Black bots, there are literally hundreds of lonely autistic white girls browsing right now. Why do you not have a gf yet?
Black bots, there are literally hundreds of lonely autistic white girls browsing right now...
nice feet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i want to sniff and lick their toes and soles while i lay on the ground and masturbate
Fuck off niggers those feet are the white mans
Found the footfags
What is the story behind that pic?
Lmao, you butt hurt loser. Here is something for you.
It's disgusting stop posting that monkey shit
Oh really, did you? Well done Sherlock fucking Holmes.
Because girls only want Tyrone. Not actual black people.
Lol, prepare to puke out your stomach and the rest of your insides you racist imbecile. Here is something even better for you.
This is unfortunately true. They only want chad and tyrone. Not regular white and black guys.
It's not racist to want each racevto stick to their own
Original racist user here
>interracial porn
all of Jow Forums is about 30 dudes and one girl(male) multi thread posting
>It's not racist to want each racevto stick to their own
Each race to stick to their own *
Yes it is. Lol. What you want is only relevant for your own life and your own sex/dating choices, nobody elses. Other people have different preferences, tasters and desires than you.
Only interested in real women. Not some mentally I'll cracker.
>What you want is only relevant for your own life and your own sex/dating choices, nobody elses.
The choices and mating strategies in a society will determine what kind of society will result from it. That's why this matters to everyone. Also, assuming you are a negro, i don't you have anything to say to a white person regarding matters of nation building a maintaining, since negroes only produced failed civilization. Also my views were held by WW2 veterans which were the last generation before the beginning of the downfall of western civilization.
Also why would i or anyone be ok with racemixing since it results on the dilution of both races. It's only a good thing for someone who dislikes their own race, and if that's the case, you can understand why other races would not want yours in their gene pool.
>i don't you have anything to say to a white person regarding matters of nation building a maintaining,
I don't think*
This is all literally irrelevant and just your opinion, lol. It is certainly not shared by most people in a free western society where segregation has long ended & where interracial marriage has been legal for quite some time. You are free to stew in your salty butthurt, when ever your not fantasizing about your dream klannazi society of pure white perfection (that will never exist in reality).
>This is all literally irrelevant and just your opinion, lol.
No, rest is just you coping with the harsh reality that no one likes you and they actually have a good reason not to.
Lol, your actually delusional. You do not know me or what experiences I have had with other people. Your Jow Forums tier saltiness is entertaining though. Here something more for you.
I know you are a negro who thinks racemixing is ok. That tells me everything i need to know.
The reson why you like racemixing is because that's as close as you can get of being white yourself. That's as close as you can get of having, our facial features our straight hair, our various eye colors our higher intellect.
You need to accept that you'll never be white. You need to be ok with who you are.
or maybe user just likes white women? Fuck off retard, you probably jerk to White Male/Asian Female.
>or maybe user just likes white women? Fuck off retard, you probably jerk to White Male/Asian Female
Lol, very well thought out reply.
Lmao, you actually think that I want to be white? Do not get me wrong, I do not have anything against white people, but I like being black. Taste in women is completely different from who you are as a man. I can tell you think that white people are a superior race though. I know that I am not going to be able to convince you that your not superior for having white skin and a thin straight nose. Each individual has a different iq level so the intelligence cope is also not relevant. There are plenty of dumb redknecks as well as hood thugs.
Hahahhahha, you negroes 9 times out of 10 go for the supremacist angle. That show what a huge complex you have with being black. I didn't mean you were doing it conscientiously when i said you wanna be white. But your preference for white women says you prefer white features to your own, and the complex you have tells me you would kill your own mother to be white.
How is it race baiting if someone is asking black robots why they do not have a white gf? Just make another thread asking white or Asian robots why they are not dating girls of the race of your preference. Unless you mean these threads are bad because they attract Jow Forumstards?
You are actually insane if you believe that. Get your mental health checked out, you have spent too much time in Jow Forums.
You'll never white, just accept it. Try to see the value in your own people. If you can't do that don't expect others to.
I want the girl on the right. I'll bet she has a delicious meaty pussy. Also I'd do horrifying pervy things to her physical person. I want to sniff her all over. Spread it open while she's sitting on my face and SNIFF.
everyone laugh at this retard
made me kek
I urge you to get yourself checked out. You are not in a healthy mental state. Good luck.
Because BBC is a myth.
Once they find out im only 6.5" (at a push) they just ghost you.
This is not to even say that theyd probably cuck me with a taller guy if they had the chance.
>if you dont like watching black people fuck white women while they call you "good little cuck" and insult you makes you racist
Neck yourself
>tfw Ill bever get to stick my head between young, sexy thighs like that.
I do love grown up women, but younger girls just have so much better skin and legs
occam's razor
it's simpler and thus more likely that he likes white women compared to the assumption that he wants to be white. Fewer assumptions need to be made in the former.
Keep at it with the well thought I ut replies, you have a real talent there.
Don't worry, you won't be in denial forever.
Lol, that post was a cheeky response to a racist user that had posted earlier. It was not ment as an endorsement for cucking or that your racist if you do not want a black guy to fuck your gf/wife.
That statrment assumes that sexual prerence develops in a vacuum and denies darwinism, evolutionary biology and evolutionary psychology.
What you suggeated compares to the assumptions that were made before we discovered microorganisms that someone would get sick because they were cursed.
This is the the last time I am going to urge you to get help & detoxify yourself. I figure that three times is enough. You are either trolling or just to far gone to be helped if you keep going on like a broken record. Good luck to you.
Lol, I would do the same, then eat them out and fuck them up the ass HARD.
>Lol, I would do the same, then eat them out and get fucked up my ass HARD by their strap-ons.
White girls love stereotypes. Physique doesn't even matter, if you don't hold yourself like a Tyrone giganigga, they will lead you on and eventually lose interest. I've experimented myself, the more often I ignore, cut them off while they're talking or make a back handed comment towards a white girl, the more likely it is she'll be attracted to me. Shit sucks cause I deep down respect woman too much to do that with conviction and I don't want someone to be attracted to me because I'm a nigger. True blackbots want real relationships, not temporary pussy.
Or is it?
Give me the sauce
JFL. What ever floats your boat, pal. Personally, I want to creampie there assholes.
Bestiality is against the rules. Get that shit out of here.
gtfo negro whites only
It is pretty sad that most girls are that basic and only lust for stereotypes. Have you tried online dating? I am considering for the future if the irl dating scene is this shitty.
because anons are busy lying and sending dick pics to everyone they met in less than a week
hello i fully support this post thank you
Date your own ugly monkey girls nigger
Because they aren't looking for nerdy black tablet they want black Chad who happens to like anime .
>brags about being racist
>shitty impact font meme
You have to be 18 to post here
>Other people have different preferences, tasters and desires than you.
Those other people are what is known as "wrong".
What the French call...Je suis fucking retarded.
Can white men even control their women? The racemixing is outta control!
Jesus Christ. You people have serious proofreading problems. Holy fucking shit.
why wopuld you proof read a post on Jow Forums, its not like its important. Its not like its gonna cost your your hypothetical job if you make a spelling mistake or something.
Its the internet, lighten up gramps
i dont deserve white women. They are so pure and I so tainted and disgusting. A shit skin like myself deserves to suffer
>They are so pure
If only you knew how wrong you are.
they're apes just like everyone else
the sooner your realize the better
How can you be mad at black men fucking white women and be a robot at the same time?
they live further. than where I live
Because even with a 7 incher women still dont want to taste it.
Because the two girls I exchanged contact with ghosted me after they found out I was black.
Hey can I have their contact blackfriend?
>He isn't always angry
Biracial bot here. Unless we've got Chad looks, we're in the same boat as you are.
I want the source too
I needz ta see day ass first nigga.
I aint fuckin no flat ass cracka.
Lol, get a grip. Your opinion is not objective reality. Grow up some more.
Serves you well t b q h
>think Jow Forums has any women at all
niggers really are dumb
>Your opinion is not objective reality
You really gobbled all the garbage they taught you in school