The age of femboys is over edition
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The age of femboys is over edition
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death to fags weeeeeee original
hello team
can we please start numbering the threads like some threads in /wsg/ do
This is 285
the next one will be 286
That's $50 more than I'm willing to spend right now, I'm not rich user. Any other suggestions?
Sounds like a good idea, If I ever make one of the ops to the thread I'll number it and we can ask others to do so as well. Do you have a link to the first thread perchance?
Shit money is better than no money. Lets hope you can upgrade to a better job if needed. A plane ticket can't be that much.
Pirate it. Or buy Rising Storm 2, you can fly several planes in that game.
Hi I'm gay and I want a boyfriend but I'm too scared/stupid/lazy to get one.
Where do I sign up to die?
I'm gonna do that next time. Good idea, user!
Sign ups are next week, but you're not getting off this ride anyways.
I'm shit at multiplayer games. Can you tell me your thoughts on something like X-Rebirth or Elite Dangerous (which I tried but couldn't get the hang of hyperspace) or something?
Not that user but have you ever played the game Freelancer?
Hello anons! How was your day today??
Also, the age of femboys is like totally not over, queer
I'm sorry, haven't played any of those. I'm not a big fan of flying sims.
broke up recently with my bf of nearly 4 years a few weeks ago. cant sleep feel like complete shit and i dont even think i actually like guys and was probably just a phase because i was such a loner fag kill me now holy fuck im pathetic i cant believe i wasted his time like that
>Sounds like a good idea, If I ever make one of the ops to the thread I'll number it and we can ask others to do so as well. Do you have a link to the first thread perchance?
Well it appears it's kind of hard to find that!
I have many threads that may qualify, but can't find the thread we are both thinking of right now...
There have been many threads called /r9gay/ over Jow Forums's history, but these aren't actual /r9gay/ threads in the same fashion as this one we are posting in is.
first thread called /r9gay/ -
and the first unironic /r9gay/ thread -
If you are talking about the first /r9gay/ thread after the /r9gay/ renaissance about a month back, where we finally achieved continuous presence on the board (which I consider the first actual /r9gay/ thread).... well it's much less than 285, probably around 40.
I can't find it now, but it *may* be this thread -
(which is way further back that 40 and probably not right), if some user has more time they can probably find the one I am talking about
But we may as well use the 285 number, I mean the only reason I like a number is so I know if I missed a thread or not, the actual number doesn't matter as long as it's iterative
plane tickets are too much for me. all these debts are too much for me. these job opps are total dogshit around here. idk what to do. i just.. need to rest
Wait what do you mean r9gay renaissance? I stopped checking on these for about 6 or 7 months and only came back a week and a half ago. What good shit did I miss?
You can rest later. I want you to fight through. There has to be a way user. Maybe you can ask around or if worse comes to worse then theres always less than ethical means
>breeders unironically want to date small skull "humans"
you might as well date a snail or a monkey at that point
>Wait what do you mean r9gay renaissance? I stopped checking on these for about 6 or 7 months and only came back a week and a half ago. What good shit did I miss?
nothing in particular, it's just that /r9gay/ is part of the regular programming now. It's always up on the board like /britfeel/, unlike the sporadic threads we used to have.
It's nice to have a constant place imo, makes the thread a bit more comfy
Got it, well I'm gonna read through these archived threads then. Thanks for the help good sir
Would anyone that lives in Europe, is 23 years old, or older, consider being my friend? I am friendless and very lonely, my hobbies are video games, weeb stuff, history and art (drawing). I am not lewd. I will talk to you almost all day every day, if you don't get bored of me fast. I might even play video games with you some time in the future, if you are patient enough with me.
Please respond if you want to be my friend.
Great, really good. How was yours? I also agree, but I like a mixed bag. I am a twink myself you see.
>that awful feeling of no belly bf
Clever! Finally a robot who really understands what's going on. Sad that there are many who do not!
>ordered some items
>arrived today so go down to front desk in my hall of residence to pick it up
>they try to make conversation
>ask what i ordered
Show some of your drawings please.
What did you get naughty boy
Good! And me too, I could go for either I think. As long as I get to be the proverbial girl in the relationship I'm happy
Would 22 year old be a problem? Also, what part of Europe are you from?
>You can rest later. I want you to fight through. There has to be a way user. Maybe you can ask around or if worse comes to worse then theres always less than ethical means
i just dont know what to do anymore, i'm sorry
thigh highs and arm sleeves.
i really hope they don't ask when the miniskirt i ordered comes in or i'm going to drop my spaghetti.
Eastern Europe. Where are you from?
22 is not a problem.
That makes sense to me. It's funny since I want to be "the guy" even though I'm not terribly imposing-looking. What made your day good?
Incredibly based. I wish you the best of luck in not spilling
South eastern. What do you wish to contact on?
The clerk knows my boy. Theres no hiding it. Just don't let them confirm the suspicions
Which country are you from?
You can send me your Discord ID if you want.
Give me a throwaway mail, I'll send it to you there.
(lucky digits, check'd)
There has to be something user. More hours? Change company? Suck dick on the side, sling weight, door to door dragon dildo salesman? Maybe you need therapy or something, there has to be a way. I just don't want to see you go without a fight buddy
My morning was really quiet and I have to go to classes soon. Lab later will be tiring and I also need to work out afterwards, this is the longest day during the week for me, but I'm so used to it, that it doesn't matter anymore.
I don't have one, sorry.
Too bad, I don't feel comfortable just posting my discord in here. I'm sorry.
thanks user, maybe i'll just not answer them and seem like an ass. better than an autist.
of course not, i'd fucking p a n i c.
been fighting for a while, its just all so tiring. maybe there is a way, and maybe it'll show itself soon. i doubt it. i just can't do this anymore. thanks for replying
Why not? Don't you have an e-mail you can post?
I usually prepare a response and rehearse it for stuff like that, since it looks bad to ignore questions altogether. A little autistic, sure, but here I am
I want to buy someone Knights of the Old Republic. But only a real Star Wars RPG fan. Hm...
Doubt you'll find any of those here pal. Never seen any people with robot interests speak up here, I think they just lurk
>thigh highs and arm sleeves
I fixed my car without help and figured out how to prostate orgasm so I'd count that as a good one, even if work was particularly shitty today.
Give me the p.orgasm rundown doc, teach me please.
Not the same user but, being "girl" in the relationship and knowing how to fix a car?
Wow, you are a rare species user, gj.
I said I think I figured it out, cannot confirm. All I know is it becomes too intense to keep going and I really need a few moments to breath and my donger feels like it's gonna explode and nothing happens. I'm suspect of whether or not it's orgasm because it just happens over and over and over and leaves your legs shaking and numb, and that's the only real feedback. It's hard to explain, I mean as guys were conditioned for there to be a climax and you know, tactile feedback, but you don't get any sort of obvious confirmation here. Honestly it's incredible even if it's not proper orgasm.
Basically, I've been working at taking my toy more comfortably for the past few months and I've reached a point where I can really just go at it. No real trick, I end up passively rotating it around inside me and then eventually it's just brain melting and feels like I'm about to piss myself and it only goes away when I stop, which I have to immediately because I can't even concentrate on the motor skills needed to keep going. So I guess the trick is 240bpm.
I feel like a total slut just talkin about this oh my god, I swear I'm not.
reminder: hookup culture is degenerate
I too would like a quick rundown, but actually an in depth run down, on how to achieve it
Agreed user, that's a good wisdom
I'm saving the image in the op, hope you don't mine fags, carry on with the gay shit.
Hey give it back that's theft bitch
So basically the trick is just getting used to the toy and finding the right position.
So nothing I didn't know then
Yeah and just really go at it rapid fire, that helped more than anything else I think
The key is having your bf instinctively know every spot to hit after lots of practise
I don't fucking have a bf you ass
Speed hurts me sometimes but I guess I need more lube and training. Thanks for the help I guess
To other "femboys", why don't you guys sell yourself?
Love doesn't really exist, for that utopia that you want, you'd both need that chemical thing in your head which i don't see happen often.
I get money and pleasure, our bodies will be "expired" in few years so why do you look for "the one"
Just sell yourself, such things as dignity are useless what matters is the money.
I'm not trying to start a conversation, just trying to make you see that you can get good cash just for being you
I don't even look for "the one".
Get bent.
tfw ugly so I get offered 50$ max from ugly old fat guys
i've been planning to, in all honesty. i've given up trying to look for someone genuine in my country, they're all vapid. can't beat them, so joining them.
how did you put yourself out there?
user, please don't consider doing that. Please
Started on grindr, I refused a disgusting dude then he proposed me money to have sex with me, as I said money is what matter so I did it
Then I started selling myself on grindr and with time I got connections
As long as it's not scat or fucking piss I ask them for hiv check and then I do my thing
Because I'm only now becoming moderately aware of my latent gayness or at least strong male pref bi-mess having been a deep closeted moron for my entire life. The butt stuff is only solidifying it for me honestly.
I avoided sex with women because I was nervous I think, but now I have virtually no interest in being the penetrator when there is such ecstasy in being the penetratee.
As for why not sell myself? Easy. I don't want to get fucking pozzed by grotesques, and I don't want some gung ho John to cause permanent damage to me; as a bottom i take virtually all the risk, and I'm not very strong so if someone wanted to they could really have their way with me, and I've got Crohn's ileitis so I've got a pretty vested interest in not fucking up my bowels any further with irresponsible fucking.
I might do camming when I move out if it's good enough money and I can slim down to a point where I'd be happy presenting myself like that, BDD is a real bitch.
And finally, because I don't want to be a literal whore if I can avoid it? Satisfactory?
How do i get my feminine cute guyfriend to let me rub his feet? He always complains about them being sore
Just offer to, or start doing it next time he bitches about it?
If you value your life then don't do it, there's always a risk even if I keep a knife in my bag but I never looked in cams maybe it could work
i have to be the only masc sub in the world who wants a twink dom bf
Still here if anyone is interested.
>My feet hurt
>Want a massage?
Difficult, I know.
I am interested but I am only 21 years old, is that much of a broblem?
The main reason I avoid anyone under 23 is that they can't talk like normal people and spew disgusting "memetalk" in normal conversation.
Stop switching accounts.
>tfw no sweaty bf with stinky feet
Footfags begone forever
>tfw no drawfag bf that wont charge for commissions
No drawings you'd be fine with showing?
What do you mean with "almost all day every day"? I'm 25, but not sure if I have enough time for that.
What if he thinks its too gay and refuses? What do i do then?
If he's straight you're probably out of luck.
i'm getting seriously sick of trimming my body hair every week
being hairy is horrible, especially if you're skinny. skinny + hairy = disgusting.
the worst thing is doing my ass, groin and thighs. it takes like 20 minutes to make sure it's all off, and squatting down trying to trim your asshole isn't something i want to be doing too frequently.
oh and now i'm starting to get back hair too. fucking shit.
Sounds like you need someome to help shave you.
Or get lazer
Is there seriously nothing i can do? Im willing to do anything to touch his feet. Even violence and coercion
i don't think i'll ever find it comfortable having someone else shave me
I'm just saying, a guy giving another guy a foot massage is gay as fuck.
What if they wax you?
I mean, your best bet might honestly be to just tell him that it's a sexual thing for you and ask if he's okay with it since he wouldn't have to do anything beyond sit there, and it's not an actual sex act.
Thats a really bad idea.
Just ask to give him a footrub user, its not that serious.
Waxing and shaving leaves stubble, I just trim.
>Breeders have to go MGTOW just to get away from women
Hahaha the absolute state
So many red flags. You're really a normie for selling your body because 'love is dead lol'.
>history and art
Let me guess : roman empire and some fantasy/anime art. It's always like that here.
Not quite. And generalization is bad.
I know user. I know. But really, saying history and art as interest will always be a disappointment for me because they don't really know much about it (and worst of all, they don't want to learn more about it).