Be honest, would you feel insecure in a relationship where your hypothetical gf was: smarter, more charming, more attractive, made more money, had higher class/social status, more famous etc than you?
Be honest, would you feel insecure in a relationship where your hypothetical gf was: smarter, more charming...
I'd feel insecure even if she wasn't. I just loathe myself and don't think I'm worthy of another persons love & if I got it, I'd be terrified of losing it.
Yes because it would mean that she could leave me anytime she'd meet someone interesting.
Women date/marry up social hierarchies.
Men date/marry down social hierarchies.
It would not be insecurity, it's just acceptance of how human society and psychology works.
i've heard people talk about how they won't date a woman who makes more than them
yeah, because it means you're her bitchboy.
I'm basically in that kind of relationship right now. I do wonder why she's with me, but I'd rather just ride it out and see where it goes. It's nice dating her.
>tfw grandfather was basically turboNEET that was supported by his wife
>tfw dad is a NEET who barely passed college and my mom has a phd and makes 6 figures
mommy gfs run in my family
>>tfw dad is a NEET who barely passed college and my mom has a phd and makes 6 figures
do they still live together? what did she see in him?
the marriage seems stable except for all the shit my mom used to talk about my dad when i was younger and how i shouldn't grow up to be like him
but he wasn't always a NEET, he worked a shitty blue collar job for a while
The insecurity would stem from being in a position of weakness. She would have no reason to stay faithful and has all the power in the relationship and no reason to even choose me in the first place.
>your hypothetical gf was: smarter, more charming, more attractive, made more money, had higher class/social status, more famous etc than you?
You're describing my perfect woman, OP.
And no, not insecure. I'd just be grateful as all get out.
Why the fuck does the system think this is spam? Fucking kikes.
I'd prefer a girl like that, aside from more famous. I wouldn't like being famous or associated with someone famous.
that's one lucky pajeet
>I wouldn't like being famous or associated with someone famous.
Why not?
I'd probably feel insecurity to some extent.
At the very least it'd inspire me to work harder for my ambitions.
No, it's not the other person that makes me feel insecure, it's the people that will attempt to steal her away that make me feel insecure.
If ny hypothetical gf dated someone in her past that was a total loser like an alcoholic or criminal i'd be very wary if she were relationship material
Only if her sexual/romantic history was very robust. Otherwise i dont care
>my current relationship
>feel insecure beyond belief
>only reason she ever took interest was because she found out I attempted sewer side
>constant fear of her waking up to how much of a waste of time I am
>only thing stopping me from making myself dead again
matter of time, kids.
Not at all. If anything, it's additional motivation to do my best and improve myself to her level, provided it's something I already wanted. Otherwise, it's just warm fuzzies knowing she picked you.
I once dated a girl who was a medical student while being neet myself. I didn't feel insecure because I knew I'm clever/smart enough to match her intellectually, and I was right. It didn't work out for unrelated reasons to this topic.
>It didn't work out for unrelated reasons to this topic.
So why it didnt?
We wanted different things from life. She's a career woman, I'm a family man.
>female who doesnt want to have family
it's a sad story.
As a 27 khv I would feel insecure in any relationship
No, that would basically be my dream come true (except for the "more attractive" part, because I'd want to feel desirable and I'm uncomfortable with relationships where there's a big imbalance in physical attractiveness).
>The insecurity would stem from being in a position of weakness. She would have no reason to stay faithful and has all the power in the relationship
That would be the case even in a normie relationship. Bitchy women will do bitchy things no matter what kind of relationship it is, and society will often side with them. Taking on the so-called "dominant" role won't protect you from that.
I am in such a relationship and i do feel some insecureness, yes.
I'm trying to get over it and i am gwtting some slow progress but it is kind of a good thing since it gives me a bit of motivation to try harder and achieve something in my life.
I wouldn't care about getting to her level in terms of money, status, and so forth, but I'd definitely be motivated to stay in good shape (especially if she fulfills another one of my fantasies and insists that I never wear clothes around the house). I'd also try to learn how to cook and other househusband stuff.
Of course, even a women that is below you in everything stated will be more desired by the opposite sex and willing to cheat. What do you fucking think of one that's even better? I mean, you know she'll cheat, but I guess you just have to make the best of it until it happens.
I'd be scared that her friends and family would constantly shittalk me, and she'd end up leaving me because they say she can do better.
Other than that, I'd be fine, but it's her loss to stay with me.
>you know she'll cheat,
that's paranoid
Eh, not really, because that's not what matters in a relationship.
Doesn't take much to be smarter than me, I like smart women
>more charming
she can do the talking in social situaions
>more attractive
That's a plus for me, im dating up
>made more money
She can be provider, I can play video games
>higher class/social status
see >more charming
>more famous
Whatever, I dont care about fame
>smarter, more charming, more attractive, made more money, had higher class/social status, more famous etc than you
For whatever reason she SETTLED for you. Just wait until she realizes or remembers that she can do better. I don't know why I replied tho, fucking normie that doesn't know that all women cheat.
Hey, I posted that picture from an Okcupid profile like 6 years ago. This place never changes.
>all women cheat
that's defeating mentality.
Ok, you caught me user. I just did a statistics 101 class and because I am not an absolute retard I got some knowledge from there.
If there is close to 90% chance for a negative outcome, you probably shouldn't take part in whatever that is. Probabilities man, how do they work?
Not him but as a teenager I got quite famous in my hometown to some extent and it sucks a hell lot
I can only imagine how shit the life of stars must be. I'd end up Aviciing myself for sure
>it sucks a hell lot
everybody knew you?
Literally everybody and their dog. For a few months it got ridiculous, hopefully people forgot about me after that.
This is why I am moving to Saudi Arabia to find my wife. A woman who is a lot better than me scares the fuck out of me. I cannot fill the traditional patriarchal role as a leader and I would hate that. So to the Gulf States it is! But I swear to God if her clit is cut off we are gonna have some fucking problems. I need an uncut one. I already want a dumb wife that is really submissive, but she isn't gonna be wet enough to fuck if she doesn't have her clit. One of the crux of her wifely duties (servicing my cock with her pussy) ruined because the Saudis had to be sadist.
I'd be confused on why she would even bother with me if she's better at everything. The relationship would certainly fail cause I wouldn't be able to bring anything to the table.
>I wouldn't be able to bring anything to the table.
Maybe she likes your company.
Insecure in the sense that i feel she has better options and may bullshit me then leave? Yeah, a bit. Insecure in the sense that i'm intimidated in some way? Not even a bit.
A girl like that wouldn't pick trash
Yeah, but I would also try to get her to assess me on that stuff so I become better, and that won't leave me even if she does, so I would still date her
It's amazing how everyone agrees that it's fine if that's all a man needs to want to be with a woman, but not if you reverse the sexes. I mean, having "She enjoys his company" be the big reason doesn't even seem to enter the equation for most people. It's like the very idea of it is alien to most people. A woman can't just like a man because she likes him, there has to be something he did or had that *persuaded* her to like him, against her better judgement. It really shows how our culture devalues men's humanity, sometimes without even realizing it.
Of course I would. Anybody would. A woman would feel insecure in that position, as well. It's just human nature.
What pisses me off is that insecurity is only ever addressed or criticized when the man is insecure. A man being insecure isn't some underlying subconscious inability to see women as equals, or some superiority thing; it's literally just that relationships aren't as disney-like as the media portrays them, and if there's a significant enough value differential, the relationship is likely to fail.
>gf smarter, more charming, more attractive, made more money, had higher class/social status, more famous etc than me
Actually I would be really happy.
>What pisses me off is that insecurity is only ever addressed or criticized when the man is insecure.
And even then, it's almost always a subject of mockery. There's never any empathy or understanding for the men. There's just "LOL, what, your fragile little male ego can't take it? That's really fucking pathetic."
Actually, come to think of it, I disagree that only male insecurity is addressed. Female insecurity is addressed all the time, it's just that in that case, it's about *helping* the women, not mocking them. And more often than not, they say it's men's responsibility to do everything they can to help alleviate a woman's insecurities. Meanwhile, men need to get over their fragile little egos and get used to dealing with EMPOWERED WYMYN WHO SPEAK THEIR MINDS.
>A man being insecure isn't some underlying subconscious inability to see women as equals, or some superiority thing
This, too. This tendency to ascribe the most sinister motives possible to every male emotion. Men can never be having honest feelings. No, it's always a result of the massive inborn misogyny that every man has. When all you have is feminism, everything looks like misogyny.
>A woman can't just like a man because she likes him, there has to be something he did or had that *persuaded* her to like him, against her better judgement
Who says that? If you enjoys that persons company then you'll want spend more time with that person.
>Who says that?
No one says it outright. They imply it with talk about "bringing things to the table" and so on. Notice that the things you're supposed to "bring to the table" as a man are usually related to material success or having some kind of list of accomplishments.
>They imply it with talk about "bringing things to the table" and so on.
And talk about "winning her over".
Im in a relationship like that now.
She is younger, sexier, blonder, smarter, has a good job, Im unemployed.
She is more socially awkward than me.
But no, Im not insecure.
>She is more socially awkward than me.
>female has to has to be all about family
so much for liberty
She sounds desirable, but I don't have enough experience with girls to determine whether I'd feel insecure or not.
>In a relationship
You may as well kill yourself you've achieved what we strive for
No. Then she won't leech off of me and will have a higher goal in life than shitting out a kid.
>Doesn't realise women in Saudi Arabia have jobs and shit but are segregated to men so they still have Phd and shit
>Doesn't realise FGM is haram and it being in islam is retarded
seriously user do a little search
I'd even love a gf who is drastically superior to me in all regards.
Yeah probably. Except if I was like physically way better than her.
Get this racemixing filth out of here