> he felt for self-improvement meme
*breath in*
he felt for self-improvement meme
Its not a meme theyre just going about it the wrong way. Get into old man hobbies and learn that youre not special.
Nice compensation, while chad fucks stacies and makes six figures.
good for Chad, but i'll be laughing when his grandchildren walk into his study and find nay a vessel in sight. Theyll think he's such a loser, do you really want to die having you grandchildren think youre a loser?
But... user's right, er, user.
Yeah, but does Chad have a sick ass model boat in his living room. Yeah, that's what I thought. Pussy if overrated.
>He's taking steps to try and improve himself, what a loser lmao
Why are normies incapable of understanding memes
I want to argue with you, but you have a point.
(Shit this wasn't original comment?)
nary a vessel*
Saint Codincel stands as proof that 'self improvement' is just a meme.
I mean if any 18-24 year old starts with exercising, studying properly, waking up early, making sure his home is clean and starts to care about his appearance he would start seeing result after a few months
Boat kid gtfo been seeing far too much of you lately
>just clean your room bro it works for me
> will start seeing results
Lmao overthinking autist thinks he has a chance if he plays by the rules.
Nice reddit maymay, maybe you should go back
Make me faggit.
starts seeing positive results =/= becoming the personification of 10/10 chad
No doubt.
These people are so bitter about their own shortcomings that they feel the need to put down people who try to make an effort.
Ignore and move on.
He was a flabby acne scarred manlet before he learnt to be himself.
I miss r incles.
I don't understand why this is supposed to be a bad thing. The only reason you faggots can't stand to improve yourselves is because you're too weak to endure even the slightest level of pain, and your reluctance to improve yourself has allowed your suffering to propagate unfettered. The "self-improvement" meme is just about voluntarily putting yourself through small amounts of acute suffering so you become more resilient, and a better person. It works, IRL. Why is this such a bad thing?
what kind of results?
If all you need is Memerson telling you to clean your room then you were not that fucked up in the first place.
I'll say it again, the only guys who are actually helped by Peterson's platitudes are dumb and submissive guys who never had a strong father figure (and needed one), so now they have a daddy telling them to sort themselves out.
It's quite pathetic, to be honest.
This is basically 'be more confident' with more words.
It's a great loss to the wizard world, all those superpowers lost as they downgrade to 3D.
An ugly manlet who does everything on that starterpack for a few years is still an ugly manlet. His chance of attracting even one plain Jane goes from 0 percent to 0.1 percent.
For fuck's sake, if some random 8/10 guy who dresses like shit and has no ambition can easily hook up with girls, why even try self-improving if you're a 4/10.
Do you realise that both robots AND normans from leddit agree that self-improvement is a meme(see the pic)? Maybe there is a reason for it, dont you agree.
Based boatfag
No, I'm saying make an investment in yourself. Put work into yourself, and you will receive tangible results. Maybe you'll go from being a 4/10 to a 7/10, but that's still a huge improvement. How is that a meme?
Actual handsome here
You're never gonna make it sorry
>Maybe you'll go from being a 4/10 to a 7/10
The confidence is something you're born with,
Thanks to good genes and a good family
you wish IoI
Well what else are people supposed to do?
>do it for few years
>no results
Kill yourself.
*breath in*
Not focus so much on their appearance?
> muh confidence
Stop being a pathetic tryhard swallow the black pill.
>you wish IoI
Sorry m7 it's true
Implying that life as a 7/10 is vastly superior to life as a 4/10, and you can make that jump if you're willing to endure pain and improve yourself.
I'm not talking about confidence dummy. I'm talking about physical strength, health, mental resilience and attractiveness. Of course some people are legit 1/10s and they're kind of screwed, but 98% of people can improve themselves and become who they envision to be their "actualized self."
when did suits become so shit-teir? Its all "slimfit" stuff that just looks weird. Its a suit not fuckin skinny jeans
>and you can make that jump if you're willing to endure pain and improve yourself
From 4 to 7/10? When has that ever happened?
This is a hobby I really want to pick up, but I dont have the space yet so I need to start with some small ones. Any good sites to where you can by decent quality model sets?
I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little LARP phrase in and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a Jow Forums pass, so you just hit submit. I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Jow Forums posting about dumb roleplays. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic shitposting NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.
you're a manlet, my dude
What about 25 year olds? Am I old?
I went from fat pizzaface depressed vidya gamer / role player (my only interests) to skinnyfat clearskin moderately happy musician. That's a solid 3 point jump, right? It's totally possible my dude.
Not really in 1.85 or 6'1" I think in burgers
Pic with gf for height reference
Man fluyts have such nice curves
Can Chad appreciate any such beauty? I thought not.
That's more 2 > 5/10, faggot (if even that).
Jesus christ.
>those heels
you better not have kids with her, they will be turbomanlets
and far more realistically ebay.
Billings is alright the build qualitys not really there but theyre good looking boats for cheap and are mostly 1:72 and 1:120 so theyre nice and compact. Also try and get american/english boats. Foreign boat makers tend to not bother with decent instructions and instead just print them out in as many different languages possible. Pic relateds a good starter boat, was one of my first boats, just search up billings b200
No, but you're at an age where people put more responsibilities on you and they expect you to behave like an adult and not a kid who shows up hungover to work the next day because he was only going to have a few drinks with the lads the night before.
Your brother looks like a cool dude, user. I wonder if you're just as much of a shit-skin as him.
>Your brother
This is my sister btw
Italians are white
never did understand why Tasman used one as his flagship, guessing he didnt have much say in the matter. But its a weird choice for an exploration vessel.
thanks alot for the good info.
Well it's always better than being a salty robotfag.
>says the 1/10 miserablefag
At least I'm doing *something* to improve myself instead of sitting on my ass pretending that it's a meme. You should keep on feeling sorry for yourself and festering in your tepid malaise. I'm sure things will work out.
based captain cook came from my hometown
>Italians are white
>why even try self-improving if you're a 4/10.
Because at the very least you can look in the mirror and not be disgusted by yourself because of how useless you are.
Ok, maybe you're an ugly acne ridden manlet but at least you dress well. Maybe you live in a shitty one room apartment, but at least it's clean.
Fine, you got dealt a bad lot in life and that sucks ass. There's things you can't do shit about and you'll just have to learn to live with them. There are however things you CAN change and if you want to make life a little more bearable, improving on the things you can helps a lot.
Go take a fucking shower and brush your teeth 3 times a day. Unironically clean your room/house so when you have someone over you don't have to be ashamed of it. Go read a damn book, not so you can be smug towards other about how knowledgeable you are but to become wiser. Everyone can do those thing unless you live in some third-world shithole.
Life sucks so don't make it harder for yourself.
> I got lucky
> so everyone who dont joint a rat race is a loser now
You are probably average now, that would be 5/10 (assuming that you're telling the truth).
The description of your starting point is closer to 2 than it is to 4. You can autistically screech all you want, these facts are not going to change.
Nothing you mentioned matters.
Oh fuck that
Most of you won't make it but giving up and settling for a shitty place in society is absurd. The majority of the world still has it worse than most of you. Being sad is alright but giving up is not an option.
Arguably William Bligh was the far more based captain, but its hard to beat the Endeavor aesthetics wise.
I could do those things, and my mood could improve. But will I be rewarded with greater attention from women? If you tell me there's more to life than romance and sex then I'm going to assume you're another normie who gets off on giving meaningless advice.
If you like being miserable sure they don't.
get the fuck out
Most people don't like being around smelly depressed miserable people. So it can only be beneficial.
What's your point? I improved myself. You're doing nothing.
>these facts are not going to change
I didn't get lucky faggot I suffered and worked to become who I am today. Grow some balls and take some responsibility for your life, jesus.
Richfags + chads + femoids make the majority. Plus poor black and brown males can just move to Europe/US and live on welfare, so they dont have it worse that us. So no, we are definitely worse than most of people.
> be late bloomer
> start cleaning your room
> become chad
> take credit for it
I could have continued sitting on my ass at all times of the day, and yet I didn't. I had to make the choice to that end. I deserve credit, and you would too if you did the same.
My point being that a 4/10 never turns into a 7/10.
I don't even need this kind of retarded self-improvement, because I always more or less took care of myself, and my problems are mental rather than physical.
My point is that you kind of meme self-improvement can make a difference only if you are not starting from a particularly fucked up point, otherwise it's just a bunch of little meaningless bullshit that is not going to improve someone whose life is seriously screwed.
This post is utter bullshit.
>maybe you're an ugly acne ridden manlet but at least you dress well
Do you really thing that's going to matter?
Oh was thinking more of people living a shitty life in like Asia doing the same boring work everyday for close to nothing. Don't know the exact demographics but there are plenty of those in the world.
>poor black and brown males can just move to Europe/US and live on welfare
No not really
Go back there OP you embodiment of everything that is gay
Asians femoids still have it better than robots.
> no not really
Yes, that's reality.
I live here
t. special snowflake
absolutely garbage post my friend
>Do you really thing that's going to matter?
Yes. Everyone has things they can't do, things they are not. Manlets are never gonna be tall. Brainlets are never gonna win the nobel prize etc etc. That's just reality. But if you fix the parts of your life that you CAN fix at the very least you will have that fulfillment... Or disregard all that and keep convincing yourself that everything is pointless so you don't have to face yourself. The very first step is always honesty.
Have you ever thought with your own mind, instead of spouting retarded (and obsolete) memes?
Put some fucking effort into insulting and arguing, you are being pathetic.
And now go clean your room, boy, or you won't eat dinner tonight.
Self help is a great idea.
Problem is the first step of it is figuring out who the self is, it's self actualization. Following a cookie-cutter, paint by numbers thing like OP pic related is just fitting into a different mould. It's not helping you be the best you possible, it's just changing the fake you that you project to be somewhat more efficient. It's still fake, it's still a front and there's still no 'self' about it.
If Chad cleans his room, he will fuck 12 stacies per week instead of 10.
Yet Chad(even Brad) living in a trailer scores more than autist manlet in his own 300k house and clean room.
You can improve your room, but not your life.
You failed normies get the fuck out.
If anyone is curious about the comments, here is the link
One half is "who is this guy?" followed by "muh interned dad" and the other is "le epic jokes"
I'v never really been on reddit but it seems just as bad as you people say.
Edit: Thanks for the upvotes.
Why is the mere idea of self-improvement met with such hostility? There is no one-size-fits-all solution, but that doesn't mean that all forms of self-improvement are inherently bad. Nobody said cleaning your room would make you a Chad. You don't have to follow the examples in the OP. I don't understand why any change is immediately assumed to be for the worst.
Because half the faggots here don't want to try and have given up and they also don't want to see anyone else escape because that just solidifies that there might be some hope for them if they try, but they are too lazy to try.
Chad fucks stacies while he's young. When he ages just a little bit, and is forced into the marriage and mortgage future that he's been taped to since his first day of school, he won't be fucking stacies any more. He might get laid with some of the girls he finds out in bars, but the reality is he'll know they're not actually into him, but into his money. Eventually, as we all know from watching porn and indulging in our own addictions, these things don't actually bring happiness and after a while become boring. So, while user fades in attractiveness, and the life he's stuck with become too much, he'll go through a midlife crisis. Because of his lifestyle in which he works 6 days a week to earn 6 figures, he won't have any time to spend with his family. His marriage will be deeply unsatisfying. His kids/grandkids will have no love for him because he's working all the time. His entire life, when he's not kissing up to his coworkers and pretending to be normal is sleeping and fapping. He has no time for passion. In his forties he'll start wondering why he never wrote that book he wanted to write, or ran that marathon, or did whatever dream he had as a child, but settled for a job he hates. Sure, he has plenty of things and money, but his life is brutally empty.
you gotta take the epic "pills" to understand, yo. "chads" and "stacies" and "normies" are all out to get you man. I think a lot of people posting here are edgy underage faggots who think they have things figured out, our just dumbass foreigners with ignorant foreigner logic.
giving up is entirely an option lmao
if i wasn't gonna make it anyways then why would i waste my effort instead of settling for what will inevitably happen to me either way
There is nothing to argue about since your criticism didn't make sense to begin with.
>I'll say it again, the only guys who are actually helped by Peterson's platitudes are dumb and submissive guys who never had a strong father figure (and needed one), so now they have a daddy telling them to sort themselves out.
so what?
why are you implying not having a father figure is not a problem in the developement of a person?
>The only people helped by (insert solution) are those with (insert problem)
yeah no shit
Been trying to self improve from the begining of 2017 to today, my life is still shit, it's a pure scam, don't waste your time on this shit
I think what he's saying is that he takes issue with people seeing Peterson as this great philosopher or thinker. His advice is very obvious, and though people benefit from it, he doesn't deserve the pedestal he's been placed upon.
Sounds like you tried this but didn't actually have the discipline to follow through with it. Aaaand here you are
Anything you need to tell yourself, buddy. You're posting on Jow Forums and you still have faith in your self improvement? Pathetic.
schizophrenic who's now off meds here, I've tried a lot, here's what works
>cooking your own meals
>good hygiene
>going outside
>getting more productive hobbies
>getting a job
>exposure therapy
>reading books
>consuming more beneficial media
>regular sleep schedule
>dress better
>care more about appearances
>self hatred
>stop blaming others for your problems
>cut down or cut out porn
>drugs in moderation and no more than once per week (this includes tobacco and alcohol)
>tidy up your room (not for peterson meme reasons just because being in a dirty room all the time is depressing)
>dude just smoke weed
>just b urself
>no fap (anything past 7 days is a meme)
oh also whilst I was in the hospital I learnt the importance of routine, I wake up at the same time every weekday, eat at the same times, workout at the same times etc
there are 14 and 15 year old guys in HS deflowering 12 year old girls.
Do you think they were losers until one day they decided to "improve" by cleaning their rooms, studying hard, working out, "preping meals" (lmao) and reading a book titled "no more mr. nice guy"?
Or maybe they were wanted by society from day 1?
Which one do you think is more likely?
what point are you making? since some people are born being wanted unless you are it's impossible to become wanted?