Smart only people on this server for Discord.
140 IQ +
Invite: RA6SrFu
We discuss hot topics and have debate when we're bored. Also have IQ tests to make sure you fit if not we kick, so nothing personal.
Smart only people on this server for Discord
is this advanced reddit?
No. Orhvdscv
Fuck you for your pseudo-elitism
Kill yourself faggots.
Sorry you're a brainlet. Lmaoing at your life, dude.
Ive done multiple iq tests for both school programs and therapy and have an average of 165. I can't stand online tests as I prefer to to touch paper when I think. Can I join
What a fucking nice body.
Got more?
You're just trying to get over the top, over the masses, fag. However, don't forget there's a ceiling, and you might fall.
I hope you will kill yourself any soon.
Yes you can join :)
You meant
160 is around where you reach perfect logical thought, everything above is just a performance/speed increase
If you guys are so smart how come you have so little friends that you have to shill on Jow Forums of all places?
Can i join if I'm a 132 IQ brainlet?
>tfw 90 IQ
You can't be a robot if you have high IQ
Nobody smart uses discord
Mostly underage, shitskins, sociopaths, tranny things
Lol it's even called ... discord (disharmonious)
I'd shoot every single user so God help me
it's incredible that bodies like these exist
>tfw 139 IQ
Op here. Lowering requirment to 70 IQ because a ton of you self prpclaimed 140iqers are liars.
Just report the post and they get banned.