Why don't you just date a fat fucking cow?
She'll never leave you.
Why don't you just date a fat fucking cow?
She'll never leave you.
>she'll never leave you
>property of Michael
>tfw named Michael
I can fap to this
Make her fatter until she literally can't leave.
Unf, what a fat cow she became. So hot how she ruined herself like this.
How is it even possible to get that fat in less than a year
who the fuck is that ad where can I find more?
My fat, ugly girlfriend left me for a Mexican manlet that didn't even want her because I wasn't attracted to her.
"Just lower your standards bro" isn't sn option when they're so painfully repulsive that you can't get it up in their presence.
The first pic is a skillful angle shot. Always be aware of that shit when you're on tinder.
She's naturally attractive and seems to take care of herself apart from the adipose disgusting globs hanging from her body, which leads me to believe that she's probably some kind of degenerate "BBW" model.
Because Im not a fat fucking cow. I wont settle for anything less than a looksmatch
>he didn't want her because you didn't want her
>Implying a fat cow won't leave me for long dicked Chad or Tyrone that can actually penetrate her
i dont like the risk of being devoured
>I'm unattracted to landwhale
>landwhale gets horny and cucks me with my manlet friend
>manlet is unattracted to landwhale
It was devastating because I really did love her and I lost most of what little friends I had.
This guy is right. Aim for your looksmatch. It's not worth it to get with someone you're not attracted to.
but i'm gonna leave her
been there done that
gonna spare her the heartache
>claim to love a fat ass
>say not to settle for fat asses
I did love her. I just wasn't attracted to her.
Attraction is necessary in a relationship.
Cause she's clearly fucking insane.
>All those stupid, ugly, crazy tattoos
>"property of michael"
>pink hair
>likely a "bbw" fetish model; the laziest easiest model route there is for already lazy easy mode women
And in the end, the fat psychotic whale will still think she's better than you, because of all her fucked in the head orbiters, and all her female empowerment bullshit blowing smoke up her gigantic ass. Not to mention the smorgasbord of mental problems that this loathesome cunt clearly has.
So fat, ruined body, psycho , and an ego that's almost as huge as she is. There's no winning here, and the only men who'd go for it have both a fat and cuck fetish, and are masochistic to the point of questionable sanity.
I did. She was incredibly boring sadly.
I think fat people are generally quite dumb for whatever reason. Shame because I find em hot
user's gf left him because he (user) wasn't attracted to her lol. It was a badly worded sentence. Really goes to show how stupid the "why don't you just settle for a ___ gf??" threads are.
>She'll never leave you.
How is that a good thing?
glad to know im not the only one who thinks that's the hottest part
Because I'm actually good looking and in shape. My sexual problems have other causes.
>"why don't you just settle for a ___ gf??"
You know what else I think about? Not only do I myself not see the point in settling, but just imagine how it would feel to the other person to know that you're only with them because you "settled" for them. These discussions about "lowering your standards" are typically framed in terms of a guy having ridiculous standards when he should learn to be happy with a nice girl who's pretty but not a model, but what people are really telling you is "You're inferior and belong with other inferiors, now get out of my sight."