Do you honestly see Elliot Rodger, as an incel saint? , I'm not talking memes I'm talking literal
Do you honestly see Elliot Rodger, as an incel saint? , I'm not talking memes I'm talking literal
No he was a creepy little psycho
People just like to shitpost
Are you a cbc reporter or something?
yes i see him as the supreme gentleman, unironically
Yeah I'm an offical vncsb journalist
he was the greatest icon we ever had. he opened the truth to everyone and il NEVER let his name die.
I can identify a lot with Elliot's message and life, the only difference is that I don't care about roast nearly as much, but he was right about a lot of things.
Would you kiss him if it would save him
Do you like that boi?
He was relatable to me, and most likely others on this board. He showed the world that he wasn't going to take it anymore and ended the thing that was bothering him the most. Humans and their toxic personality. So yes, I honestly see him as a saint.
Fuck no. Murdering normies is never the answer and I've never been comfortable with or a fan of the ironic and non-ironic hero worship of him.
You're so fucking sexy user, I know
Supreme leader Eliot Rodger started a revolution, he begun something that cannot be stopped anymore. The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine.
He was our prophet.
Like some sort of Prometheus, he figured out the truth and handed it to incels, to normies' dismay
Yeah, I want to write an autobiography like he did, I feel like it would help put my life into context. Unironically my role model, I will kill myself on the day of his death in a few years.
Elliot was a moron who ironically killed more beta losers than Chads or Stacies. He killed his roommates who were Starcraft playing asian betas, then failed to gain entry into the blonde bimbo sorority he wanted to shoot up, so he just opened fire on a bunch of fat nerd girls walking by.
He hurt our movement more than anything else, but ironically we all still love him even more because of his stupidity and autism. Same with that Nasim chick who shot up YouTube headquarters. She killed nobody but herself, but her bizzarro autism turned her into an ironic martyr for loser weirdos everywhere. Their ultimate failures in making a statement just makes them seem more human than the never-failed-once-in-my-life Ubermensch we are all supposed to aspire to be.
It's a matter of some form of humanity striking out against the percieved oppression we all feel, but can never name. Failed humans yes, but being a failure myself I can sympathize with them more than the bitter normaluddite telling me im a failure cuz I'm not being myself hard enough.
Elliot was a dying breed of autism, one of the last real human beans.
He was denied women, despite being such a nice and handsome guy. He also had the courage to stand up to the oppression of our people, mark my words. When I go out, he'll be proud of me and he'll shake my hand in the heavens. Won't be long now..
No, but I do see him as a victim of society's hypocrisy and filth.
The only good people out there are losers. Everyone else is an hypocrite and the most manipulative you are, the higher you go in the social ladder.
Being evil while wearing an angel's mask is what gets you far in this world.
How can I into nasism?
he's waiting there with 71 other virgins to greet you
>I will kill myself on the day of his death in a few years.
Are you planning to take someone else down with you, user?
71 naked 18 year old bois
His dream was being a normie. His victims were some asian dudes. So no.
Honestly, I like to laugh at what a pathetic weirdo he was. I mean, I'm nowhere near a successful man myself, but at least I don't get mad and start throwing soda on people if they have a relationship.
Nah, he was a fugly chink dork but it was funny how he killed those normies.
You know the dude had some deep-rooted issues. He hated his step-mother and his father for being pussy whipped, he was so unstable that his family sent him to Morocco and he hated it so much that he begged to be sent back home. Talk about being isolated by your own fucking family.
He is one of the few people that are actually making steps towards progress.
Passive complaining on online boards will do nothing.
Words do not matter. Only actions do. So we must commit to those actions.