Why can't you be more like female incels?
Why can't you be more like female incels?
is feminism going to help incels get laid?
please don't bring this /v/ and Jow Forums tier twitter screencap bullshit here, who gives a fuck what unfunny snarky retards on twitter have to say about anything
>incel years
This means that she was lonely for a weekend because Chad and Tyrone wouldn't return her text to fuck so she bitched to her beta orbiter emotional tampon bff about it.
>they wore condoms so I'm still a virgin, im totally like you guys teehee
I guarantee they would have been having sex all through their incel years.
They just mean they were single.
I don't hate women by any means, but people like THIS make me realize why people on here do
And none of them have gotten it
>it's another episode of "women using literally everything in order to increase their worth in eyes of others"
>incel months
>incel years
>women and men are the same
>women and men are not the same
why can they have both?
There aren't incel years. Either you are a incel for lifetime or not.
They literally just don't get it; being incel is not a choice. Those women have all slutted it up and chose to lay off the pipe for a little while. That's completely different.
One girl even says she has a kid during her incel years. How do they think that makes sense?
>got a kid
>Incel is a phase you go through for a little while, like being vegan or being "into" art
I know it's just a meme but I'm starting to believe that there are some things that women genuinely can't understand
Tell me again that hatred towards women is irrational, they 100% deserve nothing but contempt.
They just don't fucking get it. This just made me really fucking mad. I would tell you guys not to go out tomorrow but I know you wouldn't anyways so we're all good.
>incel years
they either mean the first 13 years of their life or they mean when they refused advances from men because they wanted to fuck chad and tyrone
being a femcel is going to be the new fad, isn't it?
All females try to fit definitions around them
Case in point: the fem"bots" who aren't virgins that post here
That top one is a blatant lie
>I spent my female incel years in the Andes
What is missing the point?
Yep, you're right; those vapid cunts deserve to be shackled and used as rape slaves for the rest of their days.
Theyre vocels
Were incels
We dont want to be celibate
But here we are
herp derp berp kerp
>female incels
ahaha, i bet fucking 20 bucks these people were getting dicked whilst being "incels", women do not understand this shit, especially normie women
partner count does not count when you do not want it to count, as feminazis say
Please don't compare retarded whores to the women of National Socialist Germany
they were also retarded whores
These women have killed the same number of people as me
More if they have had an abortion
Anyone who judges people on anything other than their willingness to go in their direction is a fucking loser. I don't give a fuck what your background is, LSD, gambling and prostitution are legal, governments sole purpose is providing for people who need help, laws are now made to benefit society as a whole and not just George Clinton and Hilary Bush, and don't be a dick unless you are attacked or on fighting grounds like the chans. If you agree with that future then you serve a purpose. Everyone else deserves to die. Stop talking about Republicans democels and shit nobody fucking cares it's 100% a brainwashing campaign forcing people to pick sides in their own destruction so Queen Elizabeth can keep doing nothing and always be first priority.
Women are subhumans who should be enslaved and force bred by White cocks. Allowing them to speak was a mistake.
Women really are insane. in the span of a few days we had
>incels aren't owed anything
>incels are scum
>incels are literally ISIS-tier
>kill all incels
>b-but us wimminz can be incels too you know! We deserve understanding and sympathy because we're so much better than evil male incels!
Women are stupid monkeys who should receive a bitchslap whenever they open their retarded mouths. Even thousands of years ago men understood this and wrote it down.
"Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church." (I Corinthians 14:34-35)
It's even worse.
What they brag about is how well they were doing while being "incel" as if it's some choice. The contradiction of voluntarily being involuntarily celibate. How they spent their time doing productive, healthy and proper things like yoga, working out, philosophy whatever. Compared to how awful the men are doing, which they claim sit on their ass being angry at women for not having moist models begging them to dick them.
It's just perpetual victim complex based in biology..
This was a mistake
This was all a mistake
why can't you just fucking murder anyone?
incel years are from ages 1-12.
>infant strapped to my back
We should at least try
Why does Femminism only seem to consist of sweeping generalisations about things and nothing else?
no, that's not how it works. Why are women so stupid? What is the one at the top of the page doing, trying to redirect the whole thing into a talk about how great feminism is? This shit's stupid
That's female nature. No matter what it is, they have to do anything to make it all about themselves and how great they are.
reminder that women can be incels too
it's like video games all over again.
There are plenty of guys who want mommy gfs. She can be the older experienced woman for any number of attractive lads.
It'll never be an actual relationship but that's not what she wants anyway.
>women demonstrate they dont know the difference between voluntary and involuntary
>spent my incel years with a baby on my back
Holy fuck roasties ruin absolutely everything. They think having a dry spell means you're an incel, and have the arrogance to act as if they understand what it's like. Just fuck roasties man. Fuck.
>carrying an infant to my back
>uhhhh sweetie girls can be incels too, and we handle it MUCH better, see how much stronger than guys we are? men really need to man up these days, like what's the big deal lol
if she says she wasn't fucking the baby I'm inclined to believe her
>women are so good at being incels they can even have sex and still be incels
You can. Just don't get caught, doofus! 64% of homicides remain unsolved!
Why is it that white women always try to talk about how feminism "helps men" while other races of women are honest and admit that if anything feminism is anti-male?
Really makes me think.
Because white men are the only ones stupid, cucked and naive enough to believe it.
The absolute, totally original state of white people.
>female incel
Just look at Patrice O'Neal, most of his male detractors were white betas.
That's some 4d chess at work here.
>le Patrice was widely popular and died as his wave just started to crest meme
he wasn't that good, his friends can tell you over and over that he was but it wasn't some conspiracy of cucks that stopped him from succeeding
Because women. That's all the reason they need to excuse all their bullshit in this gynocentric society.
I'm not talking about his popularity m8, I'm talking about the truths he was spitting.
Most of the men who disagreed with said truths were white betas.
Its actually amazing how willingly the general population deliberately misrepresents INCELs.
A temporary dryspell is not INCEL
Willingly abstaining is not INCEL
Why can't women just fuck off. Why do they fucking NEED to create X-FEMALE EDITION of literally fucking everything.
I fucking hate it. I fucking hate women. Yes I'm mad.
And these whores wonder why incels are shooting at them
Wow now that's some old shit.
>Women LITERALLY cant comprehend the concept of being so worthless that nobody wants to even look at you
This is the kind of shit that makes you realize women really do have life on easy mode.
I find it funny to look at these incel threads and see just how pathetic all of you fucking virgins are. You can't get your dick wet and you don't really want to put in any effort, so you curse women for it and victimize yourselves without realizing that people hate you because you have a shitty personality. Fucking gold.
Someone post the pregnant Anne Frank drawings
They realized that most people they label as "incels" are the same orbiters they work so hard to obtain so they are trying to double back to not fuck it up.
>my incel months
>my incel years
Jesus fucking christ
Society is over. Unmute.
incel days
I'd prefer to be part of the dry water movement.
I'm part of the giant midget's coalition myself.
>le bersonality XDD
Made up meme because it makes whores sound better than if they just admitted they dont see sub8s as humans
Oregano flavored checked.
Stationary Movement brigade is where it's at.
Except they're not incel..
>my incel years
these female have had sex and/or a relationship at some point. nullifying their entire point.
>female incels
Even as a female I can understand that women can't be fucking incels, I will never be an incel neither will the rest of these dumb bitches they and I are volunteering to be celibates.
Fuck these roastie feminists.
>inb4 ((female))
>inb4 looking for attention
I could give less of a shit.
Truth is, everyone who's not a sociopath sees ugly people as human. The fact of the matter is, people don't see incels as equal because they act like stuck up faggots that hate everyone that isn't them.
inb4 you say "b-b-b-b-but all women are sociopaths u normie XDD"
>Truth is, everyone who's not a sociopath sees ugly people as human.
Good one
>The fact of the matter is, people don't see incels as equal because they act like stuck up faggots that hate everyone that isn't them
Not sure what youre talking about. Incels are just involuntarily celibate. Its not associated with any particular outlook or attitude. I dont act the way youre describing and yet Im still incel. Seems like something is wrong with your theory.
This r/niceguys made a post sayi g nice guys are nothing like incels and tgey shouldnt compare the 2 .
>oh my god I didn't have sex for a couple of months or a year so I'm an incel
dumb twitter shitter
I've met in a lot women this past year or so that did not have sex until their early 20s. One I even had the pleasure of deflowering.
These chicks were less attractive and awkward. I was playing below my league which is always nice when things are easy.
Self absorbed cunts piss me off too much to try and waste my efforts and play their silly games I'll just keep grabbing that low hanging fruit.
> Female "incels"
> All of them just spend their "incel" time trying to improve their value to normies instead.
All these sluts need to fuck off
be my penpal
>Implying something as "female incel" exists
Send tiddies and vageene
These are mentally ill women who don't *want* to have sex.
There is no such thing as a female incel.
>>I spent my female incel years in the Andes
how is it rational to have an infant and go trekking in the third world mountains and staying in cabins,
>incel months
lol. roasties cannot be incel.
>women think being incel means having a sexual dryspell, because they L I T E R A L L Y can't comprehend being a virgin into their adulthood and have the concept of loved and desired utterly alien to them
I don't hate women. No seriously, I've never been a misogynist and I actually resent a lot of the popular incel/robot rhetoric. If anything I'm envious. I'm happy for them. Imagine being showered with so much love and desire that the closest thing you could imagine to adult virginity is being between relationships.
>having any friends
Ahahaha. Dummies.
>yeah, I used to be incel
Hollywood isn't a propaganda machine or a big jok-
H-Hehe can you IMAGINE being incel for more than a few weeks!?
Feminism will push the undesirable men away in place for Chad's harem of horny """female incels""".
>my #femaleincel months
>I'm an incel but I have a baby