Why are INFJs known for being loyal when INFJ girls are notorious for dumping their boyfriends, fiances, and husbands?
Pic related, INFJ girl who pines for her first love even after marrying.
Why are INFJs known for being loyal when INFJ girls are notorious for dumping their boyfriends, fiances, and husbands?
Pic related, INFJ girl who pines for her first love even after marrying.
It's called mental issues and 4 letter words aren't indicators for this shit
You forgot to include that her husband also loves Shun as well.
infj men are loyal
all women are incapable of loyalty
Because no matter the personality, women don't have any concept of loyalty. It's as alien to them as some lovecraftian horror, they just can't comprehend or even fake it.
I'm an INFJ Boy
I desperately want a wife, so, so bad.
>INFJ girls are notorious for dumping their boyfriends, fiances, and husbands?
*All MBTI type women ditch their partner when a better option comes along.
Fixed that for you.
>INFJ girls are notorious for dumping their boyfriends, fiances, and husbands?
I don't believe that.
Why not? It's true.
No it isn't you're delusional as fuck
Elaborate. Why do you trust INFJs so much?
They feel pain of others.
Because I don't judge people on meme types faggot
people like you make me sick
Humans who are INFJ maybe but we're talking about females here. They don't have empathy.
This, but unironically.
And originally.
I'm an infj boi.
When I was in a relationship, the other person found it weird that I want to call them once every few days and hear their voice for a few minutes. I didn't wanna be clingy and call them each day.
I asked if they even want to be with me if it's such a hassle to talk for a while every now and then.
>i dont know
So I broke up with them and never looked back. I think I'm not fit for a relationship in these modern times..
>I'm an infj boi.
Are you cuteboi?
No. I'm 6'1, hairy and have a beer belly.
And those lucky 7s too. Are you really that supportive?
It goes as far as trusting another person to go out by themselves. I'm a bit of a shut-in/don't care about socializing too much but I'm not a social retard or anything.. They even told me that I should be jealous because they could meet someone else while they're out on their own and I'm home. I really didn't understand why someone would get mad because I'm not jealous. I had a bad childhood and saw how possessive people can be abusive and damaging and I want to be the opposite. I really cared about them, but it was a one-way road. I think that if you love someone, you shouldn't doubt them. But maybe I was wrong.
dear lord, those trips are blessing an ugly fuck? could it be that's what women are after?
I guess some people need to see that partner can get jealous, otherwise it could mean that he doesnt care.
And by "some people" you mean women. That's exactly the kind of retarded childish mind games they always play.
Showering them with attention, compliments, favors and making sure they feel loved and cared for is not enough if they don't feel jealous.
I never got love when I was growing up. I feel like I have unlimited amounts of love to give to someone. I want to protect and care for someone because no one has ever cared for me. I don't understand why my idea of "love" is wrong. If I can't fulfil someone's fantasy of them having power over my emotions or trying to make me feel negative in some way, I don't want to be with them. I will probably die a lone but it doesn't matter. I tried. I didn't succeed.
Sorry about my blog, I hope nobody minds that I'm venting here.
Women are complicated beings. They want to be stimulated therefore your protective aura seems suffocating.
>care and give love
>dont care
this is your brain on roastie ideology