> If you were a pretty girl, all your flaws would be considered cute and desirable
How does this make you feel?
If you were a pretty girl, all your flaws would be considered cute and desirable
Jealous! I have always wanted to be a clumsy moe girl and ride Chad's chode!
It fills me with bitter hatred.
Women truly live life on easy mode.
It makes me wish I wasn't an ugly fatfuck
I wish I was living on easy mode but otherwise I'm fine with beeing male.
>"all your flaws would be considered cute and desirable"
>be a girl
>have autism and schizo
>get yelled at and degraded every day for being "retarded", lazy, annoying, etc
>watch normies get handed jobs out of nepotism from rich uncle
>he won't even let me try
Makes me feel motivated. Do you ever pick easy modes in vidya? If I come out of this shit on top, I'll feel like the king. "Cute" girls are vapid and have no concept of earning your keep.
Just get a bf then you dummy.
I have one. it doesn't fix your life. if everyone treats you like crap, eventually your partner will lose respect for you and treat you like crap too.
you can do something about the fat part, at least it would partly mitigate the ugly part
More pics pls
Originally obviously
You have various mental illnesses and can still get a partner despite this so you already have it easier than most men.
>I have one
>demonstrating what op is saying so succinctly
just fucking lol
Even my IBS? And the fact that I regularly take 40 minute stinky dumps?
you guys have fallen into the propaganda machine.
a relationship doesn't make your life easy or good, a relationship doesn't mean you have sex or that somebody loves you.
a relationship is always going to be a deeply unequal partnership where one person suffers immeasurably and one person drains the life out of the other.
if you're beta, you're automatically going to be the one getting the soul sucked out of you.
>I have one
HAHAHAHAHA JESUS CHRIST it's like the OP is right or something
no, but at least you would get sympathy for the extreme pain that shit causes.
I'm sure brap posters would love you
Sad. I could literally have no personality, interests, or redeeming qualities and people would still have to pretend I'm worth hanging around.
don't have a relationship if you think they suck so much then
intimacy is a positive modifier for a person's life so you're mostly talking shit though
It makes it better than not to have it you stupid fucking cunt.
>tfw I could look good with makeup
>but it goes against my morals to hide what I really look like
Well I guess op gets btfo. Like my ass after eating spaghetti and garlic bread.
Not true and even if it was you still remain in the relationship which proves that it's better than the alternative.
no it doesn't. can you do what you want? are you allowed to eat what you want, wear what you want, choose when to shower/shave and go where you want? are you allowed to have a job?
i am not talking shit, i am telling the truth
you guys don't want this
the 1/10000 rng based femanon
>>watch normies get handed jobs out of nepotism from rich uncle
You still don't get it. Your job as a female is to be a working man's faithful wife and mother to his children. Unlike a man, who is required to work his ass off for everything he earns in life, you only need to attract a suitable man to succeed in life, yet that still isn't good enough for you, a woman, the most entitled creature ever to walk on this earth. Don't come here and expect pity from us.
OP's topic aside, I can't say I approve of Futaba being used for this kind of thread.
you are absolutely talking shit, it's a demonstrated fact that intimacy is good for a person
>"Your job as a female is to be a working man's faithful wife and mother to his children."
>"your job is to be the servant to someone who is allowed to leave the house and get a job"
>"you don't have to work because you have a bagina"
u retarded?
how do i get intimacy then?
I doubt either of you virgins have any real metric or experience to gauge intimacy to go by and talk about this.
by having a relationship and not being a dumbass who sticks around when it's obviously not working
I'll spoonfeed just this once...
World of Reversed Gender Roles
>virgin shames
>lol, I'm a loser just like all of you, gaiz
a relationship doesn't give you automatic intimacy. also i can't leave because i have no money because i am not allowed to get a job
i am saving up to buy a camper and i am gonna go innawoods
Just lmao is you think housekeeping and raising children is equal in difficultly to a real job. You should be on your knees thanking men for their willingness to provide for you, honey.
Really proving your non-virginity and getting your point across with that one user. Very convincing.
3D girls are not important, that's how I feel.
i have had a real job installing fiber optic network cables and it was a thousand times better than staying at home all day with the dog and cleaning up after my fucking idiot roommates who don't respect me and hate me
And if I was a handsome guy then my flaws and mistakes eould also be seen as charming and human
Stop acting as if cutting off your dick and taking some birth cobtol pills will save you from this hellhole. Its about looks, not gender
>have to take survey at school one day
>they ask us what we like to do
>I'm honest and say "I love playing Devil May Cry"
>all of the guys in my class make fun of me
>"Is that one of those satanic games? You need to quit that." "You're fucking 16 and still playing video games?" "Why don't you do something better with your time?"
>next year, we get the same question and some edgy autistic goth girl says she likes DMC
>bunch of dudes in the class are interested now
>"What kind of game is it?" "Can you teach me how to play?" "Girls play video games?"
WTF, bros...?
this isn't about personal experience, this is a known thing about human social psychology you daftie
Obviously 2D is superior but 3D is important because the stupid shits who let vaginas vote. Goddamn, suffragettes and slavery were the only two mistakes in american history and they will be it's downfall. That's how big of a fuck up they were.
I'm not even those guys you're arguing with, I just found that funny.
are you a grown adult? you can do whatever the fuck you want you learned helpless fool
>those guys you're arguing with
Except this was literally my one post all thread.
i have schizophrenia and i cant function in society and i have no money and nobody to help me.
You took that job via affirmative action from a man who needed it survive, and you did so only for your vanity. You are a perfect example of everything from with females.
Absolutely retarded post. Nobody likes good looking autists if they are male. Having social anxiety and being introverted will fuck your life even if you are a handsome dude
What about Elon Musk?
That's not how it works.
t. Someone with obnoxious female family members that no one tolerates
I was born with an ugly face, but even though I have enough money for plastic surgery, I decided to give up on it. I like it as it is, everyone ignores me, nobody ever simles back, I don't think my coworkres know my name, and my neighbours won't say hi to me. If I was cute, I would get a lot of attention, and that woukd make me very anxious. I feel a little bad for pretty girls.
King of the betabux.
>You took that job via affirmative action from a man who needed it survive
>implying nobody else needs to survive
Also i didn't get it through affirmative action, I didn't take the job from anybody, i am good at it and fast and thorough and i am small enough to crawl under furniture and in basements
That's not true, you probably just aren't all that good looking. Being very good looking puts a positive spin on how people interpret you.
>inb4 hurrr durr I wuld literally kill for a ugly rich gf
Shut up, ugly bitch.
more likely you're just scared shitless of trying like half this board. really doesn't do much to disspel the notion that women have it easier.
Keep deluding yourself that the money you are spending on HRT will make your life better. Girls like guys who are handsome, no matter how much spaghetti they have - it just adds to their 'charm', end of fucking discussion. I saw enough of that first hand
I used to talk to a guy that played Smash Bros and Magic the Gathering competitively, ranted about his anime taste being better than other peoples' in public, and would make off color and borderline racist remarks pretty often, but he worked out and had an 8/10 face, so he still managed to get attention from women. What's up with that?
You can survive by hopping on a man's cock. He will provide everything for you, and will make more than otherwise if other women follow suit, since there will be no women in the workforce there to depress his wages and be preferentially hired over him thanks to the cunts between their legs.
i'd end up wanting to be a fat whore and ruining my health and sanity
I don't have anything against Futaba, user, she's really cute. It's just that she made me reflect about the topic.
He doesn't sound introverted at all.
Also your hobbies don't dictate if you have autism no matter what Jow Forums says.
should had said you like played fortnite haha loser
but life isn't a video game.
>35 year old guy running around playing bing bing wahoo battlerz in front of other manchildren
>not autistic
>"You don't contribute anything!"
>Start contributing
>"You didn't earn the right to contribute!"
Fucking this you are literally describing how he did tons of social activities
This was like 2008, right after Devil May Cry 4 had come out.
>Goddamn, suffragettes and slavery were the only two mistakes in american history and they will be it's downfall.
Both are jewish in origin.
smash is honestly extremely normie.
Have you seen a card game tournament? The people there are fat, stinky and not normal at all.
How well would those things blow over if it was some fat ugly guy making the same remarks and doing the same activities?
Can you redpill me on this? No one in my country plays that game.
>flaws would be considered cute and desirable
As a guy, no simply no. Some flaws are fine since its human regardless of who you are but anything above the normal bouts of self esteem issues and autistic tendencies are either annoying or irredeemable red flags to stay away. There's a reason why the phrase "don't stick your dick in crazy" exists.
that's only the case if one person in the relationship doesn't try as much as the other. You can't just claim all relationships are dysfunctional.
though I agree that relationships and sex are not the cure-alls that this board pretends them to be.
I do and frequently, both in streams and irl, most people look just fine.
not cure-alls but they sure as shit would go a long way for a lot of people here
>Its about looks, not gender
True. But you forgot to mention that looks on women are more easily forgiven. Which arguably has to do with the fact that men have lower standards; you'd have to be a real ogre for a guy to not find you sexually attractive. Only guys I've met with standards are top tier Chads, and even then, they'd consider pump 'n dumping an average girl once in a while if they're horny.
Nah a lot of non-Chad guys have standards, they just end up as virgins because there are sufficiently many thirsty guys to undermine them
Again, you contribute by being a working man's mate, reproducing, and raising children. You quite literally didnt earn that job position, because it was handed to you at the expense of a man's career by government regulations forcing preferential treatment of women by employers. Even if you didn't actively choose to have these affirmative action benefits applied to you, they still were by the state. For you to still pretend that you were hired purely meritocratically despite this fact once again demonstrates your unrecognized female entitlement.
the amount of mental gymnastics people will do on here to cope with successful women is incredible, holy shit
If I were a pretty girl, I wouldn't be such a faggot
Does that mean since you aren't a pretty girl, you are quite the faggot?
Why the fuck are you even in a relationship then?
hey fgg bro
I said hanging around, not hanging out, Mike.
Stop promoting faggotry. Didn't discord take down your little chatroom already?
>it's a woman doesn't understand the mathematics behind affirmative action thread
Didn't even realize OP was trying to be a tranny shill, thought he was just highlighting that women have it easy. God I'm a daft cunt at times
That shit only applies on burguerland though, she could be from a shithole for all we know
>haven't taken a shower in 4 days
>if I was a girl some guy would find it endearing
God damn I hate women
+one hundred contexts
There's a female version of this which is more realistic.