That kid thread anyone? Ill start
That kid thread anyone? Ill start
That kid who farted really loud in 6th grade homeroom and cried in embarassment
That kid who got a hold of a teensy weensy bit of that weedle-dee-deed
that group of autists who sang minecraft songs in the hallway and everyone referred to as the fedora squad
i>weedle dee deed...what?
Yes Indeedle-dee-deed smoke that weedle-dee-deed every God damn diddly day you ninny muggins!! I'm high as FUCK!
That girl that literally wanted her boyfriend to run away with her and get married and have kids, then told everyone he raped her after he dumped her for being insane. I was the boyfriend
>did she press charges?
that fat girl ho made everyone call her shadow and tried to sell her shitty OCs after school. I bought a few out of pity and she ended up following me around school the rest of the year
those kids who would wear the same hoodie every day for an entire semester
those fat mexican kids who sweated alot and played clash of clans
that kid who never talked to anyone except teachers
That kid who would draw sonic OC's in class and had anger issues and threw a chair at the art teacher
>that kid who quoted yugioh bonds of time abridged
>that group of kids who laughed about it
>that girl who let her pants sag as a le irony thing and everyone saw her panties and she got away with it (she was a black anime freak btw)
>that kid who had a gay emo sidecut always wore flannel fingerless gloves and weird shin guard things
>that girl who thought she was an animu and wore the same outfit for weeks
Its too bad bullying wans't a thing in my high school, the weeaboo clique needed to be taken down a peg or 2
that new girl who you kept trying to be friends with but would constantly complain to you about how she didnt have any friends and would eat lunch with her mom despite her being a highschool senior fuck you pam.
that kid in preschool who wore a spider man suit almost everyday.
was me
that kid who started an anime club and did a anime dance for senior prank
The kid who didn't have a TV
that was preschool though
that fat kid who was always in the weight room, but never lost any weight
>that fat kid who was always in the weight room, but never lost any weight
was me
still counts doesn't it?
if it helps I did the spiderman gestures until grade 3
There are worse thing to want to be than Spiderman
>"i'll start"
>didn't start
what did he mean by this?
>that kid who said he'd start but didn't
good point but have you got any that kid stories?
that girl who was obsessed with miinecraft who you dated for a year and a half before she told you she was gay
that girl who drew a little boy pissing in art class and got suspended because of it. she molested a 10 year boy and got off scot free because "omen cant rape"
that girl who was obsessed with MCR and korean pop singers who would aways talk abut her ifunny account fuck you taylor
those girs who all had shrt aethletic shorts, oversized tchirts, uggs/vans, and ponytails.
that emo asain kid who wouldn't shut up about aesthetics
>that kid who threw a chair at the Dean during an assembly and was expelled
That lifting autist who orbited all the roasties at once and then became a male feminist
Imagine a feminist chad
That kid who threw baloons filled with piss at a bunch of "cool kids" and got chased for 2 days
I slept in my grandma's basement that night
>That kid who can't greentext.
>that kid whose power level was slightly higher than yours and was super annoying but depressed you every time they talked to you because of how much they reminded you of yourself
>that nerdy kid that tried to hang out with the popular girls in hopes that they would ask him out
have a feeling that was (You). how the fuck didn't you learn that you are the one who has to do the work to score?
That kid who is obsessed about ww2 but is a complete retard
suprisingly enough it wasnt me.
I was just a guy that sat on the sidelines, observing everyones moves.
>kid walks up
>completely ignored
>just stood there like an orbiter and followed them around like a homeless dog