Just ordered this of the deepweb, should be coming in a couple days. Anyone know any good games to play while tripping? Preferably something plot-heavy, but anything works.
So far I'm thinking SOMA and maybe Oxenfree.
LSD Games
why did you censor dream market lol
i played tf2 convinced that if i died in the game i would die in real life
as a scout i racked up 45 kills before the game ended
anything immersive would be good, the witcher III or skyrim or something
or just watch sissy hypno vids
just play Yume Nikki user
>not just buying 1p-lsd
you're cheating yourself faggot.
>or just watch sissy hypno vids
$20 says he ends up like that naked guy in the men who stare at goats if he does this for the whole trip without touching penor or bhole.
I'd rather not help attract newfags to my only source of drugs
>i played tf2 convinced that if i died in the game i would die in real life
As fun as that sounds I doubt I could convince myself of that.
That's actually a really good plan. You've got good taste for a useless fucking tripfaggot
Honestly I can't focus enough while tripping to play video games, I can only watch TV and listen to music
One of the comfiest games I've ever played, I cannot describe how perfect it is. I've spent a lot of hours just in the dark in my room playing it while thinking about nothing else, high or not, always a nice experience.
Dont do drugs user. Its a sin and when you die youll suffer in hell for all eternity.
Where in the bible does it say this
Good idea, the original of course, not the cancerous remake.
Alternately you could play something comfy and easy and colorful, like Kirby.
btw isn't having drugs shipped to your address extremely high risk?
Play Doom 2016 on the hardest difficulty that you're comfortable with. Enter the Shadow Realm.
>It should be clear that if a person is a Christian and desires the blessings and power of God upon his life, he should avoid the terrible heartaches and tragedies which accompany the use of alcoholic beverages or the illegal use of narcotic substances. A Christian should attempt to live a life that truly is Christ-like and obedient to the Scriptures. Abstain from all appearance of evil (1 Thessalonians 5:22).
Thumper would be very cool to play.
Minecraft unironically
how do you order this without police/fbi/government authorities being notified?
What are the first two sentences from? You've only given the verse number of the third sentence.
LSD is cheaper in lower amounts in my experience and I never see $3-4 samples for 1p either
LSD isn't a narcotic
Actually only opiates and other "downers" are
Only smelly drugs or shit that comes from over seas going through customs
Dogs cant detect LSD and the post office can't really detect a small piece of paper without open every single letter they handle, and being government run, the usps needs a good reason/warrant to even search mildly suspicious packages
That game was amazing on acid
I peaked when Madotsuki did the witch effect and flew off the rooftop and that chill music played. good times
Only one of those sentences is a bible verse and it's so fucking vague you couldn't possibly use it to come to any conclusions.
I can barely play that when I'm sober dude
seeAlso you have to put your address through PGP encryption so that only the dealer can see it.
>tfw dont have any LSD
>only have 1p, al-lad, ald-52, and eth-lad
i just want the real thing :(
Can't speak for the others, but 1p feels exactly the same as real L
? i dont understand ?
I played the Witcher 3 for the first time tripping balls and it was an experience