Why is the alt right targeting pegging all of the sudden? Makes me feel very insecure tbqh

Why is the alt right targeting pegging all of the sudden? Makes me feel very insecure tbqh

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>alt right targeting pegging

I can however imagine tying it with leftard feminists, using it to "empower" themselves. Which is as absurd as it goes, since deep down most of the feminists want exactly the opposite - good dicking from dominant Chad.

They keep calling pegging a cuck/onions fetish

>alt right targeting pegging
can i get a quick rundown on this?

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Wot x2

Are you making all this shit up, OP?

nothing, I just keep noticing them bringing it up to demean people who disagree with them by onions i meant s o y. As in, basedboy.

Well, even Covington said that what two consenting adults do in their bedrooms is their own thing, as far as they don't ventilate it publicly or do not affect someone else with it. I will rather listen to him, than to some CIA plant with shitty haircut. And pegging is something you only do with a pro-domme anyways, since women are retarded, so who cares.

No fun allowed crowd.

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this is the real reason they hate traps and gayposting, it makes feel excluded.

>caring about what polniggers say
you wrought this upon yourself

because of an article, I don't have a link, but it basically said something like "I have power over men because of pegging" or some shit

is now filtered to onions
s.o.y.b.o.y is filtered to basedboy
you brought* this upon yourself fucking brainlet

>went to get a massage
>girl is like a decent seven out of ten
>She's rubbing my back real nice
>Get a bong on
>My face is down
>She's asks me to turn over
>My bong is visible
>She's strapped up pic related
>Don't know what to say
>user I'm here to make you even more relaxed
>Go with it
>She's gets on top of me and I arch my ass up slight
>She's fucks my ass
>I cum all over the bed

Any more to that story? Now i'm curious...

Against sodomy, which includes pegging.
But it is common knowledge, we didnt just start attacking it recently or intensified the attacks on it.

So against oral as well?

As in? Straight or gay oral?
Also, not many of us really do give a shit if a tiny amount of people are gay behind closed doors. We see it as a problem when gays stroll around in leather straps with their junk out in front of kids and if you dont like it that way you are a bigot.

Naturally, straight relationships are the absolute norm and foundation of all societies, so a straight society is a healthy society. Homosexuality (like gender dysphoria but on a MUCH lower scale) is an anomaly of the mind which should be researched and helped to the maximum ability.

Both. Sodomy in original sense is everything which does not lead to procreation. Especially 1) oral & anal and/or 2) homos. How many times you've fucked a grill without her ending up preggo? It seems you've committed sodomy, sport. Or maybe you faggots should stop "solving" absolutely marginal and minor issues and face the big ones. I'm not even American I can see you have much BIGGER issues there, than someone putting his peepee into some girls mouth.

Ah, then I used the wrong word, my bad. I thought sodomy is strictly shoving something in a guy's ass.
And I did say that very few of us (that I know personally both on interwebz and IRL) actually take this seriously. We are not Church of Mormon, as long as homosexuality is not promoted or glorified then most dont care.

Wait, so you think sex should only be procreation. Seriously?

what if that girl is my wife? is it still considered bad?

Alright, now I understand. What about old Rome? Society pretty much built upon easily attainable prostitution where hiring both female or male escorts carried absolutely no social stigma at all. Romans actually didn't even recognized between being hetero/homo, but between being in active role (good, manly) and passive (bad, womanly). It was alright to bang young traps, but not to be banged by them.

Why I'm you telling this - first, I recognize plenty of alt-righters look up to ancient Rome, so what am I reading from you now is somewhat of surprise to me. And second, I would again recommend stop caring about what two adult individuals do in their bedrooms (if they are not publicly promoting it and/or pulling someone else into it) no matter what they like to push where. Fix your demographics first, user. As long-time European nationalist to American white nationalist; trust me, your nation/race is alfa and omega here, without it you are ultimately fucked.

Are you clinically retarded, user?

Still bad with original meaning of the word. That's why we must be careful about what words we use.

>my fetish is going to get turned into a meme like what happened to the cucks

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I dont know, Rome is looked up to for its military might and general advancement like roads and heating etc.
The people who do like Rome usually realize the decadence of the Roman society towards the end of the empire - including primitive sex changes, bestiality, rampant homosexuality, orgies and finally - lack of determination, responsibilty and cohesion.

The rest are just LARPers who think that the armor was cool - like the 'crusaders' who shout "Deus Vult" without knowing what it means or having been to church since age 9 on their cousins baptism

>decadence of the Roman society towards the end of the empire
What I've said above was established nearly since beginning of Roman civilization and abolished only with coming of the Germanic tribes. What they also did was however very strict control of female sexuality. Hiring a prostitute would bear no stigma (Horace himself publicly boasted that he had a special room full of mirrors, so he could "watch a prostitute from all sides" while banging - and that was during the greatest heights of the Roman civilization), but being a prostitue was tremendously shamed across the Roman society. Female chastity was venerated and glorified and if broken - punishments were absolute. If your woman cheated upon you, you had full right to kill her on the spot, together with the one sleeping with her. If you did not do it for some reason, state would actually offer you to take her away and then sell her to some state-run brothel.

Every great civilization strictly controlled female sexuality.

I'll stop my historic sperging now.