This is the average femanon. Why don't you have a femanon FWB yet?
This is the average femanon. Why don't you have a femanon FWB yet?
Other urls found in this thread:
I wish that femanons were that cute.
What do you mean "why don't I have one yet"? What the fuck are these threads? Am I supposed to be able to get one? Please, point me to the nearest femanon that would be sexually attracted to me.
They're right here user. Half of r9k is girls.
I tried once. She shut me out and tends to do so to everyone at times. I have issues too but damnit I just wanted to love you A.
Yeah I think a fembot would be nice
> sexually attracted
That's the problem, user, your attitude. You must become friends first, you must see her as something more that sexual object to get to sexual part. That's sounds like a paradox, but that's life, grow up.
This and pic related are your average femanon.
i'll be yours until the thread ends
But I don't want a friend with benefits. I want a nice gf that likes me and isn't a total slut.
Oh, I can do that. I'm just saying when or if it comes to that they wouldn't be.
So, resident female, what are your interests?
Catfishing orbiter retards
dreaming mostly
I'm the last person to tell that to. I was never too interested in sex. I just wanted a relationship. The only reason I brought up sex is because the OP said FWB
I see. Do you go with spur-of-the-moment inspiration, or a systematic approach that you've developed to find the most effective method?
I tried to. I told her I had feelings for her and she ghosted me. I'd been talking to her daily for months. wtf
I don't think there are any femanons like this.
Certainly not a majority share.
The OP and are a lot closer to truth.
Of what? Of the fantastic, the dramatic, the exhilarating? Of simple pleasures in idyllic places? Of goals, love, or perhaps simply wherever your subconscious mind leads you?
Go to /soc/ you thirsty cockroach
Those things dont sound appealing at all. If anything she just sounds like aperson who would come between me and my boats.
of big black dicks cumming deep inside my virgin womb
user can you tell us more about your boats? How did you get involved in this hobby?
Here to steal you from these beta boys.
What the fuck does dreaming mean?
>jerked off
But I'm bored, and can't sleep. Sing me a lullaby or something, if my presence so disturbs you.
A lot of girls use jerking off/jacking off as slang.
I did sailing as a child, based boat principal got me into it. Got back into sailing recently, but too old for competitive sailing outside of lasers and fuck that mess. I just wanna cruise, ya feel me.
nice autism shoes lol
usually happier versions of my life in weird worlds
do you want the textbook definition? also you should repair your shoes
>You must become friends first
this poster is either a worthless hole or massive beta
Bahaha! Never thought of them that way (did think they looked geriatric), but they are comfy as fuck.
You must really need the money with shoes like that, I didn't know they had free wifi at homeless shelters.
why are you browsing r9k from the nursing home?
are some of these "fembots" actually 83 year old senile ladies?
Sailling the high seas with nothing but the ocean and the wind on your mind sounds peak comfy.
No, you answered it responding to that other person. How do you wish your life was better? Also, my shoes do not need any repair.
Government-issue iPhone still has 3G. And the shelter aint bad, especially on Taco Tuesday
>Femanon FWB
Damn friendzoned even before coming into existence into someone elses life
Here's the thing. You say "hey become friends and the sex will happen later" but if you (or rather I) actually try that the girl will just tell me that she'd rather we just remain friends and that I should have been upfront with my intentions if I wanted sex. Of course I would get rejected on sight if I asked for sex so who knows really.
Anna claims yet another victim in her thot crusade
>high seas
Gods no, inna harbor is supreme comfy though. Not a cap in the world, warm waters and all the breeze a man could ask for.
because women creep my out with their neediness and I'm happier alone LOL
Originally do not understand the cave man grunts
Nope. I want a femanon to be mine, and mine alone, in a sweet love relationship.
But this is impossible, since they are all attention whores.
I'm sorry sweetie, I just think we should be friends instead of something more. But there's somebody out there for everybody haha :). Now bend over.
Nice. My ideal r9k gf will draw my furry porn of my oc in exchange for my credit card info, loyalty and sleeping next to me and after a while I can claim my patron reward of her womb for my use.
>sex with robot
>furry OC
absolutely disgusting.
I unironically would love a fuck buddy since i have a rather big penis i haven't been able to use yet. I'm probably too socially retarded to ever even get a friend who is a girl to begin with.
i'd rather not say the real answer so better wealth, luck and fame
but really, the answer is: most of us are just average guys in terms of physicality; extremely below average in levels of disinhibition/charisma/confidence
>inb4 "just get more confident bro!"
confidence is a symptom - not a cause.
Because I live in Ohio and literally no one else lives here. Every woman I've talked to from this board lives on one of the coasts, in Canada, in Europe, or in Australia.
because femanons wouldn't date any robot from here why would they even come here to get one when they have /soc/?
>become friends with female
>go into wanting romance
>OMG user you're such a creep you should have been upfront about it
>be upfront about sexual attraction
>" You must become friends first, you must see her as something more that sexual object to get to sexual part. That's sounds like a paradox, but that's life, grow up."
Somebody has to be either giving us bad advice or straight up acting like lying two-faces. And my bets are on the latter.
Not her, I only used A cause that was her display name where I got to know her. The fact you thought I even meant that person, you got some splainin to do.
Dude have you tried NOT being yourself? Might work for you idk.
>sorry for stimming in the grocery store
Yep. You got me. I hate being called out like this.
Same thing. These fucking threads are annoying and part of why Jow Forums went to fucking shit
Why would you stim in a grocery store
post-delete r9k was always shit what are you on about.
>The fact you thought I even meant that person, you got some splainin to do.
no need splaining, she just turned into a meme in the letter threads is all
Much better when we had autistic greentext, /comfy/, cioa and /devilish/ thread than the trap, roastie and faggot infested Jow Forums of today.
this is true but I think that's mostly a symptom of reddit and polniggers bleeding over into this board than anything else. roasties were always here and always got told to fuck off to /soc/
It's a game that "just werks", you either feel it or don't.
Since I'm a turboautist that can't get social clues, I can't win no matter how much I play.
>Am I supposed to be able to get one?
There's no rule that doesn't say you should be able to get one. Scoring a girl means you have a chance outside robotdom, either that, or the girl's a ho
Oof what a cutie. Do broken girls like this -without all the daddy piss in my asshole baggage- exist?
To be fair I've made friends with a few girls like that. It's interesting to have friends that share interests in games, dungeons and dragons, and stuff like that, but it's cool to see the shy person's eyes light up when I talk about them. Though I guess they do end up closing everyone out for weeks sometimes, kind of depressing really.
Probably. They must be a lot harder to find, though, because society got a lot more degenerate now.
Why do I stim period? I'm stressed.
>sticky notes
>abundant messages
>comissioned art
Hahaheh...ha....oh God it's me,
>Hahaheh...ha....oh God it's me,
its also me. shhhhh
You sound alright user. Cut down on the stimming in public and go live somewhere quiet and secluded.
>interest in art/drawing
Can't relate.
this is just fucking annoying originalio
Pity. Sex-related baggage is such a turnoff.
I would never be in a friends with benefits situation with anyone OP. And I'm sure all femanons aren't the same.
You're right, of course. All femanons are special in their own special way.
>rainbow hair of cancer
Exactly. Finally someone who sees through it.
I only FWB with stacies because they are mentally capable of handling it
Cancer? They're doing you a service. It's all very open without trickery.
Why are you here, user?
Nice shoes user
Reminder that the roastie made this comic
Reminds me of a girl I tried to add on kik a month ago. She seemed so chill. She liked to climb too, something I wish I can do but can't because I live in a shitty agricultural city with no absolutely buildings at all.
too bad she never responded
>plz gib me a qt neet fembot gf
>video games
vidya has been trash for over a decade, who cares.
an all female vidya company would honestly be a hilarious trainwreck to watch
This is why you become one of the anons on the left, most girls just aren't girlfriend material.
fuck you faggots originality is key in these types of posts
Nobody mentioned fem"bots" - only an idiot would believe such a thing exists.
whew lad, if you find one will you let me know where you did so i can go there and pick one up
Cut out the last part and that's been my life. I hurt myself today, to see if I still feel. I focus on the pain, the only thing that's real.
depression doesn't manifest itself that cutely. nor does anxiety.
even in girls. stop romanticising the female posters here
Why aren't there any fembots in the 305/954 region that want to hang out?
I'm most likely cuter than you or any mal when I cut and cry myself to sleep.
>depression doesn't manifest itself that cutely
>even in girls
No shit, sherlock. Try not taking all this seriously.
because i want a relationship with a functional and relatively sane human being who isn't clingy, desperate, and suffering from malnutrition.
Lol your pic fits the description for about 90% of Jow Forums shit posters. Projecting much? Or do you secretly think Jow Forums is populated mostly by females?
I'm only looking for my soul mate, robots aren't deep enough in the hole yet.
You can keep your loosh-farming gf, I hope the two of you find joy in this plane of reality. I am needed elsewhere.
Because even they have standards, bro.
Too earn the affection of a female Eldritch abomination as a mere mortal would require a vast feat of sorcery indeed.
**I'm the Sorceress btw**