
deerling edition

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First for don't forget to check for mould.

>tfw hot toasted slice of Mediterranean bread with small dab of butter

Trannies and normalfags out
Traps and fit neets in

nth for respect our trans frens

>Mediterranean bread
what dis


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posting again because the bennies wizards were probably asleep

any bennies wizards about?
missed my last appointment two weeks ago because I was sick. They accepted my reason and I got paid.

Today I was asleep and missed my appointment. If I ring them tomorrow saying I had a migraine will I get my money or get sanctioned?

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Garlic bread with herbs and shit

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>I had a migraine will I get my money or get sanctioned?
sanctioned most likley

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mummy was mean to me today lads, brb killing myself

maybe we should change society to accept people who are different instead of attacking the people who understand their complex ideational differences to the constructed norm.

>sanctioned for being sick


Put these in your order of degeneracy, starting with most respectable
>fucking girl pussy
>fucking boy pussy
>eating out a girl
>sucking dick
>getting pegged
>fucking crossdresser
>fucking trans pussy

Sagiri quit being a fag

come and have a go if you think ur hard enough

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Definitely sanctioned on the second occasion

I really don't understand your point then lad, you said it'd be better if you could 'train the trans out of them'. There has been extensive research into conversion therapies, and none of them have shown to be successful. As such saying it would 'solve the problem completely' is easily shown to not be the case; it doesn't solve the problem at all. On the other hand, transition is shown to make it much easier for trans people to live a normal life.
I'm not trying to twist your words, please do correct me if I've simply gotten the wrong end of the stick.

I'm from the mediterranean and I've never heard of that lmao. Sounds tasty though lad
I'm about to make some scrambled eggs on toast, Gordon style



>weird looking 56%
>absolute chad

Prince should be an inspiration to us all

You missed your last appointment they we think you're fucking about.

i will give you my stick if you know what i mean hahah :^)
its not something they just go to, pretty sure they would warn you that you will be sanctioned and have a dialogue before they do.

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Leave faggot and tranny shit in the last thread you absolute nonce cases

Post tunes

>I'm from the mediterranean
Give me greek yoghurt tips find them abit sweet.

Any bacon?

idk i guess it just turns me on.
yes it would be annoying but t b h i find most people annoying

god that shit is so good but the fucking creme' fresh goes of after like 3 days

I just do a tiny splash of cold milk

post pics when its done user-kun

On way to get a massage lads

Stop debating you genderbender

upbeat one

>stop saying things I don't like!
Lol no

surprise surprise 467

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my aunt gave me a massage once, was a little weird tbhwyl.
I might be a bender but leave my gender out of it.

I don't do nonce posts lid
Although to spite you, you need only look below now :^)))))))))))))))
Fair play I suppose
Can turn my 9 upside down and make it 16 though lad haha

you got lucky the first time
sleeping in is definitely a sanction

think of a good lie and find someone willing to corroborate it or you're fucked

I don't care either way but this isn't r/gender

>fucking girl pussy
>eating out a girl
>rimming (female)
>sucking dick
>fucking boy pussy
>fucking trans pussy
>fucking crossdresser
>getting pegged


apparently you're allowed two self certified periods of sickness during the entirety of your claim though.

Surely the fuckers can't just deny me based on a feeling they have that I'm full of shit. I am full of shit like

Bacon and yoghurt? Eh?
First tip would be to ignore the imitation greek yoghurt and get the Fage brand (actually Greek). Can't go wrong with some greek yoghurt, honey and banana (or whatever fruit you want).

I always think of that stupid southpark episode when I hear creme fraiche lol
I'm just having them plain today, no creme or chives, will post pics lad as long as no booli appens

maybe if you are a qt
might be past ur sell by date

Kanye sampled this? One of my favourite things about hip-hop is the top tier samples they use


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>tfw no muscle gf
why live lads

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It's not r/nogender either
It's an off topic board, gender posts are just fine here
Trans people are valid

>Bacon and yoghurt? Eh?
eggs and bacon

Try a eggy bread sarnie

>might be past ur sell by date
my sides
I hope not lid
As for the first part, god knows
Isn't fugging boipuss basically the same as fucking crossdresserpuss?

I think i am high lads. when i was looking at my dads car earlier it kept getting bigger and smaller.

Feel the same way about muh paki shite?

It's uncomfy talk which won't change anyones mind.

Ah gotcha. Think you might have recommended that to me before, I started making fried egg and bacon sandwiches because of it. Top tier but today I'm just gonna have scrambled eggs on toast

yeah lad they will probably sanction you unless you can think up a really good lie desu

>Immediate family member rushed to hospital
>You had to take them and stay with them
>left in such a panic you forgot your phone so you couldn't ring the bennies office

Something like that might work t b h

>be me
>5+ years ago
>have to sign on once a month
>Mess up dates, think its only been 3 weeks
>it was 4
>1 week later
>"user! there is a letter here for you"
>Due to missing your appointment we are going to fuck you over, if you dont contact us within 5 days of missing your appointment we are really going to fuck your shit
>letter took 7 days to arrive
>cycle my ass off to get there before it closes
>"So uhh user whats your excuse?"
>decide to be honest and explain that i messed up my sign on date, very apologetic etc
>also explain that i didn't get the letter until after the 5 days
>"oh thats not our fault user its up to you to make sure you sign on"
>"we will make a decision user"
>Walks out door
>instantly comes back (door hadn't fully shut yet)
>"Your excuse wasnt good enough, 2 week sanction, thanks"
>bennies monkey starts to waffle on about how its my fault and i should have thought about it before forgetting my date blah blah

Honesty gets you nowhere in the bennies office

Lie out your ass constantly

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no user.

>why live lads

because i said so and i make the rules around these parts.

I think i am bent lads. when i was looking at my dads cock earlier it kept getting bigger and smaller.


originally made me laugh this one did lad

are you taking the mickey out of me lad?

fight me right now, right here.

More a plain and simple beans on toast man.

You just up?

>procrastinated again

I just don't like this shit tbqhwyl, but I hate myself for doing this

do gloryholes actually happen?
where can i find one?

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Imagine dabbing one someone in public lads
wouldn't that be choice

tfw no sadistic muscle girl mistress.
sometimes people need to be challenged on legitimate beliefs, not paki propaganda pol shit.

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go to your local mens bathhouse and you'll find plenty lad!

Just don't worry about whos on the other side


Can't go wrong with some beans on toast. Been waking up at 12:30 and sleeping around 3 am sadly, need to SORT IT OUT. You?

*cuts noose down*

one time i walking down the streets and there 2 boys, probably about age 9, run up to me, asked me to dab for them and followed me down the street and wouldnt stop pestering me until i dabbed

>mens bathhouse
do you have to pay to get into those things?
is actually safe or is someone likely to bite my dick or something?

tfw got a fat whitehead on my eyebrow
wont pop
what do lads

Sorry for taking your deserved (You) away lad

>is actually safe
Do you want an STD?

/britfeel/ madlads at it again

>paki propaganda pol shit.

It isn't propaganda though. They commit an absurdly disproportionate amount of crime particularly rape.

>binge watching Traffic Cops on youtube
No idea why but I really like this show. Was going to be productive today, oh well

>Do you want an STD?
not that bothered desu
can you actually get an std from someone sucking your dick though?

mite bite the bullet
seriously want to hear your thoughts

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Just get a prozzy if you're this desperate lad

im a poorfag though

herpes is a thing

unironically want to kms lads. But it would be the ultimate acceptance that I'm a weak and pathetic person

and i'm sure in that split second i'd feel a horrible regret

Just get a proper guitar mate

save up, they are not that expensive.

first reply, exactly as I thought
you're a star

Just cancerous fuckboi
1-2pm sleep around 5am
Nearly every night stopped trying to change it
dun gud lid

seriously though, how would you even play that game without one of those? with a ps3 controller?
game s

>do gloryholes actually happen?
>where can i find one?
Dogging sites

I'm not 100% sure but I think there's some kind of rocksmith type adapter that also works with RB3
could be bollox, probably is now I think about it
rocksmith has never interested me

How do I stop being so sensitive? Criticisms, even when they're not directed at me personally, can actually crush me
Want to stop being such a little girl but I don't know how

I'm as insecure as someone like scea just without the exaggeration and lying that follows

>How do I stop being so sensitive?
Stop being a soft fanny ya bloody wamen

>I'm as insecure as someone like scea
oof Got a laugh out of me

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lmao this real?

who's Tim shaving for? Scoochey bear?

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not really, the stats that are disproportionate are the gang grooming ones, while lone child sex assault and rape is almost entirely white. The issue is extrapolation and the normative subtext of why. It is not intrinsic to ancestry or race etc. issues come in social and environmental factors, policing and social attitudes, misogyny and unchallenged enclaves. even going further looking into stats is hard, factoring in different age groups and looking at like for like when controlling for different things can make the differences tiny, go the other way or be large, its not simple.
i do fuck boy yes.

no, he fucks his fan girls.

Shopper bear, he's a slag

Anxiety anons, how did you go about getting a diagnosis?

tim wants to be a ~qt boi

>flip calendar over to May
>get my darling Erika every day for the next two months

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being fit and healthy is breddy normal, norman
only lazy sods should remain

South Asians commit 33% of ALL rapes in the UK and 84% of street grooming despite being 7% of the population.

why is Team Moose called that?

What does the Team part refer to

treat yourself lad

that's timmy's code for his teddy harem

>tfw no qt 16yo boy to spike with valium

Do you know what the worst part about being alone is?
Not having anyone to give you perspective, to tell you you're being irrational or worrying too much, to reassure you

A robot being left with his own mind is just like rotting from the inside

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We need to all chip in for an escort for /ournutter/

Difficult to get out of the NEET cycle, borderline impossible. You job hunting or no?

What's up lad? Wanna talk about it? We'd miss you if you were gone.
When I'm sad I go for a walk and sit in this super serene garden nearby. Have a photo from my most recent walk.

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