Byrne's bears edition
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I used to think i was a God amongst men,
now i know i am just a simple man amongst mannequins.
Opening the thread with a bang
Stop replying to cunts
finna be lit
dmanon be a nonce, Iads
I used to think you were just gay, now I know you are a gay nonce
First for declan donnelly
>get on 4chins r9k to visit my favourite board
>find my favourite thread
>fresh fread
Day is officially good now.
How you boys doing?
Bet it's you who's the baitfag kys
raining tonight so no latics brainlets will get stuck up, still go for a comfy /nightwalk/ though i think
*dabs on the entire earth*
new seplut kino
a good watch lads
Imagine the amount of rape that's going to happen when white's are the minority? MMMM I'M EDGING
If I ever think about having a wank I do 10 pressups, if I have a wank I have to do 100 by the end of the day.
Just finished 80 for my morning wank, feel like I'm gonna collapse.
Not bad lad. Spent the end of the last thread low effort shitposting for easy (you)'s and much frustration. Good time to come join us as this thread will hopefully be a lot less cancer.
You got plans for the day other than lurking?
It was me lad
>i am just a simple man amongst mannequins.
dm, please stop
80 if you're doing them right (which I assume you aren't, but even still) is quite a bloody lot lad.
Not lifted a finger at work today Iads.
Shippy come baaaackkk
Shippy coooo-hoooome baaa-hhaacck
Twenty-second for remove mould.
You work as a pornstar lad?
surprise surprise 466
>too busy to do lifting for 3 days in a row
>finally get to do it
>injure my back
>now have to wait another few days to do it again
let's post some good music lads
Will I see gains from getting a weight's bench/weights?
big fan of sea shanties
drinking whisky at 3 lmao
Lets all just relax lads with some modern classic Steve
Going to just play some vidya myself now.
no, you have to do weights to see gains, just buying the equipment isnt enough
Come on then lads
*puts a HoT on user*
Don't worry u'll be ok
Never got into Wale, only really know of a few songs. Quite like this though
Seeing as you posted Hip-Hop have some Little Simz. Really like this track, on of the better ones on Humanz I think which is weird considering it's like a complementary single rather than actually on the album.
Lad it's bizarre that I've not seen you post this in a while. How bizarre!
>It was me lad
you are such an uncomfy faggot and you're so full of yourself.
Post some comfy youtube channels
this lad narrates horror mangas/comics, he does it so well you don't even have to look at the pictures.
I practiced no porn for a while, and only wanked about once a week but I 'relapsed'. Gonna go wank to some based black women now
Good on you for making something good out of it
shit music m8
ship nip 12
Living at mumsies that is me!
NoFap has been piss easy for me, it's the NoPorn side of things that I'm constantly failing. Can't go for more than 24 hours without finding myself randomly looking at something.
Stay mad, I am sustained by your frustration. It keeps me going.
Last thread was a trash fire before I started shitting on it, and it killed it quicker from having done so. Enjoy this clean and comfy thread friend.
>injure my back
Are we talking about muscle soreness or an actual back injury? If you go back to lifting after a few days you could just make it worse, you need to be careful with your back. I was out for 3 months because of it
that's a shit song
Linked this here a few times. Good one lad.
Is the lad from last night about who was talking about Steve Albini?
>Never got into Wale, only really know of a few songs
Yeah me neither. I listened to Ambition it wasn't great.
But Rick Ross and Meek make that song. Just like Rick Ross's verse on Devil in a New Dress take that song from like a 7-8 to a 10
comfy /out/ stuff
A nice demonstration of accelerationism in practice. Full throttle lads
Dickhead builders broke my hob lads. Anyone got any recipes I could do just using an oven/microwave? Looking for interesting ones to make the next few weeks less dull
Participating until around 17:30. life has improved exponentially for me, last year I was a NEET, this year I have a job, responsibilities, respect, I lost weight, got fit, got smart. Where I work is long hours and away from home, so I got some really good friends there since everyone is lonely there. Really proud of myself. I wanted to try and get a GF and I was recently ignored by a girl who I texted the morning after I went to a club. This would have probably wrecked my a year ago but now I just don't mind. Getting ignored isn't the end of the world, and she wasn't anything special. I don't want a selfish relationship that I want just to cure my own loneliness. The reason why I'm barely on britfeel anymore is because I work 5 days a week and only go on the internet on the weekends, and I like to lurk. I also don't go on after 9pm because I like to wake up at 5 am every day.
That's a year in review for me. Happy but I'm not content yet. How are you?
Yeah I am, elbows tucked in 90 degrees and all that, googled how to do a sit up/ pressup properly before doing them daily. I need to start more though, I don't drive and live too far away from the gym to run or cycle so I need to find a full body workout to do every week. Any recommendations? I wanted to start running too.
inb4 "gtfo chad-lite"
That truly is quite bizarre!
Fucked up my formatting towards the end, oh dear.
>Stay mad, I am sustained by your frustration. It keeps me going.
There is something wrong with you tbqh. are you really so insecure that you have to come on here and bait people.
Yeah right, turn it up to 11. Speed run mode.
You a well known poster here by any chance? If so then hello fren
I don't have to at all, I could have done any number of other things and not once felt I was missing out. That said, I chose to shitpost and I enjoyed it a lot. I'm still enjoying it knowing that it had such an effect on you that you're still giving me (you)'s a thread later. Feels good man.
Like I said please stay rustled, your jimmies are eternal
Can't believe I haven't seen this before lmao
That was me pal, I'm here.
Imagine Dingleberry listening to noise/post-punk lmao
Na not Goosebro.
I linked Danzig and Rites of Spring. Had a chat about Steve Albini and fell asleep. Very good.
Old waifufag yeah. Hello
>eating sandwich
>taste a wadge of butter
almost threw up in my mouth lads
Really happy for you lad, sounds like you're getting your shit together nicely. It's a good feeling and I'm in a similar boat myself; not out of the tunnel yet but working on it. Hope it goes well for us both and things continue to get easier for you
I'm not so bad I guess, had a rough week and acting a bit of a cunt for it if I'm honest. Hoping to bounce back today or tomorrow though seeing as I have a bit of time to clear my head
this is very true
Thought as much, can pick your posts out pretty well. thanks for the (you)
another classic episode lads
Nice one.
I like britfeel but it's a lot harder to participate when any success with the result of you changing or improving your life is looked down on. Thankfull the most hardcore are found only at very late hours, or on the weekdays.
I'm on holiday if you're wondering why I'm on in a Tuesday.
What did you do to achieve your goals recently lad? Anything you're particularly proud of?
Watched a few of these, quite interesting desu
>, I chose to shitpost and I enjoyed it a lot.
You only enjoy arguing with people on here and going on about your "intelligence" because you're insecure. I never replied to you last thread and i am not annoyed at all
If you never had to constantly attempt to boost your self esteem, you would remain anonymous and not give yourself an identity on here while telling us all how smart you are.
watching 24/7 ed, edd n eddy on youtube now lads but ill give that site a visit later thanks
Fuck off back to /b/ underaged
Whoops, I just did.
what are /britfeel/s favourite managent games? id prefer comfy ones with no killing/being killed etc
tfw wanna go to the cinema but only 10 showings of shitty avengers. All superhero films are fucking shit.
Hate stupid people (like really stupid people, not just people who find maths hard or something)
People who point out obvious jokes and ruin them, just want to slap those people
crona in trn years
Yeah but I don't take it seriously, the people looking down on you for that are usually not worth taking into account. They're beyond help and not worth the mental effort to consider.
Enjoy your holiday lad. Off all week?
Few things I'm proud of; I started doing creative stuff again. Learning to draw, I've started making a tabletop game, and I'm picking up an instrument as soon as I can get my hands on one. Also phoned the doctors recently after putting it off for like a year, big love to the lad from here who pushed me to do it. Really feel that was a big step at sorting my shit out but won't go too much into personal stuff here. Feels good man.
why are you still posting here?
you arent wanted joe
football manager
mute me again you cunt
>can pick your posts out pretty well
I've not once mentioned my intelligence though. As I said it wasn't about my esteem, it was about reaching bump limit through baiting (you)'s and derailing. It was also a lot of fun to stop thinking and just type whatever shite came out.
I am user and always have been user. I have no idea who you think I am.
I want you here lad, and you're gonna stay.
>have difficulty keeping my willy up when watching porn
>rock solid drill when anime characters hold hands
the fuck is wrong with me? I can't get off to hand holding but my body seems to think so........
total war
Do you have a local arthouse kind of cinema? I went to a showing of 2001: A Space Odyssey a while ago, was wonderful
I got here from Gaia last Tuesday how do I find my posts after I post them do I type noko in the name field
What can I say, I'm a spook. I like you though lad, I wasn't meant to freak you out
Go to a real cinema then, not a fucking multiplex.
>it wasn't about my esteem
>you're still giving me (you)'s
anyone who cares about (you)s lacks self esteem.
It's just the way it is, it's no big deal if you're insecure.
>hide one avatarfag post
>half the thread gets hidden
simply epic lads
Thanks for the (you) it really helped my self esteem please give me another and stay mad
Time to post the reeeeel good music
Alright then, here you go lad. Don't mind me just punching my wall out of pure anger. Damn you're good at this
Keep going I feed off of this I demand more (you)'s
sorry to hear about your wall fren have you considered living outdoors where there are no walls at all
nah don't encourage it
i know youre only posting this to bait me but he contributes nothing that couldn't be done user, has a dull and uninteresting personality and encourages and enables the cancer that is crona
he needs to fuck off
no, lads... no.... we can't have got to this stage
do these people want to be hated? Anyone could tell that no good can come of writing this
If there are no walls outside, what could I possibly take my anger out on.
I thought you were jun because you replied to a post accusing him saying "it was me".
they don't care whether the article is liked or not, it's written for clicks and nothing else