>finally get a job
>work first shift (4 hours)
>goes ok
>spend the 15 minute drive home crying like a little girl
What is wrong with me?
I don't think this a typical case of being a thin-skinned whiny faggot.
I feel much more pathetic than that.
Finally get a job
what job? and you were crying because of the job? i dont get it
it seems i worded it really poorly so thanks for responding
yes i was crying because of the job. im not sure i even understand why but it sucks because if things dont work out at this place i will kill myself
Was it a very stressful first day or something? I've gotten angry after work but never really sad.
Are you a girl or just a tranny?
Lol OP whatever your job is im sure you can handle it. I used to work as a Database configuration guy at a Gov Licensing Software company where i only made $13/hour working until they ALLOWED me to leave...meaning my shifts could go anywhere from 10 to 16 hours at times. I was fucking miserable. You want a real reason to cry try working for the Government.
Or you could always be a NEET if you think that will make you happy. It did for a while for me, then turned into a different kind of misery.
I wouldn't have been even slightly stressful for a normal person but i was a bit stressed out i guess.
i've been neet for many years, doing occasional casual work that never lasted long.
im just a guy
sounds like you're under a lot of external or internal pressure to make things work out at the job and maybe the relief of having your first day go well was enough to let your emotions loose. of course try your best at your new job and i hope you succeed but you have to try to think less about the pressures or you're more likely to crack. also crying isnt a bad thing. best of luck man
welcome to the magic world of wagecuckery user
crying is only the beginning, you have lots of wonderful things to look forward to, like existential crisis, hollowness on the inside, death of all hopes and dreams and much much more
no, it never gets better and there is no way to not do it (unless you can become a NEET)
just cry a lot, get some hobbies to help you cope, stock up on animu and you'll be fine
what's your job btw?
Then dont give up OP. Keep fucking going. You are going to die one day regardless. If you make it at this job you will be stronger because of it.
Use the fear of failure to motivate you. Take all your weaknesses and make them your strengths. You had to work to get this job right? You CHOSE this path on life right? Owe up to it, take responsibility, take charge.
Whatever your job is, its an accomplishment, a milestone in your life, no matter how small it is. Go out OP. Keep going.
Don't worry, you'll get used to it and when you start getting your wages you'll feel like God. Expect the first few months to be anxiety inducing, still its a pass that has to be crossed.
i dont understand how you didn't kill yourself in that time frame. i would have.
being neet is fine but the government wont let me.
supermarket stacking shelves
y'know, the kind of thing that always makes grown men cry
thanks. im not giving up just yet.
Retail is truly hell my friend, I say this as a 10 year veteran and now NEET.
How old are you? Because you get to a point where teenage co-workers will start to make fun of you and it feels like high school all over again.
Yeah sounds brutal. I cleaned toilets for 4 year before that Gov job i mentioned. I actually did attempt suicide. Tried an exit bag...i guess my last gasp popped the bag in my mouth. I lost conciousness. Woke up though...with a huge heag ache and a whole lot of regret. I decided i wasnt the kind of person i wanted to be. So i changed myself.
I didnt get a gf or anything like that but i couldnt live with myself being a worthless NEET. So i suffered a job, and it helped me sleep at night. Thats just me though.
Things always have to get worse before they get better OP. Thanks for reading our blog posts. Good luck in this cold world. You arent alone.
Oh and learn to laugh it all off. Its more effective than crying.
with being a neet our forced to take pills
is going to happen to me soon
that or slavery
Don't take the pills user, never take the pills.
that legit sucks man, it's exactly the menial soul crushing type of work that will make you feel like a gutted fish carcass on the beach
but look at it this way, it's what normies call "honest work", it pays your bills, you're not a parasyte. just detach yourself as much as you can from it, dont let it invade your personal life and you'll pull through.
there was this small store i used to go to, everyone working there was suicidal.
here's a story for you user
>was buying veggies one hot summer day
>cucumbers are almost gone
>the ones that are left are shrivelled cucumber zombies
>shelf stacking dude creeps up behind me
>stares at the crate, reaches out, pokes a few of them
>they're rotten, he says
>he's not looking at me, just standing next to me, his eyes fixed onthe mushy remains of a cucumber
>everything here is rotten, he says
>my life is all rotten
they test though right?
and idk how to even talk to the jew
>this post
>anime picture
just stop being a bitch OP. JFC.
>finally get a job
>work first shift (8 hours)
>have a bit of a cold and sniffle constantly
>goes ok
>like a few weeks later coworker tells me everyone thought I was holding back tears
life is funny sometimes
Maybe it's just the change in environment that's making you emotional. Keep at it for a bit and things will get better
Every wagecuck tier job is like that, OP. Retail is a special kind of hell though, so since you're now employed keep fishing for other opportunities.
Anyway, like other anos said, e try to detach yourself from it. Go on auto pilot and think about the things you want to do once you're home or when you get your paycheck. That's what I do and have been doing for 12 years (30 yo virgin wageslave). Hobbies also help. Pick up a MMO or anime/manga to follow