8 months without changing my bed sheets
8 months without changing my bed sheets
>find piss bottles I forgot I had hidden around the house
>Don't even use bed sheets
>All I have is a blanket and pillow
>wearing same pair of underwear since february
how does it smell?
also >dont have pajamas, fall asleep naked or in regular clothes
>tfw I have unironically had five full liter bottles of piss in my room for weeks on end
>tfw I unironcially go weeks without showering and changing my sheets
>tfw I know you're all just being ironic
That isn't even that gross. Unless you didn't cap the bottles then it must have smelled rancid.
>8 months
I don't even own a second set
Sleeping nude is fucking awesome man. No joke. That's the only way I sleep.
Not when you shit and don't shower for weeks. Doesn't matter how thoroughly you wipe there's still a strong scent.
Then shower you dirty fucking ape of a human.
>haven't done laundry in a month
>dirty dishes have been sitting on my side table for years
>lawn is still covered in leaves
>so much trash in the car it's reaching the rear windows
>don't even fucking use sheets
I'm a mess.
>he doesn't sleep on a bare mattress
no bed sheets at all
I just change mine when they feel too oily and gross. My body gets oily in like a fucking day. I often wonder if this offered my ancestors some sort of benefit, while cursing their posterity to slick, yellowed bedsheets and pillows.
It'd help if I bothered to change them more than 2-3 times a year
>can barely work up the energy to move from my bed to my computer chair when I wake up
Yeah, okay, senpai.
I assure you if you just tryed you'ld feel better.
this is disgusting. i wash my sheets every week.
how can I tell you are from Jow Forumsddit
He means washing them and putting them back on.
explain why anyone who isn't strung out on crystal meth would do this?
I have no sort of schedule, but every week sounds far too frequent.
I just do it whenever I have the time to or feel like I should.
I only have one bathroom and sometimes people are in the shower and I need to piss. Then i am too lazy and forget to empty the bottles.
it is more frequent than most. normal is biweekly but i love the feeling of fresh crispy bed sheets and fresh pillow cases. we spend more time in our beds than we realize, the bed is sacred.
>tfw found a 4 year old one at my dad's house
>tfw too lazy to show face
I feel you. Do you have to buy new sheets more often though from all the washing?
I have been doing this every week since the first week of august last year and everything is still perfect. I sometimes add beach to ensure everything stays white and pristine. You can set it to 'delicates' if your concerned but I haven't needed to do that.
I have a friend who lives like this. He still lives with his mom and when I go over there and get in his room I see like 6 half full water bottles, week old food on paper plates, cigarette butts in his bed etc. He even uses his trash can for a clothes hamper. I am fucking repulsed by it. His sheets are wet from all the oil and he has full trash bags under his bed that he is too fucking lazy to walk outside where the trash truck comes by to pick it up.
And best yet he can't figure out why he's depressed all the time. Stop living in a trash
The trash comes after the depression, to be fair, but it certainly adds to the intensity of the depression.
Im gonna say stop. That shit is strong af, truly.
Your suppose to change your sheats? I've been using the same one for like 3 years