Does r9k hate reddit because people there are more successful?

Does r9k hate reddit because people there are more successful?

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I hate it to break it to you, but she is still a degenerate.

>2 fatbodies get married
so successful much jealous wow

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>nu-male Reddit cuck marries fat roasite landwhale

like pottery

>marrying a landwhale
You are aware that when men marry landwhales only embarrass themselves as people will doubt his self-respect and snicker behind his back.

That guy is the living embodiment of the onions meme

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s-oy b-oy

>Reddit s_o_y boy marries fat lardass

successful at what?

incels can be pretty hateful

absolute topkek

people on reddit are ironically more assholes than people on Jow Forums they downvote for absolute no reason just because they can because they struggle with internal problems IRL lmao broke retards poor

what an absolute basedlad

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I hate reddit because it's just one giant selfrighteous circlejerk. Everyone is phoney

at least the fat ladies have redditors to ensure they'll never die alone

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The absolute state of Jow Forums's meme diet lmao

Sometimes I really do hate people that are successful. Not like reddit or whatever but a lot of times if you look at what business is like and how people make it, it's really hard to respect it. Drugs/illegal shit. It's like I use to understand the "it's impossible to get ahead unless you cheat" doing that kind of stuff but then it's also more impossible since everyone does that stuff. It's like steroids in athletics. All athletes say they're on roids because all the other ones are.

I don't know what disgusts me more. The numale x landwhale pairing or the obnoxiously staged picture they took for le ebin upboats.

Why don't you try getting a hold of a teensy weensy bit of that weedle-dee-deed, boombadoop?

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>tfw fucking HATE these faggots for being such degenerates
>no matter how unhappy they are, they're still happier than me right now

Always nice seeing ugly bitches get qt men, gives me hope once I graduate. Men are so fucking desperate lol

>fatass with receding hairline and numale glasses marries a landwhale who will take half his assets or more
>ur just jealous xd
yeah you're right, I'm livid

No I only hate reddit because the layout sucks ass and the whole point system thing is incredibly faggoty. If it wasn't so shit I would probably use it for some of my more niche interests

trashier than incels

In what world is that a cute man?

god fat people are so fucking revolting

>fucking roasties only want chad why are they so shallow
- r9k

>lool fat landwhales >imblying im jealous
- also r9k

If you don't know why people hate reddit you're new.

They have autobans, all kinds of karma drama that promotes only the majority to have their opinions validated, as low voted comments get hidden, it controls everyone's minds. They shadowban even. It's less anonymous, and they are trying to shove emails down people's throats, and emails need cell numbers more and more often around the world. They're trying to make everyone be politically correct, and feel watched. Jow Forums is about political incorrectness (regardless of how newfaggot reddit invaded pol is and Jow Forums is in general) and anonymity.

Most of us here aren't fat. Why should we be forced to settle for landwhales when we ought to be getting our looksmatches (who are chasing Chad, so really you should be bitching at them)?


That's 25 year old woman, wew lads

>>most of us here aren't fat
The majority of posters are white males from first world countries. Statistically we are all mostly overweight.

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No, I hate reddit because people are overly nice, fabricated, and sensitive. They also live in a bubble and praise personality cults.

And in the meantime, you are all a bunch of virgin incels who will most likely shoot up a school or mall in the near future.

>so wow
>reddittier memes
Go back to plebbit reee

It's clear you don't even understand the first thing about robots. Lurk moar retard.

Why are you on here? Also get better at insults. Robots are tough to injure. You actually seem very sensitive though. Hopefully one day you realize that the reason you'll never feel truly fulfilled in life is because of your naive world view.

>It's clear you don't even understand the first thing about robots
I understand enough to know that you are worthless losers who place too much value on yourselves. You are a bunch of man-children.
Go outside and get some fresh air incel before you die of a Vitamin D deficiency

There's a huge difference between a stacey and a landwhale. Landwhale conditions can be changed but if they managed to get fat to this point, it's their own fault and it's almost unthinkable that they'll want to become thinner, not to mention if they do, chances are overwhelming that she'll decide to cheat on you now that she's actually not fat and don't need to """settle""" for you.
Secondly there are more skellies than fatties on Jow Forums, and fatties means anything more than the very middle of the BMI scale according to Jow Forums, so anything from just-under-chubby to fat-but-not-obese is counted in there, which is completely different from landwhale status.

>Robots are tough to injure.
Yea i doubt that. You very existence is an injury to yourself. i don't have to try very hard to injure you incel.

Speak for yourself youngfag fat cunt.

>incel incel miserable life incel vitamin D deficiency incel incel shoot up a school incel loser incel man-children incel incel incel go outside incel

Nothing we haven't heard already. Try harder, amigo.

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Oh, marriage! So successful.

Fuck you, OP.


Where do you get off your crazy train assuming my age? I'm actually twenty-nine, and not retarded like you, that's all. You delude yourself into thinking that women are worse than you, when it is quite the opposite.

You're just here to bait for attention kiddo, you're more pathetic than any robot.

To some degree there's jealousy, that there are guys out there who are cringey cucklords with no real beliefs or hobbies that still get gfs. Fat ones or ones who fuck Jamal behind their backs, sure, but still. Incels here can't even get a gf that will cheat on them.

On the other hand, we don't want what redditors have. Lots of guys here COULD settle, but they want someone meaningful, something more. In a strange way, the average r9k poster is a bit of a romantic; he wants his pure wifu and he wants real love and not a hook-up.

I can hear your hurried breathing as you furiously type.

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I could get on one knee in front of any 300lb girl and ask her to marry me no sweat.

So creative user. Wow I wish I was as oregano as you.

I'm jealous of her biceps

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Did the bull take the picture?

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How old are you again roastie?

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I would rather be a virgin loser than a pathetic cuck with a fat wife that probably sleeps around on him. At least I'm my own master at least I'll have my time and money to my self

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Speak for yourself I aint doing none of that, also im gonna be banging hookers that dont resemble a landed seal.

Im happy for them really

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Notch is a /v/irgin and is worth around $1,5 billion

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>you are all a bunch or virgin incels
Virgin yes, incel no

I hate it when people are "successful" but achieved it by doing something they love. Like, when at uni some kids just went after class to research stuff in labs because they enjoyed it, somehow this was fun. And somehow having fun translated into career opportunities.
If anything i enjoyed was profitable i'd be a rich man. It pisses me off that people can actually do "hobbies" for work, monetarily gain and enjoy it the entire time. I just sell my labor to the highest bidder

i have a skinny gf with big tits, I just browse Jow Forums for fun. I also have crippling anxiety. But hasn't stopped me from getting laid.

t. fat fuck

I'm 5'11, 155 lbs

Yeah, your school or mall ;)

T. fat on somebody who was meant to be a skelly
I'm 4 inches taller than you and outweigh you by 70 pounds. Thank god I have a good metabolism and a built frame so I'm not fat, but the point is my dad is 5'8 and 175. You're fine user, lose some baby fat and you'll be regular.

it's not jealousy but it hate clean and successful people
they're the bourgeoisie, we're the outcasts

> AnXieTy xd LmFoa Im A introVerTeD exTrOvErt
Jesus go fuck off with your anorexic girlfriend with a un-diagnosed tumour in her tits and both your fake mental illnesses

Shooting up a mall sounds better than marrying a whale. It's not the virginity itself that makes you an undesirable person but the implicated choices that led to it. Doesn't count if you are visually an abomination. Then people will hate you out of pure disgust because you trigger a primal instinct of protecting the "tribe" against foreign "invaders" like a disease. When someone sacrifices his standards out of sexual desperation so he can put his dick into a wet hole then that makes me seriously question these choices and the person who made them. If someone goes as far as betraying themselves then how can they be trusted at all? In the end by backstabbing your own principles you kill a part of yourself. Do it often enough (like everyday after marrying a fatty for the easy pussy) and everything that makes you be you, will be dead. And when nothing remains you become nothing.

I'd rather be a killer than nothing at all.

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>have a gf
>crippling anxiety

Not much of a cripple, are you? Do you own a dictionary?

It doesnt really work like that man.
Those people enjoy other things more than working hard at a lab or studying something that interests them. They just realize the immidiate gratification of those things, doesn't compare to the fulfilment theyll get from succeeding in their desired career.
I went into medicine. I enjoy it. But id rather be playing vidia, shitposting or frankly most anything else most the time. But i feel better when ive put in the hours and i enjoy what i do. But its still work, and theres nothing going to change that.