Hi, Faris here and id just like to say that King Black Chad, AKA Michael is not my older brother. Apparently hes spreading pics of me around and telling people I'm his sister or something when I don't even look like him.
Hi, Faris here and id just like to say that King Black Chad, AKA Michael is not my older brother...
Michael should just kill himself already
I agree desu, its gross that he would ever compare himself to my wonderful brothers.
Who cares though desu. I hardly even remember you faris.
true, Michael is a plague
Michael distributed child porn of me when I had just turned 16
Ciara? what a nice surprise, yeah hes a pedo for sure. However, you probably should be going around accusing people of pedophilia when you're a pedo yourself (assuming this is Ciara...).
Hol up, king black chad is michael mantras?
You're a moron, no hes not they just happen to have the same name.
no, just a coincidence
Well excuse me for not orbiting your stupid cirlcle of pedo fags
You should, It's pretty fascinating.
Yeah i can tell, all the drama between underage girls and old men must be trully hilarious
I mean you're being sarcastic but... Yeah desu it is.
You do look alot like him though. Like his cute little sister
She does look like a female Michael.
and you >:C
you're so adorable. Don't be ashamed. Michael is a handsome man ;)
Can you keep your normie discord bullshit drama within your discord? No one gives a shit. Thanks
Fuck off user, obviously people care about it more than they care about you and that's why you're on here, huh? Pathetic...
ITT: underage normalfags communicate to each other on an anonymous imageboard as if they are special
Good job user, posting on a thread you obviously don't care about? Hmm... Never mind then, report it and get lost faggot.
OOO OUCH!!!!!!
>uses discord
>calls other people faggot
uh what?
How is using discord a faggot thing to do?
>inb4 because it's what normalfags use retard
How else am I suppose to talk to people user? Its not like i have social interactions out of chans and discord.