What is the scummiest thing you've ever done?
What is the scummiest thing you've ever done?
I used to work in a movie theater. One time I found a $20 bill in one of the seats. I pocketed it, naturally. Not long after a kid and his grandma waddle back into the theater while I'm cleaning.
>"excuse me sir have you seen a twenty dollar bill lying around? my grandson lost it and it was his birthday money"
>No ma'am I haven't but I'd be glad to help you look for it!
We search the area they sat in for about five minutes before they gave up.
>"Thank you anyway sir. C'mon timmy grandma will get you some more money later"
I bought a pack of cigarettes and a 40 when I got off my shift.
I went to Brazil and had sex with an 11 year old, several times. Never used a condom either.
That's hardly bad if the grandma can replace that $20 so easily.
I am too wracked with guilt to type it out.
Every time something bad happens in my life, I remind myself of this thing, a reminder that everything bad that happens to me, I fully deserve.
Stole my bully's school books so his family would have to pay for them.
I took a cookie from the cookie jar today
Yeah I know, I felt very fiendish at the time though
that's fucked up
fuck you
should have gave it to them if they seemed nice
Masturbated in front of a teacher when I was 12 because Im an autist with no self control. I used to feel people up around that time aswell. I've kicked a former friend's door down because he locked me out and I briefly lost my shit. I lie a lot over small things. I posted hateful shit about my classmates on social media and got branded a racist. Some bitch tried to hook me up with a 280+lbs chick who was like 4'10 and I berated against her online so she can see it.
stole panties from attractive girls...14 times
kicked in like 6 car's rear lights when i was really drunk on christmas eve a long time ago. feel bad about it to this day imagining the owners waking up to it on christmas day
kek i lost a ton of books but never paid for them
I bullied a kid so bad he had to skip town.
I don't regret it though. He was probably an incel.
To be honest I didn't give up the money because I had already pocketed it and I didn't want to seem like I was a thief (which I was) so I kept rolling with the lie because I was too much of a pussy to come clean
>see a shovel on a ghetto/poor area
>take it
The owner saw me and my friend. Thank God he was a real thief/thug and he let us go without hurting us. That's the only real bad thing i have ever done to someone... And also posted a complete doxx about a girl once (totally regret it).
He didn't graduate the same year as I so I assume that was his punishment. (He was poor and apparently his grandma hates all her grandkids.) It brings me joy knowing he probably failed highschool because of me.
I'm waiting for a greentext bro
What? I don't see why they would be mad if you would gave given it to them right away when they asked.
Used to kick my dogs when I was in the 7th grade, treated my ex-bf, and best friend like shit around that same time.
How'd you pull that off?
>Act suicidal
>Adds intensity
>"I'm gonna do it. No one loves me"
>Guy says he loves me
>"Heh Faggot"
I was afraid they might tell my manager or something that I tried to steal their money, I fear the worst in people
You have to tell us now user
normie get out
you lose 5 gbp
now that's special
good job
I have caused a man to rape his girlfriend, she never actually did anything wrong.
>I have caused a man to rape his girlfriend, she never actually did anything wrong.
gather round the campfire yall. please go on
I'm getting mad datamining vibes from this thread. Must be the some tired old boomer constable making a thread to get people to talk about past crimes
I ruined some kid's teenage years. I got jealous he was hanging out with a girl I liked so I naturally ruined him. I regret it. he was a good kid he didn't deserve what he had to go through under my control
failed to live up to my parents expectations. growing up they dreamed i'd be a dentist like my father. i'm now a jailbird drug addicted neet. i fucking hate myself.
Lol tell him what? Where did they expect the money to go when you find it even if you do genuinely intend to return it?
Maybe you're right and she would have been self centered enough to think whenever it would be found you'd automatically know it belongs to her and where she happens to be at that time.
how does that even work?
I dunno, I was thinking that she'd want the person who found the money to just leave in the seat and tell someone, you know. I tend to have irrational thoughts when my anxiety overwhelms me
PLEASE TELL US, i really want to do the same
I would sneak food in my room
i don't feel like going into details, she got pregnant and had a miscarriage, happened a few years ago
>I tend to have irrational thoughts when my anxiety overwhelms me
I can empathize with that, although usually it just makes me look retarded.
you try solving other people's problems but you only make them worse
fuck you man don't post if you're just gonna tease us
I masturbated right in front of my blind sister, while sniffing her dirty panties.
I prayed to god that he could take my sisters life in exchange for me getting rid of a nervous tick I didnt have
she died the same year
That just makes it more confusing
Probably shoplifting, or maybe selling acid to highschoolers i dunno
I had to book it once after a plain clothes LP guy came at me with a tazer
Well, it's not like you'd really need a rubber for an 11 year old anyway
did it work originally?
is she deaf?
>be me
>6 years ago
>friends with the guy for years, almost like a brother
>he gets a gf
>i see him getting more distant from you
>he notices me getting lonely and conveniently says you should get to known her
>i refuse because i known it would be too awkard
>one day she shows up to me, looking for him because she's worried about him
>i calm her down and end up becoming friends with her
>he just needed some time by himself, there was nothing wrong
>he starts getting really jealous of anyone she talks to, even her family
>starting to have arguments with her because of me
>i offer to let him known every talk we have
>this goes on for a while until then she starts talking about her problems that she doesn't talk to him
>this makes him really jealous and angry
>she starts to prefer talking to me for some reason
>he starts having regular fights with her, threatening her
>i decide to try and help them communicate with each other better, since most of the time that was the problem
>i even stop talking to her to avoid anything happening
>eventually they break up, but he still wants to go back with her
>she still wants to keep contact with me
>they meet in person so that she can get some of her things back
>apparently he wants to go back with her, but she refuses, and admits to have developing feelings for me
>he beats and rapes her on the spot
none of this would happen if i just let them give up on each other and not intervene
yup. worth?
originally tho
Just sounds like toxic people being toxic and you were trying your best to act selflessly
If not with you something similar probably would have still happened with someone else
I'll probably take it to the grave
pretty intense ehhhhh
>reading this
>is it ever going to get god
>">they meet in person so that she can get some of her things back"
>"apparently he wants to go back with her, but she refuses, and admits to have developing feelings for me"
>I knew it. Booorr--
>"he beats and rapes her on the spot"
jesus christ nigger, wtf. your friend is a psycho
i donno, did you hate her or something?
This. to be honest, senpai XD
Not your fault at all. Origgy
Destroyed my sisters college acceptance letter so she never found out.
Also kept her from hearing the messages from a job for an interview so now she is the eternal neet
she never let me her tits
>7 years old
>at friends birthday party
>have to take a shit
>someone is in the bathroom
>go outside
>shit in plastic plant for some reason
Hey, I do similar things
Except to myself instead of family
Ah man that's not even your fault, it sucks that you were involved in that situation but that dude made a fucking choice all on his own.
You saved her from becoming a miserable wagie.
>Destroyed my sisters college acceptance letter so she never found out.
this is actually pretty bad
>What is the scummiest thing you've ever done?
Hated anime and then qt introduces me to pleb death note and I really like it
I flirted with my best bros gf openly. She even invited me to join her in weight training with them so I could fuck around and feel her booty up in them pink shorts. good shit
Reminds me of a story about an old neighbor that hated me for no reason.
>tfw (((neighborhood watch))) boomer tries to carry out his civil duty by spending a whole afternoon trying to get me to admit to committing criminal trespass
>tfw boomer forgot about statute of limitations
Can you imagine having a stick that far up your ass?
in 7th grade, I decided to ruin some kids life. I went out of my way to spread rumors, tell girls he liked her, just generally being a giant asshole. the kid did almost nothing wrong I just felt like being an asshole. my actions intensified when I saw him beat up an autistic kid. I wanted him out of my life so I got him to move away
>tell girls he liked her
Someone doing this to me almost got my dick sucked
You should of told other dudes he liked them instead
I wish i did this
fuck school they deserved it
Stole a friend's copy of super mario advance 3: super mario bros 3
Said he was extra pissed because he paid for it with his own money
Still kept it
same but with pokemon blue. he was so pissed we had a fist fight
Roast flaps deserve to be beaten and raped. You did a good user.
>be 10
>inna blockbuster in '04 (?)
>find an Inyuasha card in one of the empty DVD cases on display for the movie.
>take it without no one noticing
Who here /going to hell/?
beat a pajeet with a rock because he tried to steal my heart gold
Oh boy do i have a good one
>be me
>be sophmore in highschool
>see this cute grill
>follow her home
>now i have adress
>full on stalk mode take pics and everything
>few weeks later brother needs to use camera cause hes in a photo club or some shit
>he goes through camera
>finds tons of creeper pics of grill
>tells parents and they eventually confronts me about it
>call me a freak and send me to therapist
Had sauce on an image and didn't share it when multiple anons asked nicely.
>be 10
get out right now, you are already in hell
Choked and tortured a cat my family adopted, fortunately it ran away. I was and may still be a disgusting human being but I feel genuine fucking grief every time I remember the noises it made as I clenched its throat. The poor fucking thing was so innocent and all I did was hurt it. I want to fucking die.
Please continue. I want to hear what happens next regarding this story. Does the girl ever find out?
>somehow pics got to the grill (my brother probably told her)
>her parents called the police and i went to court
>got a restraining order against her and a fine
>therapist diagnosed me with being a sociopath
>therapist guessed that since i never cared about anyone except me and this grill was why i had grown so attached to her idk
>we had to move since i got expelled
>printed the pics before all this happened and kept the pics in an old jacket's secret pocket
>fapped to them multiple times before i grown old of them and put them in my attic in an old house
Dont regret it honestly
I pushed a girl in a wheelchair down the stairs.
I was 6 for most of '04.
You're the one that's in hell.
This beach bar screwed me over, so I got a few beer bottles and smashed them up. Went to the volleyball court at night and dumped glass in various places in the sand. Normie's love volleyball. Guess what happened next day? Place got sued and went out if business. I also went to the beach to drink and wait for the happenings.
I also broke my ex gf nose by accident.(inb4 Normie's, she only used me) but I totally meant to slap her.
just to clarify the pics were of her and not the house right? cause if you can fap to a house that reminds you of a girl then you truly dedicated
Same guy here, I spit in a senators food, wrote on the receipt that I voted for someone else. He tried to get me fired, but his table still tipped me cuz he a dick. One of his guests left her phone at restaurant unlocked. Got his private number and scared the shit out of him. No illegal stuff though.i. e. Death threats. Annnnnnd I still got to keep my job cuz senator was being a dick to owner as well.
Lured a shit ton of people into the wilderness in actual 07scape. Ripped people off on TF2 back when trading was hot (made about a grand before quitting). I only ever did scum shit in MMO's
Some were of her in a window and some were of her walking, hanging out with friends, and i even got a lucky one of her in a bra, (that one is my favorite) but sadly i moved out of the house with the pics and i dont have them anymore
Nice. Need more stories of people making money in shady ways, could use some ideas that I can do myself.
Fuck them
Fuck being nice
I've catfished over $150 dollars worth of steam games from horny anime roleplayers from facebook roleplay groups.
Convinced a kid in hs that he gave someone cancer
Dox'd some 12 year old kid
"hacked" his facebook
posted a bunch of gay porn on his wall
sent pictures to his mom of him smoking
flirted with random guys on his friends list
ordered pizzas to his house.
I'm glad I didn't know what swatting was. I was fucking edgelord 14 year old
Dope shit amigo
>killed a few cats at 15
>stole money from my mom to buy coke
>cheating on my girlfriend rn
>ruined a kids life in highschool for having sex with my oneitis
>set fire to an apartment complex
>robbed the house of a heroin dealer
>robbed a coke dealer at gunpoint
>robbed an old lady for $20, and another older couple for $40
Psychiatrist says I'm a sociopath, but I still feel bad about everything. I feel even worse that I don't intend to stop until I'm dead or locked up.
this is an accomplishment user.
Helped my best friend cheat on her ex and then took her from him and broke her heart a few months later. She still calls me everyday. Guilts gone but now I want her back. I was a shitty kid in high school
Lol iktf. One night I was hammered and kicked the mirrors off of all the cars on my walk home from the bar. It was a long walk, the bar was downtown and my home at the time was on the opposite side of town lmao. At one point I even threw a brick through the windshield of a car loooool
There's a special place in hell for cunts like you
haha holy fuck man did it end up on the news or some shit?