No problem.
and no sarcasm? If not, thanks.
No sarcasm at all
cheers bud. Means a lot to me, have a nice day.