Are 3rd shift security jobs really what they sound like? Do an occasional walk around, checking shit, watch cameras, and maybe occasional actually check a possible security issue? I'm a forklift operator and don't like it, I just wanna be alone and do my own thing.
Security jobs
Yes. guard
My dad was a 3rd shift security guard at a bank and he basically did fuck all. He always said he just slept, made himself dinner (they had a microwave), and even took showers (not sure why a bank had them). He didn't like it, though, because he was alone and he was a very social person. But it does sound great for a robot. Of course, this is just one testimony
how do you get into those jobs or atleast where to find them? indeed doesnt really pull up any or just pulls up something different
Hard to say about private companies, but in the army (conscript) it was pretty much like that. We'd sit in with cameras, occasionally identify people and let em in to the area, check the area by foot on couple of times a night.
Do what happens if a bad guy comes in?
This isn't 1930, nobody robs banks anymore
Call the police and lock your door.
ya try to get in with a private art museum security shift
they need a guard 24/7 but you dont do jackshit
probably depends on if your boss is a cunt or not as to if you're allowed to bring in a DS or something, or if he lets you go online
i just wanted to add that if you weren't allowed to do these things, suddenly best job is now worst job and you would probably go insane from boredom
I live in an area with tons of commercial zoned non-retail stuff. Whole sections of the town are ghost towns after 6pm and there's just a bunch of stoners that get paid to sit on their phones and drive through the parking lots once every hour.
how would he know if you did anyways?
You call police and watch whatever the intruder is up to on the camera. Since you do not carry a firearm for most common security jobs, you are not expected to engage with potentially dangerous people directly if you can avoid it.
In my country with high wages we don't have comfy jobs like that. It's too expensive to have anyone not really doing anything so pretty much all security guards work for some big company and to around to a lot of places.
>Since you do not carry a firearm
Liability is more the reason than available force.
what do you do when the exhibits come to life?
Depends on the place. My cousin had a 3rd shift at a mall and it had him basically power walking for the whole shift. They gave him a baton and it would tell him which stop to go to next along with a timer. Jog, wave his baton, go to the next spot. They also had cameras but those got outsourced to some chink shithole in taiwin.
How do you even get jobs like this one? I need one for the summer
Yes user. Its almost 5:30 am and I've been shitposting on Jow Forums half the night, watching netflix the other half. I've been doing this for 6 years, make good money and have benefits, AMA.
Two ways to get it. One you get a job that has a day shift and a night shift. Your gonna have to work on the day shift for a bit. Hopefully the night guy will fuck up/leave along the way. If you've managed to gain your bosses trust, he'll put you in because its eaiser to hire for day than night.
Two, you get lucky and fine one off the bat. But these types of jobs are alot more active and you may not get sit around and do nothing all night.
fuck all of the roman statues