Why haven't you come to Jesus yet, user? His team wins in the end.
Why haven't you come to Jesus yet, user? His team wins in the end
just because someone says something is going to happen doesnt mean it will, the devil could end up winning this round
>omnipotent and omniscient
>not omnipotent or omniscient
jesus ain't gonna get me $500 by tomorrow
everybody loves an underdog
he claims he is omnipotent again, it doesnt mean he actually is, has anyone actually tested this?
He can give you eternal life free from sorrow. Maybe that should be worth more than $500.
God is not to be tested. What do you mean by "again?"
Fuck no it ain't. If this dude can't even get me some quick cash don't expect me to believe he can give me eternal salvation fuck outta here.
He certainly could get you that money if he wanted. I don't think he wants to buy his followers, though.
His loss. I will also accept drugs.
You are so wrong.
But please continue anyway for our amusement
Omniscience. When Jehovah began the creation of spiritual creatures, having full foreknowledge of any and every event that could possibly/potentially occur down to any minute detail. The word creation implies having very explicit knowledge of the functioning of this being, it's attributes character traits and proclivities. Can it honestly be said that Jehovah didn't foresee the rebellion and fall of this angel? Doesn't this sound like a set up? As if the entire scenario had been rigged from the 'beginning'?
Thanks sky hippie
faggot rigs entire world so you have to be his slave or experience pain*
~Haha I win haha I never lose I set this up so I always win haha~
"Ok later I am leaving this shit universe."
~Dude you have to stay here and give me your energy otherwise you will be imprisoned just stay in this prison or you will be in prison dude I'm a good masta now be my slave you cant survive without me here to exploit you and if you don't consent to this pain and make a run I will make your pain worse because I love you! ~
Wow good one demiurge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what i meant with "again", i meant its just another claim by god, why is god not to be tested?
Satan serves a purpose for God, to put it simply. The devil sorts out those who are too prideful to accept Jesus's sacrifice.
Hm. Ok sorta on the right track i guess.
It is both his loss and yours.
Oh that really breaks my heart.
Why would i follow someone who created me with a hole in my heart that could never be filled? Who gave me free will but a dictation on how to use it?? No, i follow the morning star. He who guides me to my own happiness. Not the imposed one of a selfish being.
When the devil tempted Jesus, he tried to get him to jump off the roof of a building because God would save him. It is an attempt to force God's hand. You can see why he wouldn't appreciate it.
When Jesus healed a man's withered hand, the pharisees still claimed he was working miracles through the devil, so it probably wouldn't do much good if God did actually prove himself to every single damn one of us.
Jesus can fill the hole in your heart, user. What happiness has a life of sin brought you? You've already admitted that there is a hole in your heart.
Fuck up with your backwards sick christian logic u shit for brains. Nothing u people say ever makes any fucking sense and yet you go on and on and on as though you whole heartedly believe the twisted lies you feed your selves. You are demented and you along with your die hard followers need to be eradicated from civilization if humanity is to ever reach a state of enlightenment.
Your days are numbered
seems like you cant win with god, why does god need to have self aware underlings like humans, i dont really want this, and while i cant speak for my actions before i was born to this earth, im fairly certain id never agree to this, even if my suffering is wiped, it makes it more pointless than if the suffering wasnt wiped because i went though it all for nothing, nothing can atone for suffering, i really wonder sometimes if there was a vote tomorrow of all of gods creations, specifically humans, if the majority would be satisfied with their experience
My days are not numbered in the least, user.
Sure. You say so now.
Nice anime picture you faggot.
user, christianity is pure concentrated bullshit. Its false religion. Don't get all worked up over that crap. It'll literally fuck your mind. Thats what its meant to do. Its a sick demented psychological torture device. Who created it? Idk the answer to that, but CLEARLY the originator of such nefarious nonsense is no doubt malevolent to the extreme.
You can certainly win with God. You just can't win against him. And if you took that vote, I bet the people who voted that they were unsatisfied would still pick life over death.
you cant win then, if you cant win against him
Gotta admit that this getting past the filter made me smirk so hard. Can sky hippie be a meme for Jesus now?
Do you think that you, in particular, have to be against him? If so, why?
Everyone has a hole in their heart. I filled mine with worldly desires, you with faith. It's all the same really. I'm not going to live for an afterlife that's not guaranteed.
Matthew 10:34
Doesn't sound like a hippie to me.
Life sure, but then hellfire is the aftermath so would it really be worth it? To be forced to exist, when it's already known who will be thrown into damnation? Does eternal torture really compensate for a finite lifetime of misery with a little sprinkle of enjoyment here and there? Huh? Is that your honest to (god) logic you christian fucktard?
well in my individual case i dont want to be here and if i want to leave i have to go against god, either way im fucked, im also not into giving myself over to people i barely know because its insane, in my opinion
It doesn't have to end in hellfire. That's kind of my point. We all have a purpose to serve, a reason to be here. A sin against an infinite good(God) deserves an infinite punishment.
I'm sorry you're getting angry. I'll just let you think on it for a bit.
You can learn more about Jesus if you want. Read Matthew, mark, luke, and john. If you want to be happy, why don't you try bringing happiness to others?
No, it doesnt. No one requested to be created. If we had the option of knowing (which we did not) that we would be destined, no PREdestined for hellfire because of our proclivities of which is what makes up the constitution of our BEING, we most certainly would NOT have chosen to be CREATED as the single act of being CREATED would without a doubt result in ETERNAL TORTURE. And NO a FINITE crime against an INFINITE being who has INFINITE knowledge (omniscience) is most certainly NOT reasonanble or justifiable in any way, shape or form. It's like a scientist who gets mad at a robot for being dysfunctional, but guess what? It's not the ROBOTS fault for being created haphazardly, no. Its the idiotic sadistic CREATOR (scientist) fault. How diffucult, is it really that hard for your mind to comprehend something so...simple?