>modern Jow Forums is so obsessed with being not-reddit, that they forget to be Jow Forums in the process.
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>Modern American liberals are so obsessed with not being Hitler that they are now acting socialist like Hitler.
We became parodies of ourselves
pol is the final stable equilibrium of free expression online
>Jow Forums comes up with something funny
>laughs at it for a while
>reddit cross-site posters bring it to reddit
>normalizes it, in the process destroying what made it funny
>Jow Forums forgets about it
Such as been the way since the days of yore
It's not so much the content im talking about as much as it's everyone calling eachother "reddit" for random shit like line spacing and whatever. It's even funnier when most of the people crying reddit are refugees from there anyway.
Also newfags need to stop calling every board they don't like a "containment" board. I've seen faggots call /a/ a containment board, even those it was one of the earliest boards on the site.
The anti-anime sentiment needs to stop too. It's fine if you don't like anime, but stop trying to pretend as if Jow Forums hasn't always been anime-friendly and that anime isn't an integral part of the sites culture, hell our fucking mascot is yotsuba! I wouldn't mind this as much if they didn't throw a sperg tantrum everytime someone dares to use an anime character for a reaction image.
Donnie Darko makes no sense
We need to take the pink pill
>reddit spacing
>/a/ apologist
>anime fag
fee fi fo fum, I smell the blood of reddit scum
>ironically doing all the things I said I don't like in my post
Stop doing this. You're lowering the quality of discussion on the site by being an ironic shitposter. You are cancerous.
>redditor animefag
>calling me "cancerous"
Everyone is so concerned with everyone else's life on the internet to the point where they don't have lives of their own.
modern Jow Forums is comprised of normalfags and newfags who add nothing of value to any thread and only produce unoriginal, unfunny insults or shitposting/larping threads. actually good trolls have been replaced by wannabe limp dick retards who call each other faggots and cucks in every thread instead of posting anything remotely funny/verbose/original. most of the boards have almost completely run the well dry on quality content, every thread is either boring and predictable as fuck or ends in an autistic clown circus of a circlejerk. honestly there are only a few good threads a week at this point. reddit is full of fucking sensitive pussies and autistic manchildren who barely meet the minimum requirement of cognitive ability to function, but at least i come across interesting threads more often than in this fucking filthy shithole of a board. reading the 7th goddamn incel thread in a row is only marginally better than dragging your nutsack through broken glass.
You're literally just spouting buzzwords and greentexting what I'm saying to you. Jow Forums has and always will be anime-friendly, it's a fact. You should watch some anime sometime, its really good, I recommend Ergo Proxy.
Jow Forums's dead boy. It's been dead for at least 5 years, except 2016 when it came alive once more and then died that year.
I'd rather not admit defeat
Anime is for men with the minds of children
>pro anime
>reddit apologist
>"stop calling things contaminate boards"
You have to go back.
Why do I have to go back? I'm not from reddit.
Stop posting memes and tell me why you dislike anime.
I don't care where you're from. You just have to go back.
But I'm from here, so I'll just end up back where I started.
>Jow Forums has and always will be anime-friendly, it's a fact.
sry to burst ur bubble user but that wasnt always the case if ur talkin about specific boards but if u mean as a whole thats an acceptable answer
>but if u mean as a whole thats an acceptable answer
No shit that's what I mean sillyhead
I don't hate anime. Miyazaki is one of my favorite film directors, and Akira is one of my favorite films. But 90% of anime is consumerist trash made to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
>No shit that's what I mean sillyhead
woah simmer down billy no need to ruffle your feather i just thought your were specifying ur generalization and was implying that you were talking about r9k
OP here, can we get some more truths in here rather than just arguing with me over anime?
But anime is truth.
Both of these are abstractions of an even simpler and more profound truth: you become what you hate
There's one board that still knows the art of the shitpost... hesitant to name it tho
I think the problem is now is that Jow Forums got too edgy and people stopped being ironic. I remember back in the 00s people didn't take themselves too seriously here, but now everyone here is a triggered snowflake.
yes I said it, the retards here make fun of le SJW snowflakes when in reality they're the ones who rage over bullshit.
>I'd rather not admit defeat
It's dead Jim. Denying it makes no difference.
>Miyazaki is one of my favorite film directors, and Akira is one of my favorite films.
I'd class the studio ghilbi films and Akira as animation rather than "anime".
ITT: Redditors calling other redditors redditors to seem like 4channers
>socialist like Hitler.
Are you stupid? Do you like the taste of licking the boots of corporations?
Le chad and virgins am I right?
>I'd class the studio ghilbi films and Akira as animation rather than "anime"
They mean the same thing though...
>They mean the same thing though...
Come on, you know that anime, whether intentionally or not, is now forever associated with a distinct artstyle and certain genres.
name it user, lets see what you constitute as art of the shitpost
also this
Corporation = Social = Fasces = Liber
You still have a lot meme-work to do.
Frey Kekistan.
Jow Forums is part of the old internet, and the conditions that let it thrive no longer exist.
> German treu
Tell me, wtf is the meaning of this.
These are all originally true
Now I'm not saying it's a constant level awesome but /lit/ has some golden moments. As does Jow Forums