Wrists thread

6.5" here. What about you,user?

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I have never seen wrists posted that were smaller than mine

mines are pretty small but i'm feeling too lazy to post it

Nice quads, wristlet basedboy.

6". It looks big if I post it though.

>wristled based boy
wtf everyone in here has been so polite these days. I'm sure it has to do with the ban on trans fags

>that 2d 4d ratio
Are you a girl?

Mine is 5.7" desu

Your wrist is about as thick as my penis

>Zero spatial skills

He's bending his fingers to the left. Are you a roastie?

I posted it before, it's so fucking embarrassing. it makes it worse being a lanklet too. I don't thinnk I have seen wrists smaller than mine yet

Attached: wristlet.jpg (2592x1944, 937K)

Is this you? I need your contact info

Fuck off th /fa/ggot land, fairy:

my wrist is 6"

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Why is his ring finger shorter than his pointer??? isn't that a girl thing?

his index finger is longer though

Thin-wristed lanklets are my fetish.

I have 15 cm, how much is that in retard units?

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Who cares about retard units. You know how to measure things.

^^we cant have shit. Everything men try to keep, they to follow suit. Pathetic desu.

My index finger is longer than my ring one. It simply means you had low prenatal t.

and there's the female coming along to ruin the thread, why can't they let us have anything?

>giving it a you
Just ignore.

that's nice, but I'm not gay user. at least someone out there likes our subhuman genes

What? I'm not a female. Everyone says I have feminine hands, it's that bad?

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I am not a gay guy I just want to hold hands with a qt wristlet

Trim those claws, you sick fag.

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But that would be even more embarrassing, holding hands with someone who has bigger wirsts than you.

Why? I like them, it makes my fingers longer, and I have pretty small hands already

don't know the measurements

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