What do you think of my theory fellas?
The Virgin Duality
Can you tell me more about the middle ground people?
I guess normal "fags"
So gay "normies" is what you're saying is middle ground
Your blog is shit and so are you. Go away.
The middle ground people are virgins who have come to terms with their predicament but have decided to do nothing and become passive.
Instead of being constructive or destructive they do nothing. Merely exist.
No, he's talking about normal shut-in NEETS.
This is a thread, not a blog
Incels like Elliot Rodger get massive amounts of pussy after they have proven themselves to be dangerous. Men who suffer from mental issues commit "cool" crimes to show their strength, that's why girls flock to them.
It's stupid. There are no two natures, robot life leads to suicide unilaterally.
Does that count isolationist virgins who live inside their small sphere working towards whatever they want? Essentially MGTOW but without the connotations of being associated with that brand name
This is really dumb.
What about FtM people? What about enbies?
What about trans girls who were successful dudes before hand? A lot of trans women over-compensate by going chad mode and getting their dick wet.
How does it account for dysphoria? You talk as though being MtF trans is just 'the desire to be a woman', which is a massive oversimplification
Lots of huge holes in your theory and it's got no actual human studies to back up this behavior. You go by a dubious experiment using mice and non-empirical philosophy. There's plenty of empirical medical literature on these issues and none of them show anything like your pic related, not even trans critical pseuds like Blanchard
You spam your shitty blog in the opening post in image form.
nigga youre asburgers as fuck
This seems quite accurate to me, OP.
I think middle ground people are like MGTOWs who try to fill their lives with things unrelated to sex and do their own thing. Like cultivating hobbies and just worrying about themselves. They may own or be interested in sex dolls or VR porn to simulate sex. I count myself in the middle ground. Somewhat leaning toward constructive because I sometimes have homolust.
Those are the ones who long for the Overman. Possible, but rare and hence not included in the spectrum. I might include it in my coming essay thanks
I'm not saying all MtF are doing it because they are virgins, I'm saying many virgins become MtF.
I apologise if I caused offense friend.
You should just start eating S O Y
You keep repeating the lie that incels exist. Ellioy was a volcel just like you. Nobody denied him sex, he just did not want it.
I don't think he's saying thats the nature of all MtFs. I think he's saying there's a pattern of robots becoming traps or prison gay from lack of sexual contact with the opposite gender. You don't need fancy studies for that, this board is proof enough.
I don't believe that incels ever become even average-quality traps.
I think they just become writers for Marvel comics and Battletech and seek to inflict their pain on other incels.
Almost all of the high quality traps I've seen were once prettyboys that could have got plenty of pussy.
I think it depends how you define them. I think anyone given effort and low standards can get sex. I call incels the ones who blame others for their situation
I like dicks/traps and I don't hate roasters so theory checks out
yeah cool idea
except the part where the traps lose their virginity
pee pee in vajayjay = no longer virgin
another mans pee pee in your bum bum = virgin
Interesting idea thank you, I will research this for my essay
To all the tweens watching this thread
Remember that is good to start early
Take your dose of hth or whatever is called
Not a problem OP, I was just wondering where I fit onto your spectrum
this is fucking retarted
shit ain't black and white.
If u gotta be a trans girl u werent a successful dude in the first place.
Mice are actually the common species to have scientific experiments on as that their genetic, biological and behavior characteristics closely resemble those of humans, and many symptoms of human conditions can be replicated in mice and rats.
In fact, the mere statment that transgenderism is no longer a mental illness is based on a non-empirical philosophy, moreso on one based on emotions
read his manifesto
he thought he was entitled to sex
he walked the streets waiting for a pure virgin to offer herself to him
No shit, there's a spectrum at the bottom.
Jesus christ won't somebody let me nut srsly
>I apologise if I caused offense friend.
No offense taken, I just misunderstood. It seemed you were saying this was the only explanation, not just an explanation. I wouldn't want to comment on it, with that in mind. Thanks for clarifying
no u
become a trap, kiss, or a murderer?
nice spectrum.
what do you mean by "kiss"? did you even read the image? He mention prison gays, hardcore misogynists. There's more than traps and mass killers there.
Seems to me like you take your shitty graph pretty seriously
I meant "kys"
that shit looked like a grave in the middle
wtf is that anyways?
I'm not OP but ok.
Oh I see. And that looks like the rat experiment the image refers to. Look it up. It describes modern society somewhat.
You should change it to a wizard
Fun read if You are into autistic tirades but ultimately bullshit sorry op
Why don't a robots just go out to a club together and tell roasties they're gay.
Then the roasties are going to get jealous and start harassing you cause they'll know your faking it
trannies aren't people so they don't count
traps are only desirable in your own mind OP, traps work out eventually that nobody fucking wants them and in no way was pretending to be a woman was constructive
It's True MGTOW where you don't need your own support group, but truly shut yourself out of society
If you're going to be a trap you should atleast have some hope of being cute
For most robots that's not really an option
Except he killed himself, so he fucked up
I wanna be a trap but I'm too scared to buy hormones
Buy female clothes like other gay men do.
yeah ok you became a pseudo woman and then ? You're still attracted to females.
This also assumes that all virgins can transition, and that there's also only a dicotemy of choices, when in reality it's a more complex shape of a spectrum, either 3d or 4d is my guess. I, for example, could never successfully transition for while I don't make for a very attractive male (I'm a 6/10 at best as far as face goes), I'm also 6'5.5 and my features are distinctly masculine in nature.
It's a good bait image but it needs fixing to work on non-brainlets 7/10 not bad OP
Then you get a lesbian that'll treat you like her bitch
>OP BTFO by Pepe poster
how tf do you get to be an adult virgin? just bang whores. even if you can't afford to do it often you can surely afford it as a one off expense just for the sake of not being a virgin. are people too proud? or scared of disease? or just scared? why not just bang a whore? i don't get it.
it's illegal in america you fucking retard. and no it's not that easy to find i have no idea where i would even begin to look
adultsearch (dot) com
Travel outside of america you fucking retard
He doesn't even have to do that. Just go to Nevada. It's legal there, just not in the city of Las Vegas.
>spend hundreds of dollars to get your dick wet in an incredibly awkward and shameless way
what are you some kind of pusssy faggot afraid of breaking the law? it's illegal where i live i still do it who tf cares. and yeah it's literally as easy as reading an ad online and calling a number it's not even slightly difficult to find one.
It's not awkward or shameless you fucking liar.
Depending on where he is it might be easier to travel abroad than to rural Nevada.
if you go on holiday and get ice cream does that mean you spend hundreds to eat ice cream? idiot. also it's only awkward or shameful because you are.
anzu is not a trap you faggots. No man can become that pretty
It doesn't really solve the problem
It probably makes it worse since they would feel paying for a prostitute is proof positive of them being a failed human being that has to pay for sex while others can get it for free. You might as well call "incels" involuntary betas because they hate being betas but can't stop being betas.
Yeah I've done it plenty of times
Nobody cares
people just dont want to see street hookers
there's the occasional roastie that'll make up some bs about sex slavery and get websites shut down though
ok i found one on this website that i would want. what the fuck do i say? "um yes hello id like to get the succ how much"
Just remember that whores are not people and you should be good to go
Especially within the context of the situation with virgins around here, the problem isn't sex itself, it's the feeling of intimacy with another person that they are attracted to. Having sex with a hooker is like having your mom tell you that you're cool; it just isn't really worth anything is it? If you're able to fuck a random person of their own free will, it means that you're not a worthless waste in this world and were deamed worthy enough for a fuck. This is also why the solution "lmao just fuck an ugly fat chick with no standards" doesn't work either, because if you have to lower your standards that much then you didn't really "win" did you? It creates this reoccuring thought in your head of "the only people who will fuck me are the bottom of the barrel." Furthermore, full on relationships do this even better, because ultimately what we're trying to cure isn't "peepee in v plz," but to finally feel like we have someone in our lives who cares for our existance, who isn't a blood relative.
That's the most pathetic excuse for being a volcel I have ever read.
So you admit incels cannot exist since getting sex is easy. They just want something that does not exist.
I think plenty of destructive people get laid. in fact I think you got it backwards
I know you probably mean easy as in prostitute but really sex is incredibly easy to get even if you're just a normalfag, don't even have to be chad. Also yeah they can exist fag, they just would rather not have sex than to stoop low, and stooping low I'll remind you doesn't mean "waaaaah I can't fuck muh 9/10," it means fucking 0-4/10's, since 5/10 by definition means average human being.
>want something that cannot exist
>love is impossible for incels
I only come here because I'm a virgin but please stop reminding me.
lol if you're ugly or unpleasent why not just get over it and stop whining just accept it like everyone else accepts their unique flaws as harsh as that sounds it's for their own good seriously they could just go bang a whore and not act like it's some epic plot point in their gay little life narrative and just get it over with like a normal male with a pair of testicles it doesn't have to define them.
makes sense i'm not big into intimacy but i really like having sex with people so you can see why i wouldn't get it i personally feel more of a sense of freedom and happiness the less people care about me theres just something really comforting to me about anonymity and being lost in the crowd
I remember reading about that overpopulation experiment and always thought Jow Forums was the home of 'the beautiful ones'. It doesn't quite match though, because instead of grooming, everyone here just rots away getting fatter and less hygienic.
I always fantasized about starting a club called The Beautiful Ones that would take shunned/socially damaged people and transform them into the best person they could be. Work on exercise, hygiene, diet, philosophy and looks. No promises or guarantees about a relationship but your odds would improve significantly. You would come out physically and intellectually the best you could be but still retain the lack of social skills. After that isolation becomes not a curse but a gift where you can contemplate the world in peace.
If it were to happen I think a lot of people here would come out attractive to women band that'd almost be a shame. Reshaped and forged into your best self only to be snatched by a women when she only then considers you worthy of something so meagre.
Splendid Isolation > Society
anzu is still a girl(female)
shitty theory because you could also go out and meet girls and have straight sex if you fix your autism
In ancient Scythia, men who 'failed as men' (usually failing to engage in coitus), would go through a rite to become 'enaree' - what we would call a "transwoman" and devote their lives to religious and communal service.
both destroy both themselves and others, those you call 'constructive' only extend the suffering
Thank you all for the feedback. It seems like the way I wrote it caused some confusion which I hope to improve on.
Option d move to Japan and date an Asian woman who will like you for being brave enough to approach .
Also you will do much better than you could do else where .
Here's a count complaining about how betas are killing it in Japan and she can't .
>It's another 'become a trap xD' episode.
The virgin duality is this:
Cope or Rope
It's time to choose
rope desususu
What about the virgin who has no desire to become and is actually quite disturbed with traps while also not thinking they are owed sex or blaming women for their poor luck?
you mean normal virgins?
trap faggots should be gassed desu
Your hypothesis needs some work. I don't think becoming a trap is really that constructive. I think the entire spectrum is mental illness caused by sex deprivation
I'm a MtF but not a virgin. I had sex with a few woman before transitioning, but it always felt super weird being on top. I heard multiple times that I ruined the sex by being too concerned about hurting them the whole time.
So never taken dick?
Would you like to?
I'm not cute enough yet. Its a work in progress.
100% of transgirls I've heard say that where cute and just really shy.
Post pics.
Not whoms't you replied to but you're just thirsty as fuck have some water
>becoming a disgusting failed tranny and destroying your body only to end up killing yourself by 28
Damn right I'm thirsty for qt transgurls. It's a thirst water cannot quench.
It's a brilliant theory. However, I got a few points:
1. Could other dimensions be added, especially to middle ground? I think there are many types of people there. For example MGTOWs who do their own thing and the colorlesspills who become passive. Perhaps active-passive would be another axis in this theory? In that case, I think herbivore men would be somewhere in between the MGTOW and the colorlesspill.
2. What about constructive-destructive people, such as Randy Stair who was secretly a transwoman yet killed others and herself.
3. The Destructive path may not always lead to permavirginity, assuming the person who became the killer survives the attack and attracts hybristophiles who then take his virginity. This might be the case with Alek Minassian, but we don't know that yet.
I would certainly join the club, even with the gay ass name, in order to turn robots to perfection and chadom
She (he) (she) is a double trap.
Hey Kingy, what's your email? I'm developing theories similar to this and it'd be nice to talk to you.
The person on the left is a girl called Anzujaamu
>failed tranny
He could be a successful tranny.
>tfw I touched my dick to a biological woman