Why not just settle for an anime-loving vidya-playing cosplay GF robots?

Why not just settle for an anime-loving vidya-playing cosplay GF robots?

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Why not just settle for waking up next to this? You havent made any progress crushing on Stacy for 13 years...

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stfu with these dumb "Why don't you settle for__" that is obviously something most people on this forum would kill for.

Fuck sakes, go kill yourself.

Because they (along with 99% of Tinder) don't right-swipe spics like yours-truly.

>implying quirky white girls dont want to get BEANED

Wut? You dont even have to lift for them for more than four fucking years like tall Aryan guys do

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Because even they want Chads. I don't want to settle for a -1/10

a lot of these girls look way plainer than youd think. not always ugly but they know their way around makeup enough to pull off more extreme looks for cosplay and are good at making their daily face look more natural. they are also very needy from both you and everyone else around them they need attention. sex is usually good though

>Implying robots wouldnt demand she name obscure gaming facts and accuse her of faking nerdhood for attention

Take it from me, that line of thinking is basically pic related

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See what I mean?

>gorgeous 10/10 nerd girl with robot hobbies and mommy qualities

>shes not even that hot bro

The delusion runs deep when your mind has been ruined by porn

>implying they'd be wrong

i am just trying to provide a perspective from personal experience. granted, im not too big into cosplay or anime so if you are im sure you guys can geek out over it and have a much better time than i did but besides their love of weeb shit they really did not have any interests besides getting as many likes on ig and i just got tired of dealing with it

When will you realise that every woman doesn't want the intellectual and mature MEN like us. Instead they'd rather lick Chads fucking dick pussy despite the consequences. I'm 26 years old and WHITE and can't get these sluts attention despite wearing the trendy clothing and attempeing to change my language to something more niggerish.

Cosplayers are degenerates.

t. cosplayer

>receive facebook friend request from extremely hot anime loving cosplay girl originally from my town (she now lives in California)
>constantly likes everything that I post
>messages me frequently and we talk for hours
>at some point I share a photo of myself at work
>her response: "You look fucking hot in that pic!"
>me: "haha ok"
>chat almost everyday for weeks
>eventually no response, not even placed on seen
>eventually see her post "in a relationship" status

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because you never advanced it more

I got one. It's pretty great. We spend most weekends watching SG1 and playing WoW.

Because I'd have to leave my house.

You would think that'd be awesome, then realize that it's the same passive hobby as being a Netflix slave.

>Geek Specialist at ThinkGeek

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Cosplaying is like a top5 redflag for a woman

Cause they want a better guy? Do we have to fucking answer this?

Pretty hard to advance something like that when the girl lives in a different timezone.

Can't settle if I'm not swiped right.

Smells like selfposting to me.