That kid thread. Come on faggots, show me what you got. I'll give the first one:
> That kid who was so quiet literally no one knew where he was going in between lessons. Including teachers.
That kid thread. Come on faggots, show me what you got. I'll give the first one:
> That kid who was so quiet literally no one knew where he was going in between lessons. Including teachers.
>that kid who wore an ICE shirt to school and struck up conversation with all the spics
>that kid who fucking died
>that quiet kid you saw everywhere at school that disappeared a few months into junior year
>that kid who brought a pitcher of iced tea with him everywhere
>that kid came from a well-off family and would boast all the time about stupid shit and just generally be a prick, and then fell out of a tree while hunting, blowing his guts out with his rifle
the bastard lived
i was the only one who continued to openly call him out for being a cunt
fuck 'im, i don't even remember his name
>That kid who never wore socks to school
>That kid who would pull his pants to his ankles to piss at the urinal
>That kid who stole gold crayons and hid them around the classroom because they was valuable( actually me when i was 6 lol)
>that kid who had one ball and said his mom used to be a stripper
>that kid who was a religious creationist and thought the Earth was 6K yrs. old
>those two guys who used to hang out with only each other and everyone thought were gay
>that kid that who's dad worked for a chocolate factory and bought him kilograms of cheap chocolate to sell at a markup price during lunch
I made a fortune. My only rival was a kid who made his own toffee that looked like meth shards. But I edged him out of business since there was no labour cost involved in my business. I ended up hiring some salespeople who received 30% commission of their sales. I had a profitable empire based on chocolate when I was 15
> That kid who decided to test one of the teachers by bringing a laptop to each of his lessons and finishing the entirety of Kingdom Hearts 1 in any subsequent lesson.
> That kid who decided to test that teacher further by sitting under the desk with a GameBoy and playing pokemon for 45 minutes, only to be asked where he was by said teacher.
MFW I was both
>That kid who pissed himself on first day of elementary school because he was too shy and autistic to ask for permission to go to the bathroom
>That kid who lived in a separate reality, barely aknowledging the fact that others exist
>That kid who NEVER paid attention in class and never did his homework, because he didn't give a shit
There was a guy who was a giant physical specimen but he sas too shy to talk and only grunted so everyone called him frankie like Frankenstein
I'm wasis all those kids
>that kid who didn't do any homework and never complete essays on time. I was quiet most of the time, unless doing some extremely bad jokes and irritating the teacher. No friends either
>that kid who shares everything about what's happening to her life
>that kid who tells everyone what kind of porn she watches
>that kid who tells her friends that she masturbates
>that kid who does retarded stupid shit she gets scolded by her teachers
>that kid who lies to look cool
>that kid who pretends to like everything to be friends with everyone
>that kid who pretends to be friendly
>that kid who jumped the railing of the stairs to fall a good 40 feet because he was running away from the cops in the school
>that kid that fell asleep in class every day
>that kid who always went to the bathroom
>that kid who masturbated in class and never got caught
>that dangerously looking oversized kid you always expected to spontaneously burst and beat up his bullies who were all tinier than him while he was actually quite a nice guy and tolerated his bullies only because his size made him awkward so he didn't know how to defend himself
He had long hair and looked like a caveman, I liked sitting with him and we sometimes went for a drink after school and exchanged our worldviews, he was quite the depressed and profound type, I wonder what he's doing now
>that kid who was always half an hour early to class because he had no friends and hated being around crowds to would talk to the teacher about whatever it was they were interested in but inevitably spiraled downwards constantly until eventually he was nothing but an empty space in the classroom, worth nothing but his grade.
>That one kid who always had a new phone
>Those stereotypical loud black girls
>That one emo kid who wore the same beanie and hoodie even when it was hot outside
>That one asshole emo kid who fucked all the cute emo girls and then killed himself (FUCK YOU ROBERT!!)
Teacher reporting in
>That kid who always eats lunch alone and ree's at staff who ask if he's ok
>That kid who always races for the corner computer spot that is hardest for teacher to see the screen at
>That kid who always tries to get a bathroom break at same time as another kid
>That sweaty kid who always leaves an odd moist streak on every plastic chair when he gets up
>That kid who is convinced he can hack because he has a USB
>That kid who wears compton/oakland raiders/ other ghetto gear even though he's not in america
>That kid who is literally unable to read but somehow made it under the radar into high school that way unchecked
>That kid who's mom calls him a "fucking cunt" right in the parking lot near staff
>That kid who always shows up without lunch
>That kid who always stabs others with his pens/markers then calls them bullies for attacking him
>That kid who shits his pants on purpose to be let out of class
>That kid who has those odd colored streaks all over his shorts because he wipes his boogers there
>That kid who all other staff avoid touching the hands of, and you don't know the story, but you just know never to shake his hand and to abandon any pen you loan him
I could think up more but this is a good chunk
>That kid whose parents were really religious and other kids bullied him for it, throwing shit at him during class and shouting abuse at him for it in front of teachers and calling him a psycho even though he was just a normal Christian kid who went to Church on Sundays.
>The teachers did absolutely nothing and just sat there smiling and telling them to stop disrupting the class.
Oh but it's a hate crime if you do it to Muslims or Jews? Got it.
>that kid who never showered or shaved
>said it was because he was poor
>lived in the biggest house in town
>ended up convincing a bunch of other people to not shower or shave
>those dozen kids who stunk up every class
sounds like an aussie school
Spot on mate, queensland style
wow I'm the last two.
yeah the the kid wearing ghetto shit, the one who goes for the far away computer and the angry mum in the car park are the main things that tipped me off
yeah i was thinking that too
can I ask which one? sounds like a rural shithole school
>That kid who got beaten and screamed at by his entire class
>That kid who was bullied even by other robots
>That kid who was bullied even by the teachers
>That kid whose parents did not give a fuck about
>That kid who lived in a fantasy world for 3 months because of no friends and bullying
>That kid who today is "friends" with former bullies and hates them more than himself
It is me. Send help...
Somewhere in the brisbane area, its much worse than I mentioned there.
Tip me off guys cause I'm not actually from here, though I teach here. Why in gods name would a kid wear american ghetto symbols when they are an aussie? Why not wear aussie shit?
Baffles my mind that I see compton and oakland and new york and such being worn by all the wigger kids here.
That kid who thought that the only way to make friends was to act like a retard, now cant have a real friendship because people still think of him as a joke
I didnt know about any aussie brands anyway but i think its just american cultural influence. also i went to a place further up the coast and it sounds pretty similar
because thats what is sold to them
and then their relatives think "so thats what kids are wearing these days" and relo's buy more shit for the kids who then wear it, then someone else's relative's see them
and there isnt much aussie shit to begin with
from a buisness perspective, why make something that will sell in 1 country when you can make something that will sell in 3
from my experience in nsw
also this
Fuck the feels, I met that exact kind of guy 8 years ago,he shared all my hobbies and he was a bro despite having a tough life, but he eventually stopped showing up at school.
I was too autistic to try and keep contact with people back then so I never saw him again, I miss him a lot
I think that was me. What was his name, old friend?
Look mate, if a girl straight up tells me that she watches porn and masturbates... Idc if she lies to be friends with everyone, i'd be her friend just with that information
>that kid who fucking died
fuckity fuck
>if a girl straight up tells me that she watches porn and masturbates
I guess you haven't had any girl_friends
you do know that every girl does these things right?
>that kid who was a literal retard and his tard wrangler always convinced him to go talk to the girls in gym class only he didn't actually talk but shook his hands at them and it always seemed to go over well
>He had long hair and looked like a caveman
hey its 5am50n
>that kid who handed out molly pills to everyone for free and then got kicked out of the school for showing up high as fuck on meth
>that kid who NEVER went to the toilet
>that kid who spilled black ink all over his pants and just walked around with a huge spot on his crotch
>that kid who tried to convince everyone he could see sound and eventually switched schools
Itt. All lies. All of you.
I have girl friends...
None of them do it
Only one of them confirmed she used to do it when she was uderage, but she stopped
Why would she stop it feels so good
>>that kid who NEVER went to the toilet
who the fuck even picks up on this shit?
a kid in my grade had a beard in like 7th grade
that's like asking someone if they have ever shat themselves everyone has but they will always say no and or just when they were babies
you are so easily fooled, typical normalfaggot
I don't know, i guess it had something to do with the fact that she became a feminist
Very unlikely since I'm a Croat though I'd love to hear from him again, I hope he got his life together, he's too bright to waste his life away on this shit board
Well maybe i believe them because i trust them and i know them?
And one of them is easily disgusted by any kind of perverted stuff and other one is a feminist?
This one goes earlier than highschool, but...
> That kid who, when he saw others giving one kid snacks to see porn he snuck into school, did the only logical thing and offered them money.
I started a porn syndicate at my old school. I have no regrets.
>that kid who said halo was for virgins and call of duty was better
>thise kids who were sonyfags and said the ps3 was better than the 360
Everything they said is unironically still wrong.
>that kid who tried to convince everyone he could see sound
That's a real thing, synesthesia
I had a beard in the 7th grade, had a mustache in elementary school
>that Sony fanboy who called Halo "Gaylo" and Gears of Wars "Tears of War"
>that kid in class that never did his homework or paid any attention in class, but still managed to get good grades
>that kid who spent the entire class drawing or daydreaming and no one really gave a shit
> That kid who was convinced he was a woman to the point that he was willing to drop pants and show his penis to everyone as proof.
Sometimes I wonder where that kid is these days.
>"I'm a woman"
>"Can't you tell by my penis?"
That doesn't even make sense
>that kid that tried to hit on my girl and then drowned in a lake
>that kid that wore a trench-coat everyday
>that slavic immigrant kid who gave no fucks and was super disruptive
>that kid who brought his chickens to school
you are a legend, good sir
wow, we might know the same person user.
I wanna here more, user
originally planted
>hit on my girl and then drowned in a lake
Are you a murderer user?
that guy who almost had a threesome and came to skool with a gigantic black hicky on his neck
that guy who fake laughed at shit because he was totally miz and wanted people to think he was cool when he lost his friends
that guy who walked really slow cuz he read alphas walk slo
that guy who talked really slow and acted like he was fuct up because people really responded to it
same guy, senior year was invited to a party and went home to read (Twilight Saga)
same guy, junior year, showed up to party with his new friends only the girls he was with were invited to at his ex friend's house. had taken ecstacy and people were asking what was up with him. but for the moment he entered the room, the whole room went quiet and everybody listened as he said what's up to the people he had known
same guy isolated himself with the least attractive friend basically for the past 2 years of school, they stole a fire extinguisher from hs and his friend killed himself at 24
same guy was working as a lifeguard at the hs and got a break at night and walked to the band (which he wasn't a part of) banquet and took a plate
same guy who was assigned group projects in class and did all the work at high speeds with complete accuracy who dropped out of college
this is the same guy that in middle school at orchestra concert improvised the entire set and got a compliment from the teacher
same guy who wanted to get out of physics because he was always bullied by upperclassmen so he decided to attend the blood drive & lied about having signed up for the psat so he could get out of physics and do that instead
kissed his oneitis freshman year
same guy who in business law gave a great speech defending (because he had to) a father who let his kid get ahold of a gun and kill his son, got rated 2/10 for the projects by his classmates and failed the dressup portion because he always wore buttonup shirts unlike the others and wore one that day and the teacher said "you didn't do anything differently-that's why I gave u a 0"
what are you doing?
this isn't how you do it
it was all I-an egotist
on the last day of 8th grade I went to a party and I got compliments all night and danced with all the hottest girls. my friend who was there didn't dance with any girls. he went behind my back to get me uninvited to the next party
that drummer who never came to band practice because he got a girlfriend
his best friend who was too beta to even talk around this one girl and asked me to speak the year before to one on his aim sn to get her to like him who ended up fucking the girl he was beta around
I was talking to the girl he fucked and he told me to shut up and then he pretended to be asleep
>that kid who hung himself because he got hurt and had to miss a season of football
>that kid who got in a car crash maybe 50 yards from the school
>that kid who stuck the copper wire into the electrical outlet in class and was severely burned
>that kid who looked like me but white
>That kid who sold little Debbie snack cakes and actually good candy bars like Snickers out of his backpack
>That kid who had 5-7 smartphones on him at all times so when one got taken away, he'd could just pull out another one and continue fucking off
I still have them today, some need new batteries because they're starting to swell
>that kid who dick windmill'ed into the girls changing room and was forced to attend the school's psychologist for two years
>that jock that warned me about volly blaze and I saw her on Jow Forums years later
no, i originally swear
this hood named "Retardisha Retardisha"
>that kid who crawled into the ceiling to escape the principal and deputy
>that special-ed kid who everyone unironically loved
>that couple who larped as vampires
>that kid who was an autistic christian, and was hated by everyone
>that same christian kid who hit on every girl in the school
>that kid who came to school stoned every day
>that same kid almost got caught with 4gs of weed but the deputy, principal, and 2 other APs were too retarded to find it that kid was me ;^)
>that kid who fucking died
>that girl who had a three-way with some burnouts and was mocked the whole year
>that based football player who was actually a really nice guy
>that ugly, feminist girl who falsely accused the football player of rape, who was arrested and got his scholarships taken away
>the same girl who works in a BDSM club and is now a camwhore who sells her nudes and panties
>that literal schizophrenic teacher who hired a fake hitman off craigslist to kill another teacher
>that schizophrenic teacher that lost it if you didnt refer to him as "doctor"
>that schizophrenic teacher who thought people were crawling in the classroom air vents
>that schizophrenic teacher with the meme name
that third one was my friend and I, we were just really good friends and equally somewhat feminine
>inb4 more fags on this board than usual
>that schizophrenic teacher who thought people were crawling in the classroom air vents
>that kid who crawled into the ceiling to escape the principal and deputy
But he was right
>that nitwit
due to the shitty captchas i'm leaving r9k bubye
it was nitwit not jigga
>that kid who reminded the teacher about homework
>TIL I am that kid
come on now we all know that didnt happen
>That kid who started balding in the 6th grade
>That kid who kept punching kids he didn't like in gym class
>That fat kid who dreaded locker rooms
>that kid who changed in the stalls during PE
Even I wasn't this pathetic, and I was a fat beta in high school before I starved myself and became a skinny beta
>that kid who broke into my family's house when we were gone and jumped on my parent's bed
>bribed a younger and much more innocent kid into joining him
>stole mine and my brother's pokemon cards, including the rare holographic ones
>also stole my brother's gameboy and left it out in the rain
>helped himself to my parent's coin jar
>his parents were ultra-left ex-hippies
>his mom coddled and defended him; only made him return the useless cards
>that same kid actually started his house on fire
>burnt a significant part of the top floor of their huge dome house
>that kid who said he was going to kill everyone, had a kill list of several chads, and was expelled
>that kid who made a fake instagram account of a gym teacher
>that kid who hit his sister with a pop tart
>that kid who punches and kicks the air like a goddamn super saiyan during lunch
>that gay kid who stuck pens up his ass and put them in his mouth
>that kid who made a cringy gaming/vlogs youtube channel
>that kid who stabbed another kid with a pencil
>that kid who would make loud screeching noises in the bathroom