Tell me about your closest friend, Jow Forums.
Tell me about your closest friend, Jow Forums
He's a piece of shit who bailed on me because I was too depressed, and he just wanted the 'fun me' back.
I don't have one.
Nobody wants me...
It's (You), user. Come here and give me a hug.
Hes a cringelord normie who wont shut the fuck up about capeshit and onepunchman
Cut him off 2-3 years ago.
He's a house cat(human) that plays video games all day.
I want to adopt him some day.
pls egksplain
he became a chad with a gf and now I have no friends besides a few people on social media.
My closest friend is a 17 year girl I met in an MMO. She was 11 when I met her, and I was 33 back then, I'm 39 now. She were guildmates and played every night together. Of course back then she was just some annoying kid in my guild and we weren't particularly close. Over time we got really close as our time with the game was coming to an end and eventually we were the only guildies left from the old guard. After we both quit, we still talked over Skype and played other games before starting TERA which we played up until a year ago. Nowadays we just chat on Skype everyday about our lives. She lives in my state and I've met her in person a couple times over the years. I don't make a habit of it though because I don't want people to think I'm a child molester.
I don't have many friends and she just ended up in that position by default. She is a nice girl though, she always seems really interested in my life and what I do. She doesn't have a dad and she's become really attached to me so she actually listens to me when I tell her not to do things so I think that's cool. I remember one time I was sick with a bad flu and she came to my house and did all my chores and made me soup, she's a sweet girl. Wish she was like 10 years older though so I didn't have to feel like a creep.
That girl is in love with you nigger.
Marry her and have a wife 21 years younger.
He's a weird Russian guy that spends his free time snorting coke and doing graffiti.
He's a bit of an asshole but can't imagine him not being in my life desu
he's a depressed moefag loser like me and we're both graduating from community college this quarter. We haven't actually seen each other irl for a few months because we're both autistic weebs who stay inside all the time. He plays Monster Hunter/Etrian Odyssey and I play tf2. Basically all we do is shitpost to each other and occasionally talk about something small. Been this way for 3 years and I wouldn't want it any other way.
I sucked his dick and he called me gay and didn't want to be my friend anymore.
Physically small, short, slim, etc. Lazes around his apartment and sleeps all day, often sporadically. Likes sitting on laps and being petted. Only sometimes though, when he feels like it. Otherwise he can be cold and standoffish. Just like a house cat. I think it's cute.
God l wish this were me
I don't have one, haven't had one since middle school.
he's a ginger who left for his home country.
he is smart and a fucking book worm but he's pretty cool.
he endured me being shut in and an asshole.
he knew me since first grade.
he can be a pain in the ass.
Tell her you value her friendship and to find a nice guy her age
Don't have one anymore.
That's really cute, user. I wish I had a friend who'd sit on my lap, no homo.
He's a drawfag that does great sketches, he likes to draw dragons and cute girls. He's the quiet type and starts to be quirky once he warms up to you.
Turns out he was into the same girl as me and decided it would be a good idea to send her faked chatlogs that made me look really shitty because he didn't want me getting close to her.
That was the last time I had a close friend, it's also been quite a while ago already.
He's some edgelord faggot, who's obsessed with the unabomber, and being a narcissist.
>having friends
yes... sure... i do
You guys talk to much shit about your "closest friends". If they were your real best friend you could just confront them when they're being a fag. I known my best buddy since freshman year, been with him through some tough shit and he was there for me too once or twice. We banter back and forth but me and this nigga are basically boyfriend's without the kissing and fucking. Kinda a Chad compared to me tho
Pic related its us
They hate me and speak to me 1 hour a month out of pity
My friend lives far away and I barely see him
I grew up with this dude. His house was right in front of my house. We used to play every day. I can't believe it's over. I haven't been happy since.
>Tell me about your closest friend
He abandoned me when I needed a friend to talk to the most, in two days that will be two months ago.
He's simply adorable. I wish I could keep him inside my house, unfortunately he is too far.
We met on /v/ about three years ago. He's very kind and considerate. We share some common interests and a number of feels and discuss them, we're quite open with each other and when something's wrong. Talking to him is one of the few things I enjoy. I want to meet up with him at some point this or next year, but I worry it won't work out. I seem to make things worse for him because I have terrible luck--the most recent occurrence of this was yesterday-- but he'd probably think I'm delusional for this. We're both attracted to each other to some degree, but he isn't gay and I basically am so that might prove a letdown or gross to him.
Just don't confuse loneliness for love. When you realize the difference, it'll fucking hurt.
My closest friend is a 10yo I live with.
Did you tell him if and/or why you were depressed?
Yeah, he knows everything.
I want to cuddle him. Literally just get in a bed and cuddle him. all friends think like this?
A short mexican dude who won't settle for anything less than a tall blue eyed blonde haired skinny jewish gf in america.
He also believes that girls dont really lose their virginity until 19 or 20
I know that feel, bro. Here
She's autistic but cute so I keep her around like a little puppy
Are you going to have sexual intercourse with her?
It's my g(b)f. I love her(him) very much
I dunno b-but I do.
Why? Are you looking for a friend like that?
I'm jealous if you and your friend are actually like this, user!
I think it would be nice to sit on a friend's lap, while we play video sounds comfy
What if they had an erection?
I d-dunno...I'd get embarrassed probably and pretend it's not there.
is he my ex?
His name is Kenji, and as his names shows he's a filthy jap, we met when I was 5 and he was 6 on a playground. We just happened to still like the same things while growing up so we manage to stay friends to this day (even though we live a continent apart, we still talk a lot and sometimes visit each other).
He's 30 now and I'm 28. I love that faggot.
>closest friend
Nice one user
I used to have a friend, but then he completely changed into a different person. I stopped talking to him a few years ago. I really miss who he used to be but I really hate who he has become.
Sometimes we would sleep in the same bed and cuddle. I miss that.
he was a good guy, cared about what i had to say, the only human on this earth i could open myself to
he went to college
hope i can see him again
It's natural if you're sitting on his lap and wriggling your butt around. You'll probably feel him shift around before feeling it grow beneath you.
Sounds embarrassing, user!
Honestly my sister is my closest friend.
Only friends i have are you guys
which is sad and depressing to say
That's really sweet. Family can always be great friends.
shes a very little lesbian with brown straight hair and she suspects she has autism but shes been my bestie for a really long time and we riff together and i feel like i really just can rely on her shes very important to me qnd i know she gets sad a lot qnd i want to help her but idk how and im also really sketchy about physical touch with her because shes like family to me and i hate touxhing family mwmbers idk man im weird
this thread is making me cry
orgiin tears
What are this person's initials.
That's really Iewd, user...
It's not lewd, it's a natural bodily process. The same one that might happen if that user had you on his lap and accidentally brushed against your unintentional erection with this hand, too!
Yeah I don't get along super well with my parents but my sister(s) have always been there for me.
>the man of shad
I actually talk to no one but family, and only family when I need to.
user, I just want a friend I can cuddle with stop being so l-lewd! though...if he really wanted to do gay stuff, I wouldn't stop him...
Try to spend more time with her online till she is 18 then try more in person if it hits off. Even if not gf, still good friend is good to have.
She's a total SJW feminist. Although she's REALLY fucking dumb shit, she has some stulid sense of superiority and thinks she's smarter than all normies just because she listens to indie music.
Her boyfriend is a massive cuck, she had sex with some other guy and made him get the blame for it.
I can't quit the friendship now because I'm all alone and she's the only one who talks to me rn.
Of course, that's why it was all unintentional. I'll stop, I'll stop.
look at these two fat guys stutter-posting to each other
Some Eurofag who I bantered with and played vidya with
We grew distant and eventually he ghosted me on Christmas
A satanic weeb who likes metal, my only friend
I know her all my life. We lived in the same commieblock went to the same preschool and middleschool. Our relationship was always a bit weird. She even used to bully me a little in school but treated me well on all other occasions. I remember that I was trying to help her 'get it going' with my friend she fancied even that I knew it would have never worked out. She's overweight and I was never attracted to her. Also she's a bit fucked in the head(who would have thought) she used to visit graveyards at night and recently have cut her veins(lenghtwise). We talk every few months( i don't have closer friend) because we have nothing to talk about. I know I can count on her and I hope she knows she can count on me. We give each other presents on birthdays and she's the only person that have ever gave me a gift(except family of course).
my computer
i guess i can see why that wasn't original
he's a chill dude that has no clue about life and tends to get into deep shit real quick so I gotta keep a close eye on him all the time, but we both help each other out always
is that jacob?
sounds a lot like him
jacob "muh azkhenazi iq" idk his last name srry
He was someone I met from /vg/ in late 2013 through an MMO guild. Our personalities clicked alot, and we started playing games and spending alot of time together. Hes energetic, funny, and alot of fun to be around. Hes always the center of the party with his personality, people flock to him and want to be around him. However is a stinky neet who lives with his parents with no ambition to move beyond that.
Of course over the years we developed feelings for eachother, met up in real life a few times just to see eachother and have both tried on several occasions to make a relationship happen. Something would always come up, no matter how often we tried something would go wrong and we could never land anything more than being close friends. This eventually got frustrating to both of us and more so to me, to have feelings but be totally unable to act on them so recently we had to part ways just so we can move on. Its been a month now and I really miss him and hope he will be successful in life. He deserves it.
take care of each other
I want a close friend all for myself ;_;
If she needs anything I'm all for her
She's 18 im 20, we play league everyday together when im not at work, her bf treats her like shit and i always take care of her when she's upset and im in love with her
ill be your friend if you use duolingo, i need to get my friends badge
That would be my wife. I've never been able to talk to anyone else. I love my family but I don't like anybody but her.
6' 6", looks like the chad meme but has brown hair, keeping close helps protect my precious virginity plus hes a real good goy.
It's my cousin, I know him since we were 5 years old. He helped me getting out of a cult my family still is in and we got the same interests. He's the only person I know, who I could call a friend and I'm looking forward to do walks in the forest, drinking beer and watching anime with him every now and then. He's one of the reasons I havn't killed myself yet.
He's two years younger than me but one year ahead in college (we're both in the same course, though different branches: I'm molecular, he's enviromental)
He's a bit fat and has a goatee.
Personality wise he's really sensitive underneath a mask of superior-like assholery, likes animals very much and is kinda superstitious
He calls me out on my shit as much as I call out on his
We play League together and watch anime (we're watching Darling in the Franxx atm) and sometimes discuss philosophical questions
He's the only person I'm comfortable talking about boys though (I'm gay and he's bi, neither of us are faggots though), he has a thing for bears, which I do not, so we're not competition for each other, both of us are kissless virgins so sometimes we have those old man lamentations
lately I've been very down and he's been pretty supportive
I'm writting his gradutation ribbon right now actually while he's away on a trip to observe wildlife
He's dumb as a bag of rocks (i mean it, his ass didn't know there was metal inside of wiring and thought the plastic conducted the electricity) and kind of narcissistic and short-sighted but that's O K.
He is leaving for Amsterdam and we probably will never see each other again
I've known him for 11 years. I don't understand why he even wants to hang out with me, sure I've kept my NEET status and mental health a secret but I'm still socially repulsive af.
I have two, actually.
>Friend 1: Hair Man
Really long hair that he refuses to cut (but thats okay). Really into League, constantly supports me on every project I do. Kind of an asshole at times.
>Friend 2: The Mayonnaise Chevalier
Autistic guy who is so white he calls himself mayoboy. Really nice, amazing at music.
He was as autistic as me. One day he sent a message saying he wanted to change and that we shouldn't see each other anymore.
If any of you feelers want to talk about your feelings feel free to add me on discord.
Both of my best friends are unironically refugees. One is from Iraq and the other is from Russia.
We all met working in fast food seven or eight years ago. Now the Arab is in his second year of medical school and studying for Step One. Russian became a citizenship, did two years in the Peace Corps, and took the MCAT last month.
Bump for cool inspiring friend stories
He's some russian cunt who is extremely nihilistic to the point where it's annoying. He literally idolised Nietchev after I told him about him.