White nationalists: Yeah, I mean nothing is more degenerate than race mixing, we need to secure a future for our white childre-
*Asian girl walks by*
White nationalists:
White nationalists: Yeah, I mean nothing is more degenerate than race mixing...
>thinking the half-white JAV models you beat it to in your mom's basement represent Asian girls as a whole
Jow Forums doesn't even deny they would blender for a qt Asian though
They are online/drunk racists at most.
I feel like you posted this in an attempt to smear Jow Forums
>all white nationalist are like this
I think Asians are ugly personally
You don't need to attempt to smear Jow Forums as they do such a good job of smearing themselves.
the exact opposite. I posted that to humanize Jow Forums
Trump supporter: Yeah, I mean we need to deport every spic because they are bringing in drugs and we need to secure our borde-
*Latino chink drops in*
Drumpf supporter:
Jow Forums got filled with fags from r/The_Donald
Go to an actual white nationalist site like The Daily Stormer or TRS and see how quickly you get shut down.
Ah, my bad. It's a shame people who have never even visited the board perpetuate the idea that it's all just "muh skin color" retards and that no open-minded (truly open minded, not the new definition of "as lefty as possible) discussion happens there.
nice cherry picke'd generalization retard
Go back to r/The_Donald
Faggots like you are cancer
this meme is the female version of "muh dick"
There's literally nothing wrong with an immigration system that exclusively lets in beautifiul, exotic, submissive females from other countries. Literally nothing at all.
What we're doing is the opposite and is rampant cuckoldry.
We have a problem with incels and sexless betas massacring people, and we want to exacerbate that by letting in foreign Chads, alphas and breeding/bf material for the girls already here and already far too picky for their level?!
>forieng chads/alphas/breeding bf material
sounds like you're trying to do some crypto racemix shilling Schlomo
I don't mind Jow Forums much but that's the specific type of Jow Forums users I hate
The "We need a white homeland and racemixing is bad but we need to BLEACH every nonwhite woman"
Nice. You cherry-picked some positive responses out of the sea of "GRRRAAAHHHHH NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER!!!!!!!!" posts.
stay mad leftypol.
He isn't wrong, for every sensible post on Jow Forums there is a 100 mentally retarded posts
every week Jow Forums hits a new low in mental retardation all thanks to the underage trump redditors that you've brought, and they're leaking into the other boards too.
No, really, he is wrong.
I can't imagine being so stupid you think Jow Forums is serious with 90% of the things they iterate.
Suddenly when they're in any scenario that based in reality that could actually harm someone they turn into genuine and compassionate individuals that are less vitriolic than tightass Buzzfeed writers that make preaching about "tolerance" their entire existence.
Jow Forums continues being Jow Forums and retards that aren't good for anything but laughing at continue getting their panties in a twist without ever getting around to justifying what it is exactly they object to about Jow Forums.
>tfw never been a yellow fever faggot
Eat shit asian women