Would you get an edgy gf and take her for a walk in the local graveyard?
Would you get an edgy gf and take her for a walk in the local graveyard?
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how is lolita edgy you absolute cretin,fuck off and die
Sure we could paint our nails black together. Too bad a lot of them are dumb and believe in magic.
go back to /cgl/ you actual whore
Praise Dan Pena.
Did you miss the part where she's standing in a graveyard?
post that /cgl/ image that reveals the depravity of cosplayers
I don't know what's more pathetic; this dumb, vapid child going through a phase, or the manchildren that praise her every move here and think she has anything that makes her even remotely special. Fucking orbiting autists should die.
Yeah baby I would treat you like princess and spend all my parents money on you and reply to you instantly and cook for you and take care of you when you were on your period and rub your tummy and kiss and schmooze you and make sure you were comfortable and wanted sex every time before I gently slid inside you.
I'd go weeks with no sex for you baby.
The only time in my life where I'm going to unironiclly say this
Thot has the face of a little boy lmao
Please refrain from calling my wife a thot, thanks.
You might be gay, user. She does not have a feminine face whatsoever.
She's only edgy by normal standards (e.g. being goth, liking gore, and weird surreal art) but she's an extremely tame asexual nicefag, who responds to anons trying to get attention by telling them that they're loved and shouldnt kill themselves. She would be disgusted by the amount of edge you faggots put off. She's at best a failed normie and could never understand the plight of robots. She would hate you if she knew you user, keep dreaming.
No, that's unrespectful.
why is muffy a qt
Because you think vapid children with a horrible fashion sense, and boyish faces, are cute, given that you are a superficial depressed cunt with nothing going on in his life, so allay you emotional turmoil you turn to self-delusion.
Whats funny is that you take all this juvenile shit so seriously, in that you think she likes this kind of shit, that by saying she's cute here you somehow make her less depressed. When in reality, she's just a vain whore looking for attention; who else would talk with virgin faggots they don't know through DMs?
nice copypasta
very original
What's the word /cgl/ uses when a cosplay should look okay (brand clothes, good makeup, etc.) and yet it doesn't?
user isnt wrong tho. I may be an orbiter but I have accepted the reality of it all. I may be trapped in my own life and require fantasizing about what happiness would feel like, but at least I'm not delusional about it. My life is pathetic, but so is the way of the world.
Thank for letting me know that everything I said was true, and that you know better than to try and refute it. The copypasta comment lets me know how much it fucking stung.
Found the Incel
You should stay away from vans
People have different standards on what's cute believe it or not
>Jealous fembot spergs out when she finds out user has gf
You are the epitome of roastie
>would you
>get an edgy gf
>get an gf
femoids dont give me the time of day
I'm not a virgin anymore. You faggots are more of a threat to this poor sappy cunt than anyone else in the world. And if your best argument is simple relativism on beauty, then I know everything else I typed was true. You are pathetic, and you deserve to be.
>a m-man can't insult me
Keep thinking it's Stacey telling you all this, you fucking imbecile. It's like you don't have any fucking sense of shame; did you even think for more than a second before writing your autistic drivel?
Oh good lord. Who... who hurt you?
>playing the "i'm so above you card"
I'm not the one going on a fucking Taiwanese noodle-making forum posting about a stupid cunt that doesn't know that I exist, simply because I'm too much of a fucking pussy to approach women around me, or because a few bad experiences have rendered me a mess of human being.
I'd walk through a graveyard with a goth girl. As long as I'm with her I think anything sounds relaxing and comforting. We could look for animal bones to add to her collection, and complain when the sun is out, hoping the clouds come back. Goth girls are my dream.
Muffy is a cute.. A cute! I wish she would post more.
>tfw no tooth necklace gf
I think we're soulmates.
You don't know my story bud, I was just showing concern because from the sounds of it you're a husk of a human being.
Although I can see that you don't need concern as that's too much of a monkey concept and you're obviously a golem of hatred.
>tfw literally live a block or two from a graveyard
Sure why not. My family even knows a couple people buried there. It's the "rich people" graveyard though, so none of my family is there.
What the frick.. a mere 20 seconds apart
>you don't know my story
Are you aware of the concept of irony, you fucking imbecile? You think you know anything about me, you stupid cunt?
Go on then. Tell me all about myself. I can give you my star sign, MBTI, and bloodtype if that'll help you make more baseless fucking assumptions in a vain effort to show some conceited concern because of your inability to refute anything I have posted thus far.
Muffy is a vapid whore, and all of you are more vapid and pathetic than she is.
Did you just learn the word vapid today, user?
Well, I can tell you that you're most likely a closet (or diagnosed) narcissist. Good luck on being a supreme gentleman and telling us about your luxurious lifestyle you boring cunt.
You don't know how much you have buddy, and I can wager that I've lost alot more than you.
Can you actually argue, or are you to stupid to do so? Are logical fallacies and baseless misconceptions your idea of arguing? Do you think you're being smart or cute?
God, she's ugly. The long hair makes her a bit more tolerable but my god, she does have a boy's face.
>painting your nails
Jesus Christ when did Jow Forums becoming Myspace
Maybe she does have a bit of a boy face but I actually like that quite a lot, user.
woah don't be such a h8r
current mood: melancholy
It's sort of true. I'm a dude and I look pretty similar to muffy. I think it's the nose and lip shape. I like "masculine" looking women so I think she is cute.
So no, you aren't aware of irony, you make more absolutely baseless claims because you are an assblasted idiot, and you have the gall to call me a boring cunt, when you're fucking orbiting a 17 year-old girl that doesn't know you fucking exist. Yeah man, you sure are riveting, and aren't the definition of an absolutely pathetic cunt with nothing going for him.
Unsurprising, you shit taste faggot. Filtered.
To each their own, user, to each their own..
She's pretty edgy.
I want a Muffy mommy gf
Why the fuck can't I look like her
alright bitch damn we just think shes cute i aint trying to cure her depression by jackin off to her
she is a thot, only a thot would post these kind of pictures
oh god..have you fuckers found ANOTHER youtube/patreon roastie to obsess over?!!
it isnt hers. she posted it holding some figurine and other people shooped the noose
she is neither on patreon nor youtube. She doesnt take money and genuinely doesn't seem to want to take advantage of her orbiters (she doesn't even like to call us that)
honestly her "depression" isn't even really depression. It's the typical "sometimes i get sad/sleep too much/don't feel like going out" depression that normalfags always complain about. To them it isn't a soul crushing illness that prevents them from having normal lives. They just used the word to describe a normal lethargy that stands only as a small hurtle that they must overcome in order to have slightly happier days. They just use the word so that when they do overcome it, its not "overcoming a bad day" its "overcoming depression" which sounds much more heroic and earns them pats on the back from all of their normalfag friends. She isn't different from them, she's just another normal who at best is a little weird and at worst is just using this persona of uber-creepy-goth-chick to attract losers who's self confidence is so shot that they wouldn't dare go for a Stacy, but instead settle for her because she's "unique" when in reality she's just as boring and bland as the rest of them, with the disadvantage of being less attractive.
>roast thinks her pigface is any more feminine by comparison
>brainlet hasn't read the thread
>dumb cunt can't fathom men would find this goth bitch ugly
Wew kys
Thats not even true though. Have you ever talked to her? She never leaves her house, has no friends, and has severe social anxiety.
needs a nosejob badly
>talking to random orbitingfags
Attention whore.
>no friends, never leaves the house, social anxiety
Every girl getting wasted Thursday through Saturday has these same superficial issues on top of poor self-esteem and being depressed. You are all as gullible as you are stupid, if you think this isn't some high schooler hyperbole. Fucking idiots
Have YOU ever talked to her? or do you just believe everything on her curiouscat because you have a savior fantasy and want to rescue her from her depraved life. She posts pics of herself in cute clothes, answers questions about herself. If she were seriously depressed I doubt she would want to show off how good she looks to the internet. If she TRULY lacked self confidence she wouldn't want all of these people to see her and talk to her. She's just another roastie LARPing to get you to love her. JUST LIKE CIARA. you're delusional if you can't see the obvious signs of self-contentedness and ego.
>Have YOU ever talked to her?
Yes, I've been talking to her nearly everyday for a few weeks now. She's a genuinely nice girl and is very understanding and caring. You clearly don't know anything about her so why don't you stop assuming what her personality is like based on your skewed view of the opposite gender, retard.
Sure you have, faggot. Go whiteknight elsewhere, you deluded fucking cuck.
You sound like a whiteknight.
Where have you been talking with her? On dicksord? You really sound like a beta orbiter.
>Where have you been talking with her?
Instagram, obviously.
>You really sound like a beta orbiter.
We are in an orbiting thread.
>We are in an orbiting thread.
It's a hate thread now.
should've known this was an orbiter thread
I'd love a gf that wants to listen to hate dept and wear all black with me.
Probably, but not that girl. She's got a big, ugly jew nose.
We will have muffy nudes by years end. Cap this
You mean the one user who spams this shit in every single cute girl thread? And hate for what exactly?
Meh, not that user, I just think she has a man face, and is likely faking autism so that she has robots attention.
You know, attention whore 101.
If she values it more than other types of going out, sure i guess, not like it cost me anything
it's originally a trap
fug, muffy thread, i'm late, is anybody still here?
Can't we have a single qt girls thread without screeching autists randomly shit flinging?
She's just cute, that's it.
OwO 2 muffys
seems like you fuckers have a fan. fuck you people for taking him away from us
Wait a minute she's been talking to me too. We talk about some serious stuff. How many people is she talking to?
She's pretty much open to DMs so probably quite a few.
If you squint a bit she looks like sminem
Sure, my last girlfriend lost her virginity in a graveyard
So taking a walk around one isn't that bad
do you think sminem have a chance with her?
>think this is going to be a nice thread about graveyards or gothic lolita
>read the thread
alright then
He rules the femwhores with an iron but fair fist
Fucking attention whore.
Fuck off. Jow Forums isn't your fucking safe space. Go fawn over this ugly cunt on discord or just flood her DMs. This thread isn't about "just" how cute she is.
Pathetic motherfuckers.
It's not yours either m8, she's cute and I like her face so I'll keep posting her.
Also, you sound ~slightly~ more upset than everyone else ITT to be talking about safe spaces and such.
>I like her face
Yes, it's no surprise you pathetic wastes of life like manly faces. You're all stupid fags. Keep on smugposting because you think it makes you superior, and keep on thinking I'm mad. It will never change the fact that I'm right and you're all too vain to prove me wrong.
Prove you wrong on what? That I prefer my subjective standards of beauty to yours?
Oh jeez, how could that be?
>Keep on smugposting
Yes sir!
Prove me wrong on the accounts that
>Muffy is an attention whore, with nothing special going for her
>you're all superficial, pathetic cunts for thinking that she's "special" simply because of her phenotype
>orbiting doesn't make you closer to her, doesn't make her value you more, all you are to her is a low self-esteem boost, and crying to her that she's being bullied makes her appreciate you more
>that orbiting isn't the most pathetic thing a fucking man can do, since it is the equivalent of self-cucking
Post more smug, faggot, and preferably something that doesn't appear among the first results of a google image search. I need to expand my library, you insect. Once you're done, cancel your fucking existence, as it is worthless, and Muffy wouldn't care less if you disappeared right fucking now.
>Muffy is an attention whore, with nothing special going for her
And so is everyone else that posts their pictures on the internet
>you're all superficial, pathetic cunts for thinking that she's "special" simply because of her phenotype
Yes, I think her face is cute, but that doesn't really make her special, just cute. And I like lolita/ouji fashion so that's a bonus on the cute scale
>orbiting doesn't make you closer to her, doesn't make her value you more, all you are to her is a low self-esteem boostorbiting doesn't make you closer to her, doesn't make her value you more, all you are to her is a low self-esteem boost, and crying to her that she's being bullied makes her appreciate you more
Who cares dude? lol I don't wanna e-fuck her or something, I literally just said I like how she looks
>that orbiting isn't the most pathetic thing a fucking man can do, since it is the equivalent of self-cucking
If you're talking about trying to get closer to them online, giving them money/buying them stuff, and white knighting known whores, you're right, but I don't see why solely posting pictures is anything like that, unless you take the "my wife" thing as anything other than shitposting.
>expecting a good thread in r9k