This is getting oreganoli ridiculous
This is getting oreganoli ridiculous
But the bottom right 4 and the bottom left 1 don't contain a bridge
Every one of those paved surfaces are bridges. One is just higher than the others
when you think about it every road is a bridge over the dirt
Just google the phrase "Stop making me solve captchas google or I will commit suicide and blame google captchas for my suicidal drive"
Google 100+ times copy the URL and open it in hundreds of tabs. Worked for me.
I haven't seen a captcha since march. Not even a pass user
What really grinds my gears are the ones that FUCKING INSIST that some realtor sign stuck in the grass median is a "street sign".
NO, dickweeds. Just no.
Google already has own fingerprints and face scans and buying habits what is their endgame with the bridge tagging
So basically, Google is a major proponent of research into machine learning, and the forefront of that is identifying objects in images. Meanwhile, their test for distinguishing humans from computer programs is identifying objects in images.
Bridges are elevated. Drones are elevated. Drones need to avoid elevated objects. Bridges are trickier to route around than buildings, since the drone can go under or over and has to make that decision.
teach me your secrets, user
why not just give hiroshimoot his $20
>tfw actually considering this
i want to give that humble man $100 just for the sake of posting, but for some reason, i can't
buy 5 passes
just b urselfo my dude
Browse without javascript. The captcha is much simpler and hardly fucks up. The downside is you don't get to use backlinks or the catalog.
protip, when they ask you to select all squares with a street sign, the post that the sign is on doesn't count
Wrong unless you're a fag that uses shit browsers or doesn't know how extensions work.
>t. palemoon with 4chanX
I screamed out loud in rage the day typed captchas were disabled. They were the best.
literally just get them correct everytime. make the mouse movements as human as possible and do
I deliberately fill them out wrong when I think I can get away with it.
Do it. I'm not even joking.