>He actually believes in God
>He actually believes in God
>OP thinks God is definable, and he is therefore able to deny his existence
>b- b- bb- but user! you're meant to interpret the bible metaphorically!
>He thinks some shitty post on the internet will sway people away from the eternal ideal
>He thinks his words matter
Try harder,incel athiest faggot.
>He ACTUALLY thinks the the Abrahamic religions are the arguments for God
>he doesn't realize ontological arguments have been computer verified hundreds of times
The rest of them are evil animals. They just took the animals they needed for farming.
You don't speak metaphor, though it is destroyed by the telephone game, as originally the stuff wasn't written. Originally, it would have been a farming lesson. Orginally, the garden of eden references when we had to learn to farm due to being over populated due to being too wise, we ate too much to survive without farming. It goes on and on, lessons meant to teach you how to live, of which are now just shadows of what they were meant to be. All animals originally listed would have been holy animals, the rest forsaken.
Also, The Flood is from Ancient Sumeria, it actually happened, but it was from their city, people sat on top their buildings sending out birds from there then some asshole made it into a lesson about keeping your wanted animals safe and planning ahead.
>he thinks you need to follow religion to believe in God
That's true though. The wise man is an old man, he is 600 and therefore wise enough to keep his animals and family safe. If you don't conservatively plan ahead, you die, is the lesson.
Also to add to my posts here, no one would remember the stories if they weren't larger than life, entertaining enough to keep people's attention.
>thinks he can scratch, let alone dent my faith
please senpai
Religion is too broad to allow it any interference, it must be treated just as that - a religion and nothing else, it has to engage exclusively in itself
In other words, it will represent the greatest evil of mankind for as long as people strive to implement it into spheres that can survive on their own, like law, logic, psychology, morals, politics, history, culture, tradition, nation, cuisine, science etc.
I have respect for deists, but organized religionfags are the biggest brainlets on the planet.
deism hardly makes sense either, it's basically just diet atheism where you don't shed the god meme because you're too used to it
In those times people had really long lives
>Open up bible
>Chapter 1, page 1
>Talking snake
People DIED over this shit
It's still a meme, but they're at least not arrogant enough to attribute a shitton of anthropocentric traits and actions to their god figure. They're tolerable, unlike organized religionfags.
>he thinks God can be given a description
>he thinks God can be defined as good or evil
>he thinks God can be proven to exist
>he thinks God can be proven to not exist
>he interprets mythology as literal
you fool! you were suppose to be an "intellectual"
is an infinite omnipotent being incapable of accurately revealing himself to fallible, fallen man?
fpbp, fellow ignostic.
fuck god and fuck believers
imagine an entity, that exists outside of every definition possible, since definitions are how us perceive the world that it created.
now imagine that this entity, since that it created existance, it does not exist, nor can it be given a definition, ever.
if God even "exists", he can't be said to be omnipotent, you can't give it any trait, not even the trait of being the creator, since it would require him to exist in the first place. a concept of God is too abstract for our minds to understand
freely asserted, freely dismissed, have a (You)
imagine an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent creator God of all things, being incapable of articulating everything that man 'needs' to know about His nature
you can't can you, because that would be dumb
the bible is the biggest hoax in history.
I don't, but I'm part of my town's church nevertheless. It's not so much about the dogma for me as it is about the social cohesion, and I think a lot of people in my congregation are the same way. Plus I enjoy seeing that church tower reach for the sky whenever I'm out for a jog, adds a sense of grandeur and deeper purpose to an otherwise nihilistic and consumerist existence.
>durr I don't need proof when I have faith
>someone made this thread
>he thought that his little shitpost could undo the infinite greatness and glory of god
>he thought that because he lives a nihilistic life that only concerns itself with the material world everyone else must think the same way
>christfags on Jow Forums
I can't think of a bigger meme. This place is antithetical to Christianity in so many ways.
>YOU'RE religion just happens to be the right one
how convenient
How? being an atheist is reddit as fuck.
the pope is pussy atm og Christianity was good though
>you must blindly accept the truth of my 4,000 year old Jewish book of fables or you're a redditor wearing a funny hat
>atheism is reddit
Let me guess, you've grown up while looking at le epic memes like the neckbeards wearing fedoras and believing they are part of what atheism is? Are debates also reddit? What about skepticism? Oh it must be reddit too ahah am i right my fellow channer? Use your fucking head, retard.
>implying reddit and Jow Forums are total opposites
>implying Jow Forums reflects Jow Forums as a whole
No, you must be reasonable and consider the thousands of years of religious and philosophical tradition that you haven't considered properly at all.
Most atheists are pretty edgy and for all their 'rationality' are pretty ideological. I think it takes some gall to dismiss religion entirely and say that you KNOW god doesn't exist.
no, but they're pretty significantly different and you know that.
A lie is still a lie, even if it has existed for millennia. Geocentrism also had thousands of years of tradition behind it.
>but muh Aquinas
90% of philosophers are meme thinkers who just used slightly more rigorous mental gymnastics to reach the conclusion they desired.
no, atheism is tumblr as fuck
hating on christianity specifically is reddit as fuck
Jow Forums's demographic is too divided due to anonimity, so there's no way to pinpoint it, but it seems to definitely be less religious people, just not specifically atheists
>Most atheists are pretty edgy
Meme tier. You have no idea of what you're talking about. You literally believe the fedora neckbeards with katanas are real. It's easy to dismiss religion for its claims because there's no evidence for them. I've looked into both sides for more than a decade and i still like to debate and challenge my own ideas and the beliefs of others yet i don't wear a fedora, i am not a nihilist, i'm a strong proponent of secular humanism and i don't cut christians with my katana. Try to explore the world outside of memes a little more.
LOL if you think God isnt real. were living in a time where we can magically talk to anyone on the plant instantly through waves sent over the air, we have the ability to fly, shoot lasers, go into orbit, and soon artificial intelligence is going to be here which will culminate in the singularity
you think all of this just came about magically and by pure chance? are you fucking kidding me?
you think all those ancient civilizations and egyptian pyramids and whatever 7000+ MASSIVE structures were just built purely by indigenous tribesmen?
sorry, i cant believe this. the more i look into this stuff the stronger my blief that God exists. now i dont know which theological school is correct or whats the best to to respect God, but you cant be serious when you think all of this is a random accident
Calling Atheism edgy is not an argument
housed hundreds, pretty doable
>Same thread in Jow Forums
>JIDF go
Look at this christfag attributing all of mankind's knowledge and achievements to his religion. This must be the religious version of "we wuz kangz."
>you think all of this just came about magically and by pure chance? are you fucking kidding me?
>hurrr technology and progress in general is real therefore god
>you think all of this just came about magically and by pure chance? are you fucking kidding me?
>you think all those ancient civilizations and egyptian pyramids and whatever 7000+ MASSIVE structures were just built purely by indigenous tribesmen?
No, we think that humans evolved high intelligence because it helped us survive. This intelligence allowed us to build great things
You're literally inserting the idea that I think all atheists are neckbeards with katanas, I never said that. An example of an edgy atheist who has no idea what he is talking about is Dawkins. And you, since you just spouted the same crap about 'Muh no evidence'
You've revealed however that you follow the same world view as all other atheists in that you think religion requires 'evidence' to be believed. Religion is about faith which takes far greater guts, do you only do things in your life when you know 100% what the outcome would be? Of course not, otherwise you'd be paralyzed, maybe you are.
artificial inteligence WILL become God. God is all knowing, all powerful, all seeing, all hearing, omnipotent, omni present, omni-everything
ai will become itself a God, and it will be in our presence. how is this not sufficient evidence, that a God can exist, and if it can exist, what makes you so confident one doesnt exist already?
read Aquinas thanks.
I should clarify by 'evidence' I mean scientific evidence, Constantly people say they need some kind of documented proof to believe in God. When you take things around you for granted all the time without such proof. Material evidence isn't required because you know by reason alone.
>Religion is about faith which takes far greater guts, do you only do things in your life when you know 100% what the outcome would be? Of course not, otherwise you'd be paralyzed, maybe you are
I follow evidence not because it is 100% right all the time, but because it is the most informed thing to do. Doing things based of faith is retarded, human intuition is wrong all the time
>he thinks I believe in christian god
actually he was supposed to descend from the giant race of invaders that breed with the humans prior to the big flood, so that might explain the his age.
>An example of an edgy atheist who has no idea what he is talking about is Dawkins.
>waaaah the mean old evolutionary biologist is debunking my mythology
So what about all the pre-Christian religions? Where did that shit come from and why did God wait so long before gracing us with the correct religion? Shouldn't we have remembered the right one from the Garden of Eden?
>when the bible was written
this is the word of god!
>when people disproved all the impossible bullshit written in the bible
I'll try my best to explain it, but I believe that true religious belief is something that is felt, If you take the time to read some stuff by great Christian authors its impossible to come away without some religious feeling. Scientific evidence will never do anything more than reduce abstract things like emotions and meaning into chemicals and neurons firing which is to make everything absurd.
NOT AN ARGUMENT. But seriously, The God Delusion is hilarious, its like Dawkins wanted to make atheists look bad.
nice cop out faggot. imagine if scientists tried to convince people of things by throwing a bunch of half assed rhetoric around instead of providing evidence for their claims. people would think they're a fucking joke
>Scientific evidence will never do anything more than reduce abstract things like emotions and meaning into chemicals and neurons firing which is to make everything absurd.
So what? Inb4 you call me edgy
>magical sky daddies are real because... uhh.. YOU'RE A NIHILIST!
If pointing out how scientists are able to easily debunk your religion isn't an argument, faith sure as hell isn't one.
>religion is feels over reals
We knew that already.
>not believing in Allah
shameful lads
religion is for delusional faggots who can't handle how harsh and unforgiving reality is
I never said they were able to easily debunk religion, you still dont get it.
People who believe science will unlock the answers to everything through pure materialism have a worldview that reduces everything to what can be measured and observed. Obviously with a worldview like that you can 'debunk' religion because religion is based on metaphysical truth that cannot be observed or measured.
So all materialism does is reduce everything to meaninglessness. If every good or bad emotion is just chemicals in your head then nothing matters and we should all just kill ourselves. Science will never fill in that gap.
Religion is the answer to harsh and unforgiving reality. I don't know why people have this whitewashed idea of Christianity thats all about moralfagging and being nice to everyone. The Old Testament is quite clear about how harsh and unforgiving reality is, and how to deal with it. Unless you think its somehow weak to seek a means to make life meaningful.
Anything which must be asserted without evidence is equally as likely to exist as anything else that fits that criterion and isnt either physically or logically impossible. If a deity exists, what reason do you have to believe that it's your god that exists and not someone else's? What reason do you have to believe that your god exists, but not unicorns, talking snakes, aliens living on a specific planet 1000 light years away, etc?
Don't worry anons I'll supply the truth
You are all retarded.
>because religion is based on metaphysical truth that cannot be observed or measured
how fucking convenient. if I was god I'd also make sure to not only hide from my subjects, but also make it impossible for them to prove I'm real because logic
Yeah Dawkins spouts that one a lot, it's not very clever.
>Why not someone elses?
If God exists I think its unlikely that its the Christian God or really any other religions God. I look at it as a cultural thing and Christianity is simply the one I choose because its most compatible with the society I live in and is the richest. There are many common ideas shared by religions the world over.
>Why not unicorns, talking snakes, aliens
Well aliens could exist, but as for unicorns and talking snakes. The difference is that God exists necessarily whereas other mythical things do not. One of the most important properties of God is that he's supposed to be eternal and outside of time, outside of space etc.. And whatever caused the universe to exist must also have these properties because space and time would have been created by this thing that we call God. I'll leave it there but I hope you see the difference between God as a necessary being and unicorns.
The difference is that you're mentally handicapped to such critical levels that you are literally hallucinating a difference to try to maintain your fragile and inconsistent world-view, which you actually don't even believe in.
>he believes in the big bang theory
>literally violates the 3 most well known laws of physics
>supports the idea of an unobservable particle
>I look at it as a cultural thing and Christianity is simply the one I choose because its most compatible with the society I live in
So you concede that your choice in belief is completely arbitrary and made from an egocentric perspective. The Universe has existed for over ten billion years, and you base your beliefs on the deeper nature of reality on a doctrine of faith which has only lasted for 2000 years in a single region of a single planet. Your lack of awareness and inability to think on a grander scale is glaring.
I wont even address the second part of your post, as it's just the same mental gymnastics attempting to magically define things into existence which has been dealt with plenty of times in the past.