Why are modern people so scared of aging?

Why are modern people so scared of aging?

I know countless of 20-year-olds who freak out each year because they feel they're now "too old". 30 is considered pretty much elderly by these people.

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I'm 18 and I feel old as fuck to be honest.

Because time is passing and things are only getting worse or not changing at all. They don't have milestones, just birthdays

because aging sucks. you have less potential and the walls close in fast. you have to put more effort into maintaining your body and it's a lot easier to fuck yourself up.

It's mostly toasties mad that their looks are deteriorating or basedboys mad that they'll have to grow up and stop being Nintendo-playing manchildren. It's just the times we live in now. No one wants to be responsible and everyone's out to have as much meaningless fun as possible.

Are those 20-year-olds successful? Because so much depends nowadays on what you do in your early 20's in terms of getting a start on the career ladder that missing out can be extremely dangerous.

I have a theory that our modern life is more stressful and demanding than human life has ever been before.
Sure they had different problems in the middle ages, but today is really something else.
We're all being demanded absolute perfection or else the system spits you out and fucks you up. Nobody will pull you back up, they will laugh you and feed upon your carcass.

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/sp/ here. I played football all the way to the collegiate level. I've had broken collarbones, ribs, sprained ankles, wrists, and a separated shoulder. A lot of times I could play through injuries and I would heal up relatively quickly. Now I'm 35 and even slight injuries hurt. I mean full on freeze up and clutch myself in pain begging it to go away type hurt. I fell 3 months ago and sprained my wrist and it still fucking hurts. After a certain age your body can't recover well from injury. It was pretty terrifying to realize I'm not as strong as I used to be.

>you have less pontetial and the walls close in fast.
reddit-tier bullshit. you're still the same piece of garbage you were during your whole fucking life and the walls are just doors that your little dick-smelling hands can't open. Age doesn't matter that much, faggot. It's never too late, dipshits.

I don't know, ageing is awesome for christs sake. You get experience and shit just gets better every year.

unless you are this guy, then you are fucked.

Of course it matters, you take on more responsibilities as you age and you naturally get slower both physically and mentally

This is absolutely fucking it. You get started on the ladder early or you don't get up it at all, so every year is precious early on and it's in a time in your life when you have the least clue what the fuck is going on and what the right thing to do is.

This is why everyone wants to know how old X person was when they became successful, because we all want to believe we still have time even though we fucked up.

Its just normie attention seeking bullshit. Its on par with the whole "I NEED my coffee in the morning!" crap they spew, they think it makes them seem like they have some depth of personality. No joke I went to the shop yesterday and while walking back I was behind two kids that looked about 19-20 years old and they were talking about how they've "Always been in long-term relationships". Normalfags have no sense of scale when it comes to time. They're about 20 and were talking like 50-60 year old hopeless romantics, it was insane.

There's no retirement to look forwards to for this generation. They know that by thirty they're either going to be good goyim wageslaves or homeless bums, and it will be that way for virtually the rest of their lives. This causes much more anxiety over loss of youth, as it essentially equates to loss of freedom and/or quality of life in their minds.

Because old people fucking suck. They are assholes and they are physically impaired for the most part. No brainer.

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I wasn't afraid of my age until I reached 28 or so. Before that, the whole notion of my mortality kind of never registered. It's only after that time period when I started to truly understand that I'm going to die someday and that there's no turning back and that there is no way to retrieve lost time.

These emotions never registered with me as a 20 year old, or as a 25 year old, but now that I'm 30, I've accepted it and I'm dealing with it, something that I never did before.

I've always thought dying and aging is a mental process.

I've decided to either never die or to live at least 150 years.
We'll see what happens.

I'm now 32 and I feel like a teenager, whereas most my peers feel exhausted from life.
I'm still a virgin and stuff, so mentally I'm young at least.

I still have a bad habit of spending too much time on Jow Forums, so to me, it's the "I'm 25 and still on Jow Forums" thoughts that are the main thing that get to me. I know that I'm still technically "young", but I'm probably an old fart compared to most other Jow Forums users.

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Because you lose potential every year you age

it's OK user I'm 28

I get smarter every year. Don't know about you guys though.

Imageboards and social media melt your brain and keep your IQ down.

at what age am I too old to be a cute boy r9k?

Because before today the second you hit 18 you were doing something and goals were being hit, even if what you were doing was doing hard labour so would everyone else your age and you would feel content. Now if you don't go off to university you feel like a piece of shit with every day that passes GOD HELP ME.

I understand the feel. I'll have to move with my parents to another cunt because (I can't sustain myself or find a job) and I'll have to re-start at uni in 2-3 years. just the thought of losing all this time cripples me.

oh no. all of this potential you're wasting on 4chins.
the difference isn't anywhere near as great as the /young/bots here think it is. if you do it right life gets better and not worse.

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I'm 21 and these thoughts are starting to creep up on me, everytime I see someone say they are 18 or 19 I wince.

Peter pan syndrome and roasties realizing their time is up
You're honestly a fucking faggot worrying about aging as a man, take care of yourself and it'll be alright, no use agonizing over something that you cant avoid.
pic related is my old man goal

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>mfw I see people on Jow Forums talk about how they were born in 1998 or 1999

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>tfw hit 19 last week
I unironically don't want to live past 30

20 year old here.
I am not scared of turning 30 nor 40(maybe a little, considering my heart is fucked hard). What I AM scared of is 60+.
I dread the fact that my strength, will and purpose will wither away and my very existence being a sneeze away from collapsing on itself. That's not even counting in the numerous afflictions I will have to brave, like the aforementioned heart condition which even now gives me trouble.
I don't want to have catheters out of my every orifice. I don't want to be a frail husk of a human being. I don't want to be a burden on my future family.
That's is what I am afraid of, OP. I have seen how I will end up, and it isn't pretty.

>tfw born in early 2000
>tfw the millennial jew is growing old and the boomers are dying
feels very good man

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coward. sort your shit out; you're as distant from 30 as you are from 8. Don't you think you know better on how on how to live your life than when you were a child? when you're 30 you'll laugh unironically at the child you are now.

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One thing I noticed is that my metabolism slowed down a lot after 24.

I am naturally very strong and build muscle mass faster than anyone I know. My build is also pretty much ideal for lifting heavy stuff (very wide shoulders, short-ish and bulky arms and legs, 5'11"), and my muscle fibers have always worked exceptionally well.

But even at a young age I have been a bulky dude. Not always fat, perse, but I gain fat as easily as I gain muscle. And that is really easily.
After 24 I started gathering fat really fast. I gain weight if I eat anything shitty over any extended period. Then again I seem to gather muscle mass and gain strength more easily, too, so I don't know if it's all bad.

Now 27yo, 5'11" and at 280lbs. I'm fat, but I don't look the way most 280lbs guys at this height look, thanks to my very wide shoulders and general build. I can deadlift 750lbs with suit and straps on a good day. I used to be able to do only 600 at 23yo.

Jokes on you I already attempted suicide when I was 13 but fucked up because I didn't know what I was doing.
I just need to get money for a gun license and a shotgun.

>tfw born April 2000
Sorry to break that to you, gramps.

craig sums it up quite nicely


you disgust me
>today is my 18th bday so I can stop pretending